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Status Updates posted by Salluz

  1. Gotta give us the lyrics to your K.Rool remix. "Ever since I was a child I wanted banana pie" and the rest is... LMAO

  2. Do, not DO, lol

  3. DO you think my track is good enough? Stupid holiday issues get in the way of everything. I wish people didn't ask so much of me.


    That was so awesome. You could pull it off in the death metal scene b/c they won't hear what you're saying anyway. LOL

  5. What day are you leaving?

  6. Ok, so now all I have to do is cough up some money.

  7. Hm...


  8. The stalkers are gonna find me.

    I live/go to school in Kalamazoo and work not. Yet.

  9. Your sig = HELL YEAH!

    Who made it?

  10. Maybe it's Wiil life.

  11. Don't lose hope, it's not over yet.

  12. Figures. It can be that way for me as well.

  13. So, Oinkness, when you make your songs, do you ponder the schemes or just put them out swiftly without thought?

  14. I have never seen that episode.

  15. Thanks a lot! :D Of course I get the honies! :P

  16. What he asked. I figured that I wasn't the first.

  17. Wicked drumset, man.

  18. On a plate, I suppose.

  19. Super-late reply but yes, I see. Same here, I get it as close as possible before quantization. I don't even like quantization; hurts my rhythmical ego, but I need it and would be crying if I didn't have it.

    As for singing, recently I haven't recorded, but when I did I didn't find myself re-recording much.

    BTW, I never knew that you replied, so the way to reply is by clicking "View Conversation" and THEN replying in the box. That way I'll get a notice. HAHAHA!


  20. Hahaha! Better than crabs!

  21. Hey, Doulifee, I am more familiar with PSP than Photoshop, so what's the method used to select and copy the area and pasting it into another picture? I've got the selection but this damn program, the methods/terminology are a bit different.

    I could figure it out but I might as well ask.

  22. No prob, although I did that like, days ago or more. You're welcome any time.

  23. Man, you took too long in the Caption Contest thread. Since you won you were supposed to post a pic but you didn't.

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