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Status Updates posted by Salluz

  1. I was going to request a sig but perhaps I should Pm you first.

  2. I think the Sheik (alone) sig is better than the Zelda/Sheik sig because the background is too rough and Microsofty.

  3. You guys make marriage beautiful.

  4. You guys make marriage beautiful.

  5. Hey Malcos, I have a question:

    When you record your keyboarding, do you do it until it's (relatively) right or do you correct/edit it in the DAW?

  6. I haven't forgotten about you; just collecting my dough. I shall call you this weekend.

  7. Joking; couldn't think of anything else to say.

  8. Just listened to one of your remixes. Excellent.

  9. Yeah, IRC's being blocked.

  10. Still here @ campus. Sorry, multitasking.

  11. Naw, how do I do that (I'm smart, I can find out, but why waste energy when I can ask?)

  12. Crap, firewall is blocking me. I need to get a new PC soon.

  13. Oh, ok, I'm on IRC now.

  14. Aw great, am I unable to start a username on mIRC? I have to buy it, which I don't mind but I can't right now.

  15. Yes, I did (I hardly ever miss church). The sermon was about favor. This has been preached for the last three weeks, which is a good thing b/c people will remember.

    I just installed mIRC on my external HD so I should be making an account.

  16. BTW, no problem, I don't mind doing favors.

  17. Ah, I see, it's your turn to clean.

    Just @ school chillin' semester's almost over, no work.

  18. Not on here, but I don't think my school restricts it since I can use MSN, AOL or WLive freely.

  19. What's going on?

  20. Wow, that was cool (below).

  21. I didn't show? Huh? Oh, I was late, I'm guessing. Heh, forgot to turn on my router before starting the system.

    Well, Idk why my Wifi was beginning to suck. It's gotta' be the Wii, like everyone says. Also, my speed may be 3Mbps, but that shouldn't be a problem since yours is the same, as aforementioned.

  22. I post in Love/Social Ed/etc. every now and then, in case you were like WTF? WHO ARE YOU!? lol

  23. Hey, are you willing to revive a new version of the thread "Love, Sex, Relationships and Social Ed to help others"?

  24. Huh? Your userpage? LOL

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