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Everything posted by Schwaltzvald

  1. Looks like both generally are worth trying/buying, in particularly Limbo which I can agree. Shame it's not available on the PSN, however Deathspank is.
  2. $10 off? Not bad considering if you buy the DLC as well... In the mean time I'm "borrowing" a copy of SC2 to see if it's worth getting the collector's edition (assuming they're still floating around the shops).
  3. Strangly Amazon's rather late with delivering my copy. Hell I haven't even seen a copy at the retail shops around here. Either they're selling out asap or they haven't seen a copy yet. :/
  4. hmm... HMM... The problem is that the theme for the PM:Frontier song is from a show rather than an actual game. Heck the only rendition of the MK theme that comes to mind had been from the movie. I just don't see it happening at all.
  5. It's pretty much why I said, "Go home Potemkin". Mean while...
  6. Ah I see, I just posted another image in response to your last post on the BB thread; trying to be funny but man that sucks.

    Not saying you should but ever considered working for the govt?

  7. Yeah just go for Continuum Shift version unless you're absolutely compelled to play through the story line in BB:CT. Go home Potemkin
  8. BB:CS Arakune Combo video with accompanying Cut Man Stage remix! God damn it Arakune.
  9. Windows 7 Pro 32-bit Edition Windows 7 Pro 64-bit Edition Pick which one that can be used on your PC. Professional Edition will give the average user everything needed where as the Ultimate Edition provides some extra features but for a bit of extra cash.
  10. That is true as a couple of the games I got for $20, hell I even managed to get Bioshock and the sequel for just $40 thanks to a coupon. The only games I actually bought full retail had been Demon's Souls, Bayonetta, Valkyrie Chronicles and Disgaea 3. The rest were through friends in the retail business giving me a discount as well as coupons through bestbuy that would take $20 to $30 off the original price. Not to mention I waited on a couple of games to get cheap. I will say my worst purchase ever had been "Alone in the Dark" for the Wii ONLY because I was half drunk that time and wandered into a walmart that afternoon with friends.
  11. Never played but I do have Super Ghouls n' Ghosts which can be very frustrating for some; especially that two part level where you're inside some demon's gut. If you're not up for that kind of frustration, based on the video I'd say go for Wild Guns.
  12. I actually prefer owning what games catch my interests rather than renting them.
  13. sadly I have to wait as I'm expecting it to come from the mail. I even bought a $50 PSN card for later use and I didn't even see a copy of it at the bestbuy near my work... also I... I don't even...
  14. Gunpei Yokoi had the good type of "bonkers" though as rather than making overly critical reviews he actually made games from ideas that were available; not from some silly, myopic philosophy from which Kotick espouses disgustingly. Creativity is key here As for Pixelante, the wiki page for that subject speaks for it self.
  15. One in particularly major point is the theme of "frustration" not just in playing the game but what you see what Madotsuki experiences. Like that Toriningen party you see but can't interact with.
  16. Just saying if that ain't a red flag on you I don't know what would be.
  17. I would say it'd have to do with the word choice. To say "his opinion is valid" would mean that his "opinions" are accurate rather than just... opinions regardless if he actually played the game or not. Essentially his "opinion" would be so constructed that what he said cannot be denied without contradiction. Which is not the case here. It'd be better to say, "I can respect your opinion despite me disagreeing with it" as it acknowledges Charles' statement as such, an opinion rather than fact. Or just talking out of my ass this time.
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