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Everything posted by Salluz

  1. I tried years ago and failed miserably, but it's so worth it. I am so going to try again.
  2. Someone may have said it already, but that's an awesome cake.
  3. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOLD thread but: are there any similar Sonic 1/2/3/other songs to MJ's "In the Closet"? Just in case I haven't noticed.
  4. Ozzy Osbourne: Killer of Giants, Trap Door, I Don't Wanna Stop.
  5. Man, I'm looking forward to some of that sweet wet nectar. Lemon flavor added.
  6. I added you on Skype, MangaMan. What makes it funnier is, I have a low voice, possibly bass (or just baritone), but I have range. I speak with a soft, sultry tone, so I don't really have a male bias apart from tonal depth. Unless you piss me off crazily. Even funnier, the women on my Dad's side have a common voice type, some even baritone, or bass if I'm not shitting myself. Yet most of the men have higher dudeish voices. A select few men have extremely rough, profundo bass voices like my dad.
  7. Tears of the Moon sounds best; Darkside of the Moon just reminds me of that Mulan song. Man, this sounds great. I am not sure if I can do only one voice or many, but I'd love to do many voices if I could, both male and female. Suppose I should PM. I would take interest in doing some music, but eh, I'm already involved in some projects. Still might consider some small involvement, but I don't know.
  8. I thought we'd be celebrating that there are more female gamers than there have ever been! It's a "man's world", and men are said to be visual. Plus, if games were meant to appeal to women, they would involve lots of talking and socialization, bath/bed/beyond, stealing your friend's man, bitch-slapping combos, and men dancing around in speedos doing humping gestures. Everybody is a slut for being a slut, not just women. Women get looked down upon for trying to hide it and appear honest while they are not, and so, she becomes a slut (more like a lying BITCH). Men are sluts because they fucking think it's cool. It takes the cake when you play Sonic and you have furry bitches like Rouge the Bat with her jiggle physics, or Mai Shiranui with her skinny build and pointless titties, or (sexism aside) big, dopey characters like Big the Cat that nobody likes because he's fat, slow and stupid, but I could name lots of fat people who are not slow and stupid, and I bet that half of them are on this forum! The industry needs to stop bullshitting and just make room for the ladies. If it's a little room, very well, then we'll resort to that. Don't aim to make ten million on a one million dollar project; but then again, it's less enthusing to the developers. Okay, okay, okay, so think harder motherfuckers, think harder! Lara Croft is the shit and so are Alice and Samus! Just keep making badass women and one day, we'll get the message: women are as badass as men, if not more sometimes.
  9. Well, i was bo'n in 49007 but had been raised in the 49001 for a while.
  10. Jackpot. [Gun blasts] [Character change, Deadpool moonwalks]
  11. I'm pretty interested. I've been to meetups in Raleigh and Las Vegas, but not in the zone of my origin, the Midwest.
  12. WillRock is right though, go freaking find music you like But at the same time, it is amazing how low people have gone.
  13. Nicki Minaj, how could you be such a misrepresentation of Stupid Hoes likes that? They're often really good people! The progressions are recycled for fast, repetitive songwriting (popmachine). They're mostly 1-5-4-1, 1-4-5-1, 1-5-4-5, 1-4-5-4, 1-4-1-5, 1-5-1-4. The overuse of 'perfect' chords makes the music listenable, but predictable and boring. The melodies, style and methods for making songs are similar. Dumb music creates a dumb audience, based on what Hitler once said: if you want to take over a nation, start with its music A lot of music is suited just for the club/bar/whatever. Money is the main goal of the execs/producers/distributors. They found a way to do it and still get paid, b/c you and I won't buy that crap.
  14. Hello, I am Salluz. I want to claim "Last Battle" on the Zelda OoT project. If i have nothing to show for it, then I shall dismiss myself before the date. Edit: long before the date. Part of two projects, promising three tracks.
  15. We play it still. I have yet to purchase an Xbox, but I play with friends. Dormammu, Iron Fist, Dante, Deadpool, Sentinel... those guys are brutal.
  16. Wow, consumerism has that much power over people. If lyricism is the only non-repetitive part of your music, then it's boring. If the lyrics are repeitive as well, then your shit sucks! "But dawg, they makin' money and that chick/dude is fine!" OK, if she's hot, then she should model; they're making money because you're dumb enough to support them! "Ur just hating" No, I can't wear a naked emperor's clothing style. "That's better than that game stuff you listen to" But they sure love to steal game music and call it 'real' when they do it!
  17. Seriously? Well, this is pools, so whatevaa.

  18. Trust me, you do not deserve flames.

  19. This is oooold, but seriously... TC est goudt Mon.

  20. You are a good man. You are not a troll. So be it.

  21. Jade, it's all good. I have an even better version. Lil' question: why am I not on the list?
  22. Wow, a Sonic game that doesn't fail. I don't believe it. Lyrics are cool; autotune and sidechain are NOT.
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