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Everything posted by Liontamer

  1. That pic's getting slammed by traffic. Someone should host it on their own.
  2. It'll be out this year. I'm waiting for one big batch of WAVs to update, and then we should be ready to go. Hopefully within the next month we roll this out.
  3. Hahaha, love that FF7 pic. And that Deia getting me in trubba being all up ons was the origin of the Stevobomb. Happy birfday, (not) Mega Beardo!
  4. My stopwatch had you at about 170.25 seconds of source usage with 261 seconds of the track, so 65.23%. Since you asked. If there was any doubt, it wouldn't have been a direct post. Like Dave said, the arrangement was very additive, but it was certainly a fitting direction to take it in. Love the source tune, and loved the wank!
  5. I'm assuming you mean OC ReMixes? If so, I can send you a list later today.
  6. Not sure if the production "issues" are really that much of a dealbreaker, and a lot of y'all are wrong on the arrangement. I had trouble making it out entirely as well, but after stepping back from it a while ago and coming back fresh on it 2 months later, some of the stuff I felt was liberal was pretty obvious, so perhaps others need to go back to this and give it a fresh listen. I thought OA had the best NO regarding how he felt the source was treated (it's present, just not dominant enough), but the others NOs on arrangement seem to just say the source simply wasn't there enough. A NO on arrangement is looking like a really bad call, IMO.
  7. Thanks for pointing those out. Something else to look at.
  8. I'm just going to clarify/back up what the other Js said. Jordanius: Seems like you want to revise Gitaroo Man... again? If the changes aren't drastic, we don't need to revote. If they are a major overhaul, like your past major overhaul, we'd need to revote. At some point, I'd call it a wrap if I were you, BUT it's your arrangement, so if you need to do some more to get it where you need it, that's fine, just keep us in the loop by mailing the judges about how it's going. Just reply to our previous conversation from the judges mailbox and I'll see it. Strader: We generally post the album versions of mixes, so as long as your lossless version reached the project people, we'll also get it. Also, though we prefer MP3 submissions, I have no problem encoding other people's WAVs if they need a higher bitrate but don't know the ins-and-outs of how to encode. If needed, they can always talk to me about that.
  9. <djpretzel> post-vb4, for sure Pretty durr, so just wait for it, Goghagalla [sic].
  10. Our policy at OC ReMix is no ID3v1 tags on ANYTHING. They died in a fire.
  11. I was about to say, the implication is it's something else, because all the individual OC ReMix postings work fine according to him, so that would mean it isn't necessarily a bitrate issue. Anyone else having these kind of problems with MP3 CDs of OC ReMixes or OCR albums in their car stereo?
  12. I will gladly continue being silly. Credit where credit is due means no undue credit.
  13. Dunno what drum samples those are for the first half, but I've always hated that snare tone. Never seems to have enough realism and body. Oh well. The guitar work was kind of thin and grating and the piano sound lacked realism. Those were the production negatives that stuck out, but nothing was near a dealbreaker issue. The way all of the elements were put together so cohesively (downplaying the issues) really helped in those regards. Was feeling the arrangement, which retained a lot of the dynamic ideas and energy of the original while definitely presenting it in a unique and interpretive style. The final section from 3:01 until the end really finished things strongly. Nice work on transforming this deadly aria. He can has long YES
  14. I made a new thread, since the old one got bahleeted somehow. Someone on YouTube pointed out that there was no review thread.
  15. Necro'd! We're getting a lot closer to re-releasing the ReMixes than when I first made this thread. Along with mailing me at larryoji@ocremix.org, this is the place to hook me up with better quality encodings of your past ReMixes. READ THE FIRST POST
  16. Indeed, this is some b00lshit. Hopefully James is able to see this through; this is terrible news, and pure greed from The Escapist.
  17. José is the most important staffer on OCR besides djp, as far as making what we do look major league when it comes to trying to promote the artists and projects. Can't thank him enough for being a complete badass! Happy birfday!
  18. Adding to this, even though DragonAvenger covered it well. You're entitled to your opinion, but that doesn't make it right. You'd be absolutely right that some segment of fans behave that way. That's exactly why we don't use public opinion to decide what's posted on the site. A lot of people wouldn't care if the source tunes were used most of the time, as long as some reference was there or the music sounded cool. But that's not how we, the staff, evaluate submissions. "Intense Color" uses the source tune from :00-:12, :15.5-:30, :44-1:28, 1:42-1:56, 2:15-3:31, 3:39-3:55, 3:56-4:09, i.e. most of the time. It's one thing to complain about the mood being different, there's no doubt. But don't say the source tune isn't even there. You might as well claim the sun isn't hot. For CotMM, the source tunes are there, he uses those sources extensively. I get what you mean, Overflow, but that's not to say the themes aren't being used. PaRappa the Rapper 'Cookin' with Fire' by Navi was a track where I initially had the same reaction as you. But we don't JUST look for the main melody or the most obvious parts of the sources to be used [despite some people claiming that's all we do ], and we take the time to look deeper. In Navi's case, he arranged material from the sax line of Cheap Cheap and had his own original lyrics on top of that. So a lot of people would be looking for Navi's rapping to resemble the rapping from Cheap Cheap, when that's not how the source tune was used. The bassline and old-timey piano in Navi's mix are playing slowed down notes from the sax line in Cheap Cheap. --------------------------------------------------- Wikipedia's entry on "Arrangement" also articulates what the community here does. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arrangement - We don't do "remixes." OC ReMixes are arrangements, even though the arrangements here are casually referred to as "remixes" because of the site's name. Your beef is with "drastically altered" arrangements, and that's fine, but they're valid arrangements just the same even if you can't tell how the themes are used. As I said on YouTube, the point isn't necessarily to have the arrangement sound exactly like the original song. If you just want it to sound like the original song, listen to the original song. If your nostalgia kick is only satisfied by close arrangements, you'll still find a lot of enjoyable OC ReMixes, but close arrangements aren't the only thing the community does. Just like many official Japanese VGM arrange albums, we have a lot of very interpretive arrangements as well. We don't post music where the source tunes are barely used, that would be stupid and would undermine the whole point of the site. You can't highlight VGM as an art form if you're not even using the actual themes. EDIT: If we wanted to make money (which none of us ever have), we'd sell the music regardless of licensing.
  19. What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix.
  20. Just hearing this again on RadioSEGA. DAYUM, just a very smart, creative arrangement. Still loving this one!
  21. Just got a mail from Josh today with a further revised version thanks to feedback from Level 99. ------------- Improved EQ version of "Above the Clouds" (Ufouria remix) Hi Larry, Attached is the final version of my "Above the Clouds" remix. I tried to implement the EQ changes Stevo suggested in the WIP thread, and as a result we both feel the song is now fuller and clearer. Apologies for taking so long, but I wanted to hear back from Stevo and get confirmation on the improvements before sending it to you. Thanks! -Josh Freund (Drakken) PS I know it's not "official" yet, but I'm thrilled to see my song in the To Be Posted queue.
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