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Everything posted by Liontamer

  1. Let me clarify. All of the source tunes (referred to in the database as "songs") are associated with the first game in their generation. http://ocremix.org/game/508/pokemon-red-version-gb/remixes http://ocremix.org/game/641/pokemon-gold-version-gbc/remixes http://ocremix.org/game/673/pokemon-ruby-version-gba/remixes http://ocremix.org/game/635/pokemon-diamond-version-nds/remixes However, the ReMixes have different game assignments depending on what info we were given from the submitting artists as to which specific game was being tributed. I understand what y'all are getting at, as far as consolidating the games. But most sites referencing these games, while acknowledging their pairs, treat them as distinct entities, so I don't see a big benefit for combining the game entries or labeling everything as one game entry per generation. I'm not the final say, but it's a franchise quirk I can live with, and it doesn't really impede the average person finding Pokemon mixes at a broad level.
  2. We knew about this issue for a while. Firefox always worked properly, but IE & Chrome did not. That said, attaching "?wmode=opaque" to the end of the embedded URL in the code fixes this issue across the board.
  3. Laws like SOPA & PIPA put creative, Fair Use sites like OC ReMix in jeopardy. The concerns of copyright holders, while important, do not justify the theft of domains, punitive action without evidence, or other abuses of power and compromise of due process. STAND TOGETHER against laws that will irreparably damage a free and open internet. LEARN MORE: http://americancensorship.org https://www.google.com/landing/takeaction http://www.screwattack.com/StandTogether
  4. It's not my call, but this seems pretty negligible. Most people would look up "Pokemon," not drill down to Pokemon Blue. If someone was specifically inspired by the DX version, their remix would be associated with LA: DX as the game, but the source tune in the database would be associated with the original LA. So we acknowledge the game being honored, but respect where the source tune originally came from as well when the same song is used the same way across a couple of different games. http://ocremix.org/game/508/pokemon-red-version-gb/remixes All of the songs are listed as the first Pokemon game in the pair, in that case, Red. For the core Pokemon games, that means all the mixes for a particular generation would be found with Red, Gold, Ruby, Diamond, and Black. Just my opinion, but that seems to cover it just fine.
  5. Each of these titles were sold separately, so I'd rather they stay separate.
  6. The mixing needs another pass to tweak some things. I thought the levels were too loud overall and the soundscape sounded a little too compressed, IMO. The lead vocals are definitely mixed too dry during the verses, they're better during the bridges, yet they're kind of buried during the later choruses. Also, during the verses, the bassline's the main instrumentation providing the Ryu theme, but it mixed so low that the source tune's end up too downplayed. Agreed with OA about the "yeah" sounding like a burp. We'll live. For the echo effect at the very end at 3:16, the vocals need to sound wetter and trailing to get that distant, fading effect that would really make it sound sweet. What's here now sounds a little rushed without that attention to detail. It's a minor thing and doesn't affect the vote much. Otherwise, this is an amazing arrangement. Even the little note changeups, which will bug some people (fuck off), are awesome and just add more personalization to the treatment here. Great lyrics, great energy, awesome performances. I agreed with all of DragonAvenger's crits (except the transitions), but this was a clear YES, IMO, that just need a fresh set of ears to take another listen and refine that mixing so everything's sounding its best. Awesomez. YES (conditional)
  7. Unpredictable Trey Cowherd Killer Instinct Killer Instinct main theme music (Mood Mix) Killer Instinct man theme music ------------------------------------------------------------- The track's mixed too loudly, and the high-end is blistering hot. That needs to be fixed first. The build was, admittedly, a bit plodding, but when things picked up at 1:16 with a more new-agey slant to it with some of the sounds, things were a little more interesting. There wasn't much going on arrangement-wise beyond using the melody verbatim with changing instrumentation, and then morphing and evolving the sounds around it. That said, what was here sounded valid enough, IMO, as far as an approach to personalizing the arrangement, though I could see how it would set people's alarm bells off. IMO, the arrangement is headed in the right direction, but there needs to be some more interpretive development of the source, either by more melodic variation or somehow incorporating other sections of the source tune. Quite an extended dropoff section to close it from 3:18 to 4:13 as the source tune disappeared and various instruments were removed. I know what you're going for with the dropoff, as it's a genre staple, but it's still pretty long for a dropoff given that it's nearly 25% of your entire track length. Cut some of the fat with this dropoff section, fix the levels, and add some new ideas to the meat of the arrangement to provide futher development and finish strong with this. Good potential here, Trey. See if you can tighten this up. NO (resubmit)
  8. Mixer Name: Ludwig Von Koopa Real Name: Mikie Email Address: User I.D.: http://ocremix.org/forums/member.php?u=44337 Name Of Game: Super Mario Bros. Name Of Arrangement: Where The Koopa Shell Am I??? Name Of Song: Underworld, Under Water, Bowser's Castle Additional Info: Super Mario Bros. was the best game in the series. I loved the music to it and decided to try again. Hopefully this time y'all will like what you hear. If not, back to the drawing board. ------------------------------------------------------------ Underground BGM - Underwater BGM - Castle BGM - I liked the arrangement for the most part, but the mixing ended up sounding pretty dreadful. There's no high end, everything is muffled and distorted,with a bit of clipping during the loudest parts as well. The Underground section had some cool chiptune usage doubled with the synth, along with some simple but good countermelodic writing at :28. The extra part added in at :57 was a good idea, but was too loud compared to the melody. The transition to the water music at 1:26 was pretty weak; not much of a flow from theme to theme; what's there sounded pretty awkward as a theme change. Lots of distortion/clipping going on once we got into this section. I'm not sure if the mixing was done like this to cover up the fact that there's little going on texturally. The percussion that's here doesn't anchor this and drive it forward, so while the soundscape is pretty crowded, the textures end up sounding pretty sparse when you break them down. The transition from Underwater to Castle BGM at 2:45 was better, since you created an actual original segue. Gotta make a better ending instead of just abruptly stopping the melodic arrangement and having the track cut off. I like your potential with arrangements, Mikie, where you have some pretty solid melodic interpretation with these sources. Improve the transition at 1:26. The sequencing was rigid the entire way, and needs to be smoothed out some so the song has more flow to it. But the production is the main problem. Take your stuff to the Workshop forum for game arrangements and ask people with much more experience how you can clean up this extremely low quality sound that ends up dragging your arrangement down. You've got to get the fundamentals of production under your belt. NO
  9. I'd have to hear it and just how heavily the sampling is tied to the overall arrangement. Seems case by case to me, just offhand.
  10. This is for posted & aspiring OC ReMixers, and I'm interested in your thoughts. 1. Why do you think so many people submit and share their remixes to OCR? 2. Why do YOU do it?
  11. Yes, but this line of thinking would involve not jumping to insane conclusions in bad faith, and we can't have that.
  12. By only having indie game composers that Rekcahdam and we knew recruited for a concept album with a specific vision, that project was elitist and wrong. I also think such an approach is bad PR for OC ReMix, because people will be angry with pitchforks that not everyone who would have wanted to be on a Zelda 25th anniversary album got to be on it, as was their God-given right. (See? It always sounds silly. )
  13. Just pointing out a couple of things, which have been laid out by other staff: * There is no inferior/superior labeling of these projects. There are only closed and open recruitment styles. Closed recruitment isn't mutually inclusive to elitism, it's just another recruitment style. We're not going to penalize project directors for working with people they know. Not every creative effort is done through open recruitment. Welcome to the real world. * Bigger picture, not every free game arrangement fan album is published through OC ReMix. And even though that would be awesome, OC ReMix not entitled to be told about everything made by people who are involved in this community. And, yet, no one has died. It's OK! * The reasoning for complaining about an album having to be open recruitment is the same reasoning to argue that we need to lower the judging bar to accept a higher percentage of submissions just because OC ReMix is popular and that somehow makes the site obligated to publish everyone's submissions. * I agree that when the Bad Dudes do their albums, that they are douches for not inviting everyone and just doing them among their group. How DARE they? DOWN WITH THE BAD DUDES! No. And they're both community albums. Your butt always hurts.
  14. I've only heard this now, but concur with the other Js. Great arrangement that really picked up in interpretation in the 2nd half, but IMO was even where it needed to the be with the approach of the first section due to the personalization involved. I agree with Palp that it needs a volume boost, so I'm just throwing that in there, but if that's not possible, I'll live. The piano realism could definitely be improved, but what's here works. Great arrangement, Hunter! YES (conditional) EDIT: Got a slight volume bump from Hunter for the track, and we're good to go! YES
  15. Hey Mike, thanks for hitting me up. I emailed you the votes to look at, so when you read those and look more into the viability of the project file, let me know what you want to do. New version is definitely improved. Thanks to all the judges for the feedback that helped Mike tweak this! And it is... GO!
  16. Got home from my drive about half an hour ago, and just had to mention that this was the best MAG EVER. Not even gonna make a list, I'm just looking forward to next year. EDIT: OH YEAH, Will/shaggy got a shot of me getting put in a full nelson by Uematsu-san! Legendary. https://plus.google.com/photos/116294723695410258054/albums/5694292961025407473/5695438215372257538?banner=pwa
  17. @Quantium,: It's a feature, not a bug.

  18. All the updates in the OP have already been applied to my collection of mixes. Once we're finished and good to go with doing these replacements, you'll see that everything has been overhauled and fixed.
  19. http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=38274 For Susie. This should help on some level. Rock!
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