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Everything posted by Schwaltzvald

  1. To be fair I first read that as MGS4 and connected that with the earlier statements considering the flak that MGS4 got for the cutscenes. When I reread that seeing MGS3 I was all "WAIT WHAT!?" But yeah I've already had preordered the special edition. Seems like if you do it with amazon, you'd get a $20 off any future game purchase. Or so I saw it when I placed my preorder.
  2. Perhaps but this is after the fact of some reviewers(?) having actually playing the first, eight hours(?) saying it was pretty good. Wait you didn't like MGS3?
  3. So hey there's this recently released trailer of sorts. HOLY SHIT
  4. aww that's a shame. Good to see I was right about it being the funniest thing I've read here.
  6. Absolutely fantastic to see this. Seriously I have high hopes this will be a good sequel; not something I'd willing say for iffy titles. I may even consider getting the console version over the PC version just so I could enjoy the visuals as well as sound/music on a large set with surround sound; more importantly I do hope it's as fun as the original, if not better with tighter controls.
  7. funniest thing I've read on this thread by far Seriously though it looks interesting but no PC version = no interest. Ever since they left the PC it was pretty much easily forgotten by the PC gamers except for the diehard fans finding ways to make private servers for the older games... as well as the machinima folks...
  8. I'd buy it if it manages to play every single PS2 title ever to exist, or at least 95% of them; including the very rare and new ps2 titles...
  9. This reminds me, like anything I've linked to ya earlier in a response pm..? I have a huge library and nothing like sharing that very library to share joy.
  10. http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=31045 I will give you some credit in that you actually posted info...
  11. He probably watches too much TV, besides that... Ad-Block Plus is one of every one's best friends on the Internet... Seriously though I've only ever seen maybe one or two Halo related commercials on TV this whole year.
  12. But is it a fun experience as well..?
  13. So you don't actually read anything game related or just anything related to the K&L series..? Besides, Just got to be selective that's all.
  14. I find this very strange. Not to disagree with the earlier posters as they're right, however in certain events such as Comiket you have bands/groups/artists selling arrangements/remixes of original music seemingly with little to no complaint from the actual creators. Is this just under law of the land or more? Never really thought about it till now.
  15. I don't recall ever hearing it before till the HD remake came out. Not on the SNES/Genesis nor hearing it in the Earthworm PC Redbook edition either. God damn finding decent images on him is annoyingly difficult. I can't seem to find any other source for the track, not even through my usual channels... Even considered recording it either old school or through video/sound capture with me doing my very best dodging ETC's attacks from the dark. So yeah hear any potential on remixing a relatively short theme? Oh yeah here's another link that actually loops the video. Just set the loop from 4:30 to 9:25
  16. I'd call it having standards, but then again ever since seeing that review on Godhand then seeing some Wii shovelware rated higher than Godhand by a large margin...
  17. luke where the fuck are you as you seem to pop up at the least expected moments.
  18. Head on over to the SA forums where as far as I know it pretty much sparked it... Not the speed running the commentary that got thrown in...
  19. On a similar note we have the US Congress, along side other groups such as the RIAA and especially broadcasters pushing for phone makers to hard hack FM Tuners in all phones. Normally I'd see that as something fun to do to push a smart phones' capability but to have authorities demand it..? Oh it's not just for the importance of "emergency purposes" but for commercial businesses as well. Heck Samsung is trying out an idea for 1080p to be available on smartphones via dual-core tech. Why the hell not tool around with the stuff you bought if many others are doing so..?
  20. So no Gran Turismo download content? I know I wouldn't download a car seeing as I don't play nascar simulators but everything else is pretty much free game depending on my needs.
  21. isn't that what speed runs are? Although there are some that are better off giving commentary through text only...
  22. Settle down old man, you might break a blood vessel or hip. There's really no reason to not express curiosity or find ways to get more out of what we have in the first place. If you can custom work on a car to give you better mileage or redo-coding that makes applications work efficiently, all the more reason hackers and yes even crackers are welcomed. I pity the fools who don't explore, ask questions and improve what we have today. The wheel in the form of an idea has not changed since forever, but the actual wheel itself has changed many times over the course of humanity's existence.
  23. This should be emphasized. As for the music industry, I've never shed a tear for it and surprisingly from the artists I've listened to I've yet to hear them bitch or moan I bet these "studies" are dubious at best for one thing. The mere fact that you'd rather bunch both the good and bad into one bin and slap them as dirty, undeserving thieves is exactly one of many things that's wrong with the music industry as well as the tech industry as time marches on. Hell there's a love/hate relationship with shops like gamestop, why are you not decrying their business as damning evidence of developers and publishers losing out money to used games?
  24. Let's put it this way, a lot of good can come out of piracy and slick hackers/crackers beyond the doom and gloom you and AoJ posted.
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