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Everything posted by Miletus

  1. 1:58 spoils it all for me, I'm afraid. It's an unwritten rule that I must automatically hate any song with those sounds in it. Sorry, dude.
  2. If I heard this in a club I know it'd remind me of Super Metroid. But I hope ocremix doesn't get any more liberal than this. A load of the songs on VGMIX don't seem to even have the original tune in them. A nice song, overall.
  3. Nice song... I love how the theme emerges. Best of all, we're inching ever closer to a Deus Ex remix... at which point my life is complete.
  4. I love the acoustics comin in at 1:00. I don't like the metal genre too much, but this was good.
  5. I bet now having said all this we're going to find out she's 10 or something.
  6. Must... have... sex... with... singer's... voice.. Good mix.
  7. Is it true Paige is female? I heard a rumour.
  8. I love this track, you wouldn't believe how many times I've played it. The style's great. It just doesn't get old. I especially like the spiralling-down bit at 1:24 (that returns later on in the song)
  9. Nice mix. I swear I hear 'white power, white, white power, white, white power, white, white power' about 1.4 minutes in, said over and over again. Suspicous.
  10. 1. It seems more enthusiastic, which fits Ken and the song better, in my opinion. 2 kinda loses it's pace about 3/4s the way through whereas with 1 it's kept up throughout.
  11. I might take that and raise it to a sounds exactly the same either way.
  12. I think you're taking this a little too seriously. It's more like the song Ken would listen to before he goes into a street fight, of self-empowerment. If you want it to inspire you somehow just take Ken as a generic name. Realize you're mecca!
  13. Whatever the original is this is a great song. I don't see the point of the static at the start, it gets a little repetitive and the ending is abrupt. But you mix from one genre to the other really well (actually i'd say trance and classic are pretty similar genres but never mind) and it's all done expertly. BTW, for anyone without CD ripping abilities who already owns the Crono Trigger OST and wishes for a backup of one of the tracks from that CD (such as say, The Day the World Revived) they can get them here. They don't sound all that similar though.
  14. I agree. There's very much a beauty in simplicity here, and it's wonderful to see the composer avoiding all the temptations of adding complications that would've destroyed the essence of the piece.
  15. Wow. Even though it wasn't a particlarly 'emotive' song I actually got goosebumps. Just wish it was longer.
  16. An excellent mix. You've got that cool cyberpunk streets of rage style close to perfection.
  17. I've been becoming slowly suspicious lately that the stuff I hear at OCRemix is actually significantly better quality than anything else you can hear in the charts, or in fact just about anywhere these days. This track confirms my suspicion. All I can say is we have a very odd distribution of talent and success in today's world, musically speaking.
  18. Nope, even before I read your post it reminded me of Monkey Island. Specifically, LeChuck's theme. Quite good mix though.
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