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Everything posted by Liontamer

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  5. Agreed that the kick's way too loud and distorting the track. Will echo Hemo's comments that this is a fun cover, it just doesn't present much difference with the original song, so there's very little to distinguish it as a creative interpretation of it, at least from the lens of OCR's arrangement standards. Feels more like a traditional remix, so maybe it samples the original's chippy-style instrumentation, I'm not sure. I did enjoy the other instrumentation surrounding the chip though, so this is a successful cover aside from those kicks!
  6. Opens up sparsely with the piano to set the stage for the strings at :24. I like the tone of these samples to start. Let's see if this branches off anywhere interesting. The feeling's a bit stilted over time, but still retaining my interest about 1:15 in, and then things subtly pivot. Not sure if some of the quiet vox padding is slightly & briefly off-key in places, but it could have just been my ears playing tricks on me. Things drop off some at 1:44, and this section's not a bad idea in principle, but it didn't need to go on until 2:14, it could have dropped a few bars and gotten back to the melody more quickly. At 2:14, we get another iteration of the source melody and at this point, the stilted sequencing/timing of the leads and piano was standing out more and I was wanting the arrangement to have more dynamic contrast and more humanization. Speak of the devil, there's an attempt to vary up the presentation with some kicks at 3:39. The beats were too boomy, slightly off-time and had 0 synergy with the other instrumentation, so I was glad they didn't last too long. Pretty anti-climactic end to that theme though, unfortunately. 4:06 changed over to "Theme of Aya". Everything's still very robotic-sounding; somewhat understandable given the source material, but there's more depth to the sounds in the original, whereas these lead sounds are very thin/tinny and the beats are very metronome-like. Be sure to watch the ending cutting off abruptly. There's room to achieve a richer texture with your instrumentation; cool source tune choices, regardless, and I liked hearing your rendition. Lots of room for growth and development, I hope you keep at it!
  7. There's definitely potential, just from an OC ReMix arrangement standards lens, to be more interpretive with the treatment of the composition. That said, from a sound design perspective, this already personalizes the theme quite nicely, even if we're looking for additional aspects of arrangement. Too bad the track also has no real resolution; there's definitely more runway available to iterate on the theme further, perhaps get more interpretive with a second verse. Cool sound upgrade, peshti!
  8. Not sure if the source tune is ineligible for OC ReMix due to being a licensed track not written for the game; would be a shame if so. Super classy source tune, so let's see what's up with this treatment. Breakbeats! Interesting giving the brass a more muted sound and leaning more on the breakbeats and piano, but everything's balanced well, IMO, so none of that observation's a complaint. Interesting to build around just one or two melodic segments, but there's enough textural dynamics to retain my interest. I can see some saying 5 minutes is too long and that it should change up more or explore other areas of the theme. To me, this could use some further variations, however, the interpretation of the theme's already substantive enough. Cool approach, and always love to hear the Rukunetsu spices in play!
  9. The opening doesn't stand apart from the original much, so I'm interested to hear how it branches out; this is just viewing it from the lens of OC ReMix's arrangement standards. The female vocals have more outward power & strength compared to the original song (not better or worse, just a slightly different tone). Loved the lead strings up until 2:00; nice richness to it. Acoustic strings at 2:13 also sounded nice. Piano at 2:27 was obviously sampled, but had reasonable body to it, even if it was too obvious it wasn't real; same critique for the strings at 2:42. The dynamics are there; you could argue this should be even more dynamic, but within a relatively narrower range of contrast, it definitely does its thing, especially with the beats arriving at 3:26 for the big finish. This have a nice added level of intensity & density to distinguish it from the original. Cool stuff! IMO, go ahead and submit this, Mellow Sonic! :-) https://ocremix.org/community/submissions/
  10. I like that the beats have a kind of swung rhythm, but they do plod after a while. New section at 1:04 dragged a lot and the texture felt too empty; the overly fake-sounding string sustains, piano, and kicks all hurt this on a sound quality level. I like the string writing at 1:42 in principle, it's just an ultra fakey sound, and the placement is so loud compared to everything else. Cool rhythmic change at 2:01. I wish the textures were more sophisticated or better padded, because there's so much empty space due to how thin the instrumentation is. Could use more melodic usage of "Hidden Palace" as well. It's a start!
  11. The opening lead is really buzzy; it adds a lot of trailing mud in the high-end frequencies that ends up crowding the soundscape, even though, texturally, there's not much going on. Same with :19, that other line is too muddy. The dropoff at :33's probably my highlight. There's care put into varying the textures, but the overall timing of things still feels stilted and locked to grid, so the energy of the writing is undermined by the rigid timing. Even the stutter synth from :58-1:13, the effect feels passe pretty early on because of the overall timing feeling too robotic. I'm sure prophetik explained it best, as an experienced musician, but despite all the activity going on with the beat-writing, the beats also plodded. Consider examining tutorial or workshopping videos on beatmaking in FL Studio, e.g. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aHOI0c-w_sE The sound design is an improvement from many iterations ago, yet it's going to need some further leaps. You actually can make strong stuff with FL presets, so you don't need different sounds, just better use of what's already available. Listening to something like Rellik's "Mirror and Transparent" from way back, it's all default FL sounds and effects, yet the flow of it all is so much more vibrant: https://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01475. It'll sound like I'm saying Rellik's the bar, when that's well above it, or that you need to adopt his specific writing style. That said, this is still very far from having the writing or production sophistication to get this close to the bar. Keep doing more research & workshopping, and keep learning. NO (resubmit)
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  13. Nothing wrong with others making these kinds of compilations, but they shouldn’t be monetized. Happy to take playlist suggestions; perhaps someone can create them for us to post on our own YouTube. :-)
  14. We don’t want A.I. music: We don’t have a means of easily or accurately identifying A.I.-created music; if there are free services for that, let us know. The two “Red Brinstar” A.I. prompts that you linked as examples didn’t spit out any actual arrangements of that theme. Would have to try other VGM-related prompts to see how much of a threat they are.
  15. AFAIK, they haven't done anything I'm aware of since the VGMix days. They have 4 tracks up on https://vgmixarchive.com, including the Tetris mix you mentioned; just search "Sound Junkie". It appears they were registered on our forums as well; if I have it correct, you can message them on their Instagram page, though they focus on photography now. I hope that's accurate; good luck reaching out!
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