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Everything posted by Maco70

  1. She didn't sleep with me... =( I was thinking the same thing though. If they cut out or shortened the scene at the beginning they could have made more movie. A lot of wasted time in this flick. Especially watching several minutes of sand.
  2. In a sense I'd agree, but for a typical audience, the stuff he did wasn't that bad. I can think of several better ways for them to portray a turning to the dark side.
  3. Posted... ...I want you to have my babies...
  4. Seconded. Keep it up (and for the shoppe too) =D
  5. He just looked emo, he was really just an enormous bag of douche. I think is was stupid the way they portrayed him as "evil". It really just made him look like an idiot. Evil people dance apparently. That was the symbiote's real power.
  6. Damn man. O_O That's friggin amazing. Thank you.
  7. O I need to sleep more, and type less. I blame finals week. I don't know if they can do those characters, Both were done in the movie games. The Mysterio storyline was cool, but I dunno... isn't that against the rules or something?
  8. In case what I typed wasn't clear (which I don't think it was). The article states that one character who dies in spiderman 3 would be back in the fourth. I Said that the sandman didn't die, so it couldn't be him.
  9. Uploaded. With a ten character limit.
  10. I'm talking about sand man
  11. I would like a new sig using this: Half of it being used would be fine. I just want "Maco70", and maybe a background with respects to the older metroid games. Thanks in advance.
  12. But he didn't get killed.
  13. Foxnews LOL spoiled: It is more likely the Goblin, or some form of the goblin.
  14. Thank you for the fix. SPOILER? Since part of the suit is still alive, Carnage is a possibility, I do doubt it however. Lizard is also a possibility, but the story for him is pretty weak. Likely villains which have yet to be touched: Chameloen Rhino Kraven the hunter And others if I think hard enough.
  15. Uploaded, thank you. =)
  16. I read that statement 6 times, and I still don't understand what you are trying to say.
  17. I saw it last night... ...Why did they fuck it up? Why? Why? Why? EDIT: SPOILER: Did you not see the skeleton when the pumpkin bomb went off?
  18. Agreed. I picture OCR as a bleeding pretzel at this point. It's dying... can it be saved?
  19. http://batman.lego.com/en-us/Default.aspx Is this old news?
  20. http://www.xbitlabs.com/articles/storage/display/seagate-st1-5gb.html I got a hold of one of these when a friend's Zen Micro broke open. (also have the battery, screen, and plates intact if you're interested.) Any idea of what I can do with this thing? It'd feel like a shame to not use all this stuff somehow.
  21. Bout damn time that boy got some cred. =D
  22. Wait, he wasn't being sarcastic? O_O I'm an asshole... someone hit me with a car please.
  23. Have you ever watched Harvey Birdman? If you have, than you know why it is. If you haven't, Shut up.
  24. I saw it on a bump on adult swim last night. Anyone else catch it? http://blog.wired.com/games/2007/04/capcom_phoenix_.html http://www.gamespot.com/news/6169102.html http://kotaku.com/gaming/capcom/capcom-announces-harvey-birdman-attorney-at-law-for-ps2-psp-252746.php http://www.1up.com/do/newsStory?cId=3158766 It says it's supposed to be just like Phoenix Wright. Sounds like a good time to me.
  25. Why Is This Thread Still Here! It Baffles The Mind!
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