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Everything posted by Maco70

  1. Ps: Why bother arguing? He thinks he's right, and there is no way your semi-charged words will change it.
  2. Holy shit, it's NNY. with a quality post I might add. Yes. But seriously. Cottus&Gyes GTFO.
  3. QTFO seriously.
  4. Galaga Legions. Why does everyone seem to hate this game? It's challenging, it's fun, and it's a new take on galaga. Anyone else at least try the demo?
  5. You never let me down coop. =)
  6. Man, fox is really trying to get people to hate them; eh? Anyway; I am disappointed that so many of you haven't read "watchmen" yet. Shame on you. Get Reading.
  7. Go figure. Anyone noteworthy competing?
  8. BMX is an olympic sport? Since when?
  9. Appearently... Damn internet. It was this: http://www.gametrailers.com/player/usermovies/254187.html But in gif form, rather than a gif put to "music".
  10. Is this still happening?
  11. I think it would be a little easier to consume 10,000 calories than they are making it sound. Anyway; Fox News FTL
  12. I guess the main thing about braid is the price. I am mildly interested in the story, but at the same time; I can't quite justify paying that much for it. I do like the concept though, and will likely buy it eventually. And Bionic Commando; It just didn't impress me. Looks great, and plays alright; but I just wasn't captivated enough to buy it I guess.
  13. What point would that be?
  14. That was absurdly close though.
  15. Is trigger heart exelica worth buying? The demo didn't tell me much, and I need something for when I start ripping my hair out from Ikagura.
  16. ? Edit: Oh, just skimmed the rest of the thread. lol
  17. FF4 and 6 are claimed eh? Damn.
  18. I guess I'm just weird. The demos for Bionic Commando, and Braid didn't impress me much. Anyone have the full versions who can give me input?
  19. Another link maybe?
  20. From article: Because Yahoo answers is a very reputable source.
  21. See, that was actually amusing, and not just random clips put together with audio that was too loud.
  22. A rich Chinese girl from my Bio class is there in china right now, rooting for team USA. That is all I have to say.
  23. I Hate youtube poop. Of all the meaningless dreg to plague the internet, youtube poop is the least entertaining, and the largest waste of space. Edit: Seriously, does anyone actually find youtube poop entertaining?
  24. http://raiden.mossjp.co.jp/raiden4/x360/index.htm Yes.
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