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Everything posted by Schwaltzvald

  1. It's not about finding some one arsed enough to spend that time doing so, it simply won't happen. There've been a few threads before suggesting similar ideas and all were met with a big, fat, no; not without good reason. Just trying to save you the trouble and time you could have spent better upon. Like trying to beat my highscores on Gradius V or something. Edit* Why pigeon hole all the tracks into genres when they can all be a surprise when you listen to them..? At the very least, all the tracks have an opportunity to entertain some one who'd not likely hear it in the first place had it been plopped into a genre section. However, certain games often get certain types of music, or at least most recognizable. Final Fantasy often get classical and rock, Megaman rock and some metal with electronica ect.
  2. Could be done but won't happen anytime soon, if ever.
  3. I take it that PSN is cap-sensitive and I didn't know about it..? I'll try sending it again later. In the mean time.
  4. It's all good, at the very least you now know about it. You can now get all of the Gradius games on the Gradius Collection for the PSP, but for Gradius V you'll have to get it for the PS2. As for R-Type, just get Final R-Type to get the chance to play with practically every single ship that appeared in the series, and some fun ones. I was sure though you've played Final R-type as well...
  5. Hey Gollgagh here's a short clip on Gradius V if you're interested. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IY079Nh2THQ

  6. Ah its cool, ya kinda surprised me as the R-Type and the Gradius series are pretty well known in the shmup genre. Heck they've been around during the NES era and all...
  7. Aki Minoriko being in the Asteroid Harvester and Marisa having the options flying beside her firing lasers should have hinted ya it being Gradius V. I actually though the blue orb in the middle of the ship would have given it away as well. Hmm. edit* Oh yeah did ya accept my request?
  8. I actually had an extensive paragraph or two on my thoughts on MM10. Instead I found this that annotated and showed my thoughts better. The said thoughts start around 7:12 of the vid.Overall fun game and I still like the music; even with the minor keys.
  9. Alright alright I'll get it May as well make up for missing out the action right? Besides it sounds interesting actually; not to mention 5 bucks does not sound bad at all compared to the previous prices.
  10. Like most bosses you'll overcome them soon enough.
  11. NES versions or the recent ones..? Currently trying to do a no death/no bomb/all-spellcard-capture run on Subterranean Animism's . The stage's not so much an issue as Koishi is... As well as that screwing me over on such a run as well...
  12. I was never huge on vidya puzzle games with the exception of the original Tetris game on the PC/Gameboy back then. Plus don't care for bejeweled as much as you do considering that's all I ever see my co-workers play on their downtime. These days I like puzzle games but I've never seriously got acquainted with Panel de Pon and Tetris Attack.
  13. Curiously what's the fascination behind Puzzle Fighter in general? If anything I'm reminded of the puzzle games with Mario World 2 characters and bejeweled to a degree.
  14. As I recall the GC version had the buttons for the shot and jump button reversed; to make matters worse there had been no option to change the controls. As for the PS2 version the only issue had been the load times and occasionally music looping abnormally; or so at least what I experienced at a friends with his copy.
  15. Nintendo made the deal first..? What disappoints me is that they've yet to re-release MM4 on the VC. I avoided the GC version of that collection for a reason but unfortunately missed out the PS2 edition. Then again load times on the classics never sat well with me to begin with. It's fine on newer games but on the classics? Seriously?
  16. Aww no interest in saving poor Roll..?
  17. Sheep Man's stage is rather fun, good music, and heck Sheep Man himself offers a decent challenge. Nonetheless entirely doable with just buster only. As for who's next on the hitlist of mine, only trial and error knows for sure; or maybe I'll get lucky in the buster being enough. I will say though I was forced to use an energy tank during that fight so take that what you will. Either I'm really rusty or Sheep Man puts up a good fight. Oh yeah
  18. Is already out and I'm trying it right now, brb later with info and personal thoughts if any one cares.
  19. Gotta have good reflexes man, plus if you're able to, you can use "Anna's" card to actually slow it down or the others to select a particular element regardless of how fast the wheel goes; though I've only ever seen Flay's card in regards to forcing a fire element to be selected. Other then than I've personally had no trouble with it.
  20. The ?Yeah I'd really like to hear a fully realized rendition of myself as well...Despite making a good remix of it, the GBA synths left me wanting so much more...
  21. So hey finally finished and I have to say I was fully entertained. For the record I've never played a GoW game before but I can find some instances where I'm reminded of a couple of games; in particularly Super Castlevania IV and Ninja Gaiden (the NES game). Keeping a single weapon with subweapons used as spells just keeps me thinking Castlevania, hell the scythe at times extends enough to remind me of the whip; especially what moves are used causing it to extend and morph. The spell referred to as "Sins of the Father" was pretty much Simon Belmont's Cross Boomerang on steroids. The relatively fast pace combat reminded me at times of Ninja Gaiden as well as its quick death-then-back-in-action. No load times after each death. Heck the game barely had load times except for when I slip it in to the PS3 and it starts up. Overall I do wonder, if the ending was any indication, how they plan to continue it. There is Purgatorio and Paradiso of La Divina Commedia left. however... Perhaps John Milton's "Paradise Falls" will come to play instead..? enjoyable game overall imho
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