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Everything posted by Maco70

  1. I've tried, I've read, I give up. How the hell do torrents work? I downloaded flashget, but after that I am lost, somebody HALP!
  2. I bought a copy of "big Bumpin" and it came with a 48 hour gold trial. Anyone want to play Ikagura?
  3. Who is "they"?
  4. I had a fangasm when I saw the trailer. Nuff sed.
  5. And here I am playing Sneak king...
  6. The internet is serious business.
  7. Yeah, I thought the ending was very good, and fit the series well. The more I think about it, the more I am curious to how Reeves could do as spike. He'd have to NAIL it, which would counteract all his previous acting skills...
  8. You totally missed the joke...
  9. Makes me think of the third fourth and final bosses from Ikagura. I still have yet to work out a logical strategy.
  10. I was a little annoyed by that too, but I like the game enough to overlook that detail. Until they release "The Raiden Project" at least. But I won't buy it until I have my own xbox. I will say, it looked really sharp, and was a lot more fun that the first one. But I just can't justify buying the sequel when the original is so similar. That and I suck at the original. I think I'll stick to lumines for now.
  11. At least he knows kung-fu. But seriously, no.
  12. FF7 is a damn good game. Yes it's over rated, and they took the series too far, but you cannot argue it is a good rpg. Edit:Oh hey, a double post... This is the first time using tabs to post has turned out bad for me. O_o
  13. I tried the demo, it seemed a lot easier than the first one. But not different enough. 1942 however...
  14. Yeah... that was an annoying boss. I like epic boss battles but seriously now...
  15. Gamestop. I don't usually go there, but I walked in because I had time to kill. Glad I did. =D
  16. That's not an RPG boss. I am referring to bosses like emerald weapon, or Neo Shinryu. Neither are difficult if you are a high enough level. What makes it hard is that people don't bother leveling up their characters to the point where the bosses are even possible. That being said, I have never beaten Emerald Weapon. D=
  17. I picked up JSRF for 99 cents. I am happy about this.
  18. I honestly couldn't understand what he said there, with his "batman voice". But I caught on once dent starting yelling at batman.
  19. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=fBB-fJPT3Fc
  20. Got one, doesn't pay enough. Blah blah blah.
  21. The Rock.
  22. The movie was awesome. But I was distracted throughout once I saw the trailer for the watchmen. I had a fangasm as soon as I realized what the trailer was.
  23. I don't like this idea... I'll hold my judgments until a trailer or the like is released, but they had better do a damn good job, or this will be as big a disaster as speed racer.
  24. I think this is the first time I have ever seen a thread moved OUT of off topic. Anyway; I miss Mega-man Legends.
  25. I played it for PSone back in the day. Sold it recently actually. Good times.
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