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Everything posted by Schwaltzvald

  1. Share the specs would ya? It'd be appreciated here!
  2. There's always google But I do understand what you mean as around here the facilities' IT guys managed to block out 2ch as well as 4chan. Those bastards I KNOW YOU CAN READ THIS YOU TURBO NERDS!
  3. Looks more like a ribbon to me but hey whatever works for ya Here's an image of for future reference~!
  4. Pretty much sums it up for me
  5. You know, if you're gonna post that, at the very least make an attempt to actually use the image. Even better if you make a Shift_JIS art of it. In any rate, been enjoying albeit short but sweet.
  6. Oh wow I shouldn't have loled as hard as I did reading that. Wished the recorder on that video could done better than using the guerrilla-style recording there.
  7. In regards to english VA's in games, that I've played at least, I don't think I've ever heard the Howie Scream used at all. Correction... It plays in Starcraft & Broodwars whenever you click on the Terran Academies. Such a huge contrast with that scene in some movie where this guy just walks into the bathroom with a corn dog and yells that howie scream Just for fun here's also the Day9's scream and the Starcraft II Editionand here's still a
  8. It's on par with the good "g-major remixes" out there.
  9. Oh you want obscure? , by Red Alice, that I can think of which plays a song with one of the lyrics going "OH SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT" hilariously imo; even though it's engrish. Also for the sake of keeping things related to the thread at hand... Here's some one exhibiting a real life rendition of pay day!
  10. As if I'd know you'd be working on such a thing. Which game would it have been? PkMn Yellow with Jesse playing the roll of Eve and James as Otacon/Hal..? I don't know if I want to know who you got portraying Sunny, Emma or Johnny/Akiba
  11. Happy Birthday man!
  12. Solid Snivy, Tepig Boss, & Revolver Oshawott
  13. Am I the only one that thinks they should reflect the changes to the console versions as well? At least for those that don't live close to any serious arcade places or SoCal...
  14. It's tagline..? "Originally I designed it to be a marital aid"
  15. That is a good deal, though in my case I'll be getting the $42 over at amazon only because that deal is only available on their online store; and I've had terrible experiences with their online store rather than their brick-&-mortar shops.
  16. If I can take off the face plate art, I'd be sold on it. Nothing against it but even if I'm not looking at it, I have this deep need to change it. As if it's smacking my eyes but in a very obnoxious way.
  17. Okay so I pretty much held back from buying it as at the time the game pad was enough and occasionally borrowing an arcade stick from a friend. Finally got to where I'd rather have my own. Saw a stick that looked reasonably priced but in reading the comments it seems a lot of "unlicensed" accessories were killed in the process, including and even a Hori stick.It's strange to me as the old Nyko Media Hub still works for me just fine.
  18. I find that to be the norm as if you wanted something simple like "Chicken Fried Rice" it's about $6.50 for a small portion. Vocelli's Pizza's "lunch special" costs around $8.50. "Noodle Factory", "Starbucks", "Baja Fresh", "Ledo's Pizza", A Dim Sum I can't spell the name correctly, and "Congressional Deli" range between $5 - $7. Funny thing is Subway, McDonald's, "Crispy n' Juicy", are probably the cheapest of possible "eating out" in my area choices and only one is actually healthy/worthwhile... Oh hey if you ever go to Bethesda, Maryland, stay the fuck away from the "Mongolian Bar & Grill" unless you're comfortable spending your life savings in an instant. Go to the small chinese restaurant around the corner called "Moon Gate". Classy and affordable restaurant I've been to; they even do lunch/carry-out as well.
  19. I actually haven't had the chance to listen to them just yet. Edit: I just realized I don't recognized the guitar that Reimu's holding. :U
  20. I need to buy those albums as they are worth supporting...
  21. Would it kill you to put youtube links..? Raise the Noise I'm Free Where the Sinners Go Long Live the King (Whips out old DOOM collection with ZDOOM to run it) I also cried manly tears... Awesome...
  22. What constitutes "cheesy metal"..? You referring to "nu-metal" or what..? Edit* Hey you reminded there is an album I suppose that would fit "grindcore"..? Pizuya Cell's X Myon Myon's "The Grimoire of Alice" album ~Myth Logic Inginite~ - WEII -World's End Est- Romantic Children ~Resurrection Ballad -Meteralice-~ Another from Pizuya Cell's X Myon Myon "Nuclear Blast" album seperate but. There's also CROWSCLAW's "Darker than Black" album that, holy shit, is too brutal even for me. Not NES tunes but what the hell.
  23. Well then it sounds like I need to construct a small underground train stop and tunnel possibly going through my lower-basements. Unlike the canals, at least the minecart can actually go up with little resistance right?
  24. Or get a real job But hey at least you'd return once again. Seriously though I don't recall drinks being anything more than a $1.30(?) where as Subway would charge something like $1.10(?) around here. Interestingly McDonald's, again around here, would either charge a $1.25 - $1.50 depending on what I order...
  25. How often do you eat at a Wendy's (second personal favorite) though? I'd treat going to Five Guys, or any fast food place, as a once a week thing. I agree that 5 Guys are real pricey. If they had any actual competition I'd imagine they'd lower their prices.
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