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Everything posted by Liontamer

  1. Definitely some noticeable distortion around 1:53-1:55 (with some lighter distortion afterward), though it wasn't a huge deal. I thought both the dynamics & tone of the transitions from DuckTales to Chrono Trigger were jarring both times it happened, with the transitions from Chrono Trigger back to DuckTales being a bit better. Not as cohesive and flowing as it should have been, but what's here was still solid enough from an arrangement and interpretation standpoint. Interesting combination of themes, bros. YES
  2. I never got that message, so it depends what e-mail address you mailed. We could definitely use Portuguese submissions instructions, so, YES, we would definitely appreciate your help! Go for it!
  3. Ha! I do, in fact, need a clone. Sorry about the levels. For some reason, we weren't able to get a proper audio check before the panel, and the audio was only able to be connected 8 minutes after the panel was already supposed to have started. So whoever was on Otakon staff that was managing the levels didn't have much time to refine things before we had to get moving with the performance. That said, we're really glad you were feeling it overall! To next year and beyond!
  4. We'll fix that soon. The MP5 was wrong because we had to re-upload the mix with a tag correction very shortly after posting it. We'll get to after Otakon, but thanks for the heads up, y'all!
  5. Uematsu-san was humble enough that he didn't want to decide the fate of the winner, so I've taken it upon myself to have a staff member use random.org to randomly select our winner. We've sent our email, so hopefully we hear back. If we don't by the end of Monday (EST), we draw a new winner.
  6. We're going to interview Nobuo Uematsu THIS AFTERNOON! We're going to have Uematsu-san himself randomly pick the winner thanks to random.org! When we have our winner, we'll post who the lucky guy or gal is, so keep your eyes and ears peeled for this weekend!
  7. No, you can send it back whenever. That said, keep in mind we're NOT the Workshop forums, so don't use us like them. Don't rush what you're working on.
  8. Much love and birthday wishes to your newfound oldness!
  9. We don't have too many holidays in OCR-land, but djp's birthday is one of them, so post your birfday well-wishes and grim reaper abacus pics! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, David J. Pretzel, thanks for starting OC ReMix.
  10. Why? Can't say that makes much sense. If you were in a club setting, the other people wouldn't be chanting "Bounce" back at whoever was saying it, they'd be bouncing.
  11. It's a locked thread. It's not meant to be posted in.
  12. http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=33686 In the works.
  13. How about no? You see what I did there?
  14. Friday, August 26 to Sunday, August 28 Washington State Convention & Trade Center, Seattle, WA http://www.paxsite.com/paxprime/ OCR joins the 8th annual PAX Prime in Seattle for our 5th PAX panel! And we're appearing for not 1, but 2 big panels! We've got a BAJILLION tricks up our sleeve! PANEL 1! The Mainstreaming of Video Game Music Raven Theatre Friday, August 26, 3PM What was once commonly dismissed as "beeps and bloops" back in the day is now a veritable industry of its own. Video game music is drawing more attention, revenue and acclaim, even getting its own category in the Grammys. Careers in game music are more viable than ever, in large part due to the boom in indie, downloadable and mobile games. Come and hear a wide range of perspectives on game music as "mainstream", from artists who perform, write and help popularize game music. Panelists Include: Raheem Jarbo (Mega Ran), Luke Esquivel (A_Rival, Wave Theory), Danny Baranowsky (Super Meat Boy, Cave Story 3D), and David Lloyd & Larry Oji of OverClocked ReMix! PANEL 2! OC ReMix: Making Sweet, Sweet Love to Video Game Music Since 1999 Raven Theatre Saturday, August 27, 12PM You like video game music? Koji Kondo? Nobuo Uematsu? Of course you do, they're awesome. Come on down and celebrate the greatness of VGM with OC ReMix founder David “djpretzel” Lloyd, head judge Larry “Liontamer” Oji & OCR's elite staff of video game music ninjas! Whether you want to create OC ReMixes, compose for indie & pro video games, or just listen to badass game music, we're here to bestow advice and recommend awesome music. Get the scoop on upcoming OC ReMix albums from soundtracks like NiGHTS, Mega Man X, Donkey Kong Country 3, and Final Fantasy 9! You can also win FREE limited edition physical copies of our Sonic the Hedgehog album, The Sound of Speed (Sonic 1, son!), as well as other merch for people that are awesome at our SECRET CHALLENGE. Come rock out with us & win some swag! Panelists Include: djpretzel, Liontamer, Big Giant Circles, Nutritious, Level 99 OC ReMixers attending: djpretzel A_Rival Big Giant Circles Danny Baranowsky Level 99 Liontamer Mega Ran Nutritious SCHEDULE! (coming soon)
  15. http://magfest.org http://magfestubersystem.com/magfest/schedule/ THURSDAY, 1/5, 6-7PM - Panels 2 Submission philosophy of OC ReMix vs. Dwelling of Duels The submission policies of OverClocked ReMix are often a hotly contested topic, especially with the rise and fall of VGMix, and the continuing growth of Dwelling of Duels. The moderators of the two sites will sit together on a panel and discuss/debate their strengths and weaknesses. HINT: Our strengths are we love everything. Their weakness is assuming everything here is BOOM HISS BOOM HISS "E" GLOW STICKS HOORAY TEKNOZ PRODUCTION BIAS! THURSDAY 1/5 LATE NIGHT into FRIDAY, 1/6, 12-1:30AM! - Panels 3 OverClocked After Dark! Join David, Stevo, Brian, and the rest of the OverClocked After Dark crew for a live taping of the show. Audience participation HIGHLY encouraged. Featuring: contests with prizes, fanfic reading, "gamerage corner," guest interviews, and a whole lot more! JUDGEHATE FANFIC? OH, BABY! FRIDAY, 1/6, 11:30AM-12:30PM - Panels 2 OC ReMix: HOW I CAN MAKE VIDEO GAME MUSIC REMIXES?!? Join staff & artists from the OverClocked ReMix community for a live one hour workshop, as we discuss how we ReMix our favorite video game music. We'll cover the basics of getting started, including software & hardware, and then BAM take it up a notch with some more specific topics like mastering, dubstep wobbles, humanization & quantization, subtractive synthesis, stutter FX & MORE! LERN 2 MUSIC! GET KILLER STUDIO CHOPS! FRIDAY 1/6 LATE NIGHT into SATURDAY, 1/7, 12AM-WHENEVER WE STOP, NO TIME LIMIT, BABY! - Panels 3 OC ReMix: Having Freaky, Consensual Intercourse with VGM Since 1999!! What do Wild ARMs, Mega Man X, Final Fantasy 9, and Donkey Kong Country 3 have in common? They're all recent or upcoming FREE albums from OC ReMix! Join us for live performances, highlights of community projects, exclusive announcements, the world's second (known) Cheetahmen II championship, trivia, prizes, Larry shouting at people, and so... much... MOAR!! We're taking our talents to late night! --------------------------------------------------------- MOAR VGM & AWESOME STUFF (INCOMPLETE LIST & NOT INCLUDING CONCERTS, GO TO ALL OF THOSE) Video Game Music as a Genre FRIDAY, 1/6, 10-11AM - Panels 1 Indie Game Music Listening Party Hang out with indie composers and listen to their previous and current works. Hear music from and meet the composers of Super Meat Boy, Scrolls, Retro City Rampage, Mass Effect 2 and more! ThaSauce Meet Up FRIDAY, 1/6, 10AM-12PM - Panels 3 ThaSauce is a news portal for the video game remix community. Additionally ThaSauce features a "compo" system to encourage users to hone their composition skills in a friendly competitive environment as well as hundreds of video game arrangements not available anywhere else. This year they will be talking about some exciting new features that will hopefully change the way you experience the video game remix scene. Orchestral Game Music & Society FRIDAY, 1/6, 1-2PM - Panels 4 Join members of the country's first collegiate orchestra dedicated to game music performance for a discussion of various topics surrounding orchestral game music, including its roles in education, popular culture, and the video game industry as a whole! Too Ugly For YouTube: Video Game Radio FRIDAY, 1/6, 3-4PM - Panels 5 Broadcast Excitement! Learn the ins and outs of webcasting heroes Arecibo Radio and 8bitX Radio. Talk shop with the hosts of each awesome show, find out how you can pitch your own idea and get your very own timeslot, and hear all about the pros and cons of internet radio versus terrestrial airwaves. Video Game Name That Tune 8 FRIDAY, 1/6, 5-7PM - Panels 3 Do you know your video game music? Are you sure? Join host Tim Ekkebus and the game-tune spinning Zeiram, to test your memory of some of your favorites, and some that aren't. Will you make it to the final round? Extra Credits Q&A FRIDAY, 1/6, 6-7PM - Panels 2 Daniel Floyd (OC ReMixer sephfire) and James Portnow, the fun guys behind PATV series, "Extra Credits" may not know what they're in for at their very first MAGFest, but you can be sure they'll have plenty to say on the inner-workings of video games. Bad Dudes SATURDAY, 1/7, 9:30-10:30AM - Panels 4 Bad Dudes Music presents their official 2012 panel. Featuring some of the most prominent names in the remix scene, the panel details the group's upcoming releases, side-projects, and more. It'll also provide an unprecedented look at their workflow, from writing and arranging, to managing and producing a full-length album. Grant Kirkhope Q&A SATURDAY, 1/7, 11AM-12PM - Panels 2 The composer of such RARE classics as "Goldeneye," "Banjo-Kazooie," "Perfect Dark" (and other non-RARE titles) will have a wealth of wisdom, stories and information to offer on both his profession and video games in general. Indie Game Musicians Protips and Q&A SATURDAY, 1/7, 2:30-4:30PM - Panels 1 Composers from the Indie Game scene will be discussing topics of their choosing, ranging from breaking in to their tips for great audio execution. Meet the composers for Scrolls, Super Meat Boy, Bastion and more! BRENTALFLOSS FAQ LIVE! SATURDAY, 1/7, 3-4PM - Panels 4 Internet nerd icon BRENTALFLOSS leads a loosely-formatted Q & A with sneak peeks at upcoming projects as well as a buttload of free candy. James Rolfe: The Angry Video Game Nerd SATURDAY, 1/7, 6-7PM - Panels 3 James Rolfe, the Angry Video Game Nerd and founder of Cinemassacre.com answers all your questions.
  16. I like this one in a vacuum, but it always felt too liberal to me. Would love to see an arrangement breakdown of this one. That said, an oldie but goodie cut!
  17. I've heard it already, but make whatever changes you have and hook it up. Mail me at larryoji@ocremix.org when it's done.
  18. Chernabogue: We did a stealth edit, but added yours to the panel anyway since we just messed up the date we were up to.
  19. I doubt that'll work. Because we're fixing most of the filesnames of everything before, say... #1600, there's gonna be a lot of files in the new torrent where stuff doesn't match up with filenames. Aside from a more technical solution I wouldn't know, the main thing nearly all the old versions and updates versions of the files will share is the "Set Subtitle" field, which is where Dave has always put the unique OCR ID # of the mix. There were maybe 2 or 3 mixes where the ID number was typo'ed that I fixed, but otherwise that's a unique identifier that should be able to be matched up through a program like MP3tag.
  20. You can't just throw it out there like that. I wanna see.
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