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Everything posted by Theowne

  1. Well, the gist that I got from elsewhere is that low priced monitors won't be any use anyways, apparently. So maybe I'll get some money out of my EWQLSO Gold savings, and get some up for better monitors. $1000 though, not sure if I can go that high....anyone have any advice about a good pair of monitors for about $500 (for the pair)?
  2. It's not that hard at all. I don't have to pay for rent or food, and with a job working a few days a week, you get around $500 a month. All you have to do is save money. It's not difficult. Yeah, sometimes I do share stuff with my girlfriend when we should buy separate copies, but it's very annoying to go around accusing everyone of piracy. When I start living on my own, sure, I won't have enough cash like I do now, but that's why you start early. And besides, if I did, I would have gotten better then crappy EWQLSO silver anyway. And I've seen your stuff, by the way. Why do you have a monopoly on having good stuff without automatically being a pirate?
  3. yes i pirated my toothpaste and kitchen sink sorry
  4. Compyfox, are you an insecure closet pirate or something? I think it's known that a person will keep insulting a group of people to deflect attention away from one's self (after all, a rabid homophobic is the last one would expect to be gay) There still does exist people who pay for stuff. I know it may be hard for you to grasp, but it does happen. Yeah, it may seem cool to go into a thread and pretend that you know everyone's secret warez habits, it's a little less cool for the person who has actually had to work hard for their stuff, to be accused of it. Reminds me of Argitoth's comments towards the guy with cancer.
  5. Programs: Cubase SX2 Wavelab Ozone Libraries: Spectrasonics Atmosphere Stormdrum EWQLSO Silver (saving up for Gold) Virtual Guitarist Colossus Swarplug Malmsjo Acoustic Piano other stuff I'm forgetting at the moment Actual Instruments: Tabla Set Mridangam (other indian drum) Djembe (african drum) Piano (Steinway) Assorted weirdo percussion creations of mine
  6. P.S., if you're wondering why I'm asking so many questions lately, it's because I'm getting a money increase soon and I want to get some decent equipment while I have the $$$. Anyways, first about mixers - do I need one? This may seem like such a basic and newbie-ish question, but honestly I have never really seen the need for one. I only use one MIDI controller and one microphone, plugged directly into my soundcard. The rest is all on the computer, I don't have other hardware components. Though I may be getting another MIDI controller also. So do I need to buy a mixer, and if so, for what purpose? Secondly, about monitors, I posted this in the other thread too but not a lot of response there. Can you get a decent, workable pair of monitors for somewhere around 200 to 350 dollars? I was actually looking at M-Audio's Studio Pro 4 or DX4, but apparently they're not good? Thank you.
  7. After reading through posts here, I think I will go ahead and purchase the M-Audio 61-key semi-weighted controller. Thanks for the replies.
  8. Where did you hear that? I've looked all over the net, so far I've only seen good reviews about the sound (except for ones about malfunctioning and such) So what kind of monitors you reccomend, that don't cost five hundred bucks?
  9. What do you all think of M-Audio's Studio Pro 4s as low budget reference monitors?
  10. I already have a (actual) piano, so I don't think realism is my main concern with a MIDI controller. I already knew about weighted keyboards, emulating a piano, etc. So does semi-weighted simply mean "heavier then a cheap MIDI keyboard, but lighter then a real piano"? If I work with many different virtual instruments, would it be better to go for no weight at all, or to even out and get a sem-weighted controller. P.S., Yes, I was looking at the 61 key M-Audio semi-weighted keyboard which prompted me to ask before I thought about buying.
  11. Yeah, that's what I was thinking too.....But that's more about weighted controllers in general....I'm talking about this "semi-weighted" stuff.....which I don't know what it means....
  12. Hi, can someone quickly inform me of how a Midi controller is "semi-weighted"? How can something be half weighted? Would you all reccomend semi weighted controllers for music production?
  13. Thanks for the mic info. About the drum, well, it's pretty simple really. The left end produces low & more powerful bass sounds, while the right hand is played with more delicate fingering, and produces higher sounds, and has clearly pitched sounds it can produce with different overtones (like a tabla). The right side has more distinct timbres, while the left is relatively simple like a bass drum. So is it possible to use both a condensor mic and a dynamic mic together without causing too much problems? Or would it be a better idea to simply do what you mentioned earlier and get another condensor mic like the one I have currently?
  14. So condensors = detail, dynamic = power. So then, would it be good to get a dynamic mic for the bass end (left, which is "powerful"), and a condensor for the treble end (right, which is "detailed")? Or would that just make a mess?
  15. One microphone is probably okay for the tabla, since it is played upright and I can just put a mic between them. But the second one isn't played like that, and the sides are very rich with overtones, and that's the main issue, is that if I don't put the microphone facing the head directly, it won't catch some of it's sound texture. So I think your double mic suggestion will go better. Now the microphone I have right now is an M-Audio Pulsar mic. Is there any mic that would be better suited for this or percussion in general?
  16. Need a suggestion. Since I took a trip to Asia I have been learning two kinds of Indian drums, both with two heads. Tabla Mridangam So I'd like to record these, now with the first it's not really an issue, but the second definitely because there are two opposite ends, no chance of catching them both up clearly with one mic. So this is an aspect I'm not too familiar with. Would I have to get two seperate microphones and hook them up together? Or are there any products specifically made for this sort of thing?
  17. Are you being funny or something...? It's a thread......where you post requests for samples.....like this one.... Anyways.....do you want a free violin sound?
  18. Free? ALso there's a sample request sticky right up there you know.
  19. Why is this so forgotten? The last comment is from 04? Come on people! This is amazing!
  20. Yes you can use soundclick and file front etc, but those personally seem like too much of a hassle to me. I also noticed soundclick modifies your files, something I also don't like. When I submitted something about an year ago, I just signed up for a quick account on angelfire, uploaded it, then made a quick index site with a link to that track. No issues, directly download it quickly. Another alternative that I much prefer to others is savefile.com Just my advice.
  21. That sample hurts my ears....
  22. I tried to do this once but I could never get it over horrible quality, so I ended up buying Steinberg Virtual Guitarist. Very handy. Far less work, far better sound. But pretty expensive.
  23. Do you just like playing devils advocate or something? "Trackers are over" "No they're not" "Yes they are" "haha no shit" ......
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