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Everything posted by Schwaltzvald

  1. or Kindergarten Cop?Or if you want to be incredibly technical,
  2. aww only part of it is available... GOnna have to go elsewhere for the whole thing; unless that was the whole thing.
  3. Eh whatever, considering how many posts I've seen about XII being liked the least around here (I actually liked it enough) it's all meaningless.
  4. Who the hell honestly uses Hakumen? Of all the times I've played I've yet to face one that uses him.
  5. Jahkin, there better.
  6. Well let's see... There was the time where I was going through an epic battle against huge odds. Unfortunately I had to scratch a terrible itch but didn't have the foresight to thus costing me a huge score bonus and recognition. Then there was the time I finally completed extra mode for the very first time but had that recognition taken away from me when I died when I thought it it had ended.There also was the time where I learned of a possible blind spot and tried exploiting it for shits and giggles. Needless to say the game pretty much told me and robbed me of a no death run.Finally there was the time where I was really pissed off to the point where despite beating it a couple of times on hard mode back then already.OH WAIT ONE MORE One time as I began settling my self at home coming from work I tossed my belt across the room. Forgot I had left my copy of Persona 3: FES on the couch for me to pick up later on and the belt, in slow motion, slowly descended and smacked the read part (NOT THE LABEL THE GOD DAMN READ SIDE) leaving what looked like a nasty gash with some scraps... Instead of playing it I spent the next two hours using an epoxy for cds and dvds buffing and rebuffing it. Not as planned... Not as planned at all...
  7. How the hell would he be able to top the music score he had for the first game..? It's something that's been bugging me for the past hours since I found out about the sequel.
  8. So after being rather disappointed by the recent Alice flick I decided to look back to an old game. I remember at one point there being talks of making a movie adaptation of the old PC game; whether it would have been good or not is another matter... However, in all of its now relatively hideous and gloriously modified Quake III Arena engine, American McGee's Alice still is as enjoyable as I remembered playing it on Nightmare mode. While reading up some stuff about it I eventually stumbled upon some rumors of a sequel or remake to the original. Sure enough it turns out to be a sequel. At first I found myself rather elated upon the news, but then wondered how would it go as I felt the first game pretty much had done and said everything that needed to be said. I suppose the outcome is uncertain for now...
  9. Ah then save the money in a savings account
  10. I'm actually more concerned about the following happening every once in a good while. If it doesn't then good.
  11. And what did he do with the computer? If he put it back, don't bother with it and get your self a new one. He can't complain for turning down the previous times.
  12. Kinda like Persona 3 in this regard... oh shit...
  13. You could always just replace the damn thing and tell him to quit being a baby about technology.
  14. Beats the regular TW games that are out on the PC/360/PS3 as they nickel and dime you for their DLC. Seriously check out the DLC for the TW games and you'll see how ridiculous it can be.
  15. Finish the game, then you'll be fully justified in complaining about the length as you've actually experienced it.
  16. I know he meant John DiMaggio but some how I'm not bothered by him not voicing tan-Wakka.
  17. I believe we're more focused on the game actually being awesome rather than that... Hell Bayonetta was supposedly better on the 360 yet it's an awesome game on either system.
  18. lawl, if you actually do at least have a PS3, ya may like Yakuza 3. Makes me think of River City Ransom in some ways except incredibly fleshed out.

  19. Ah then you should trying visiting some one and try it out sometime.
  20. Strange as Bestbuy got a good stock of them here, and mine's coming in from the mail in about a day or so. You telling me I'll beat you to playing it before you've had a chance despite my having to wait longer for the mail..? wow... Oh so damn appropriate
  22. As much as how I think little of the Halo franchise, this game doesn't look too bad at all. Seems more like a smoother Quake Wars imo.
  23. Got Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo HD Remix for $4.99 on that day. Holy shit what the fuck kept me from getting into it before I'll never know but it's some good fun.
  24. Looks to be a disc based game which rather amazes me. Man first Demon's Souls and now this.
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