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Everything posted by Maco70

  1. I did it. =D
  2. Isn't this a favorites thread? Why has it lived to see page 2?
  3. I did it! All by myself! =D
  4. Dammit ><;; Thank you.
  5. http://www.sega-europe.com/en/NewsStory/1489.htm I am having a tough time believing this.
  6. I don't think I like you.
  7. I read this document once that stated there is a freedom of speech in the US. I think people tend to forget what that means. Any new developments on VT btw? I need to write a paper on the incident for a class ><;;
  8. It was meant to be rhetorical, but thanks.
  9. Why do people do this kind of thing?
  10. I've been stopped and asked what the shirt was all about, but I've never had someone know what the hell I was talking about. I wish I didn't live in the middle of nowhere... ><; EDIT: I get more comments about my Homestar Runner shirt, or my Todokanai Mario Shirt.
  11. So, I'm curious... Was it cheesy-bad or cheesy-good? I'll likely rent it eventually, but I am just wondering if it is "no plot, ultra violent" kinda flick.
  12. Damn, you beat me to it. ><;; I did a project on ESRB, and I thought the number of AO rated games was intersting. And to whoever played Thrill Kill: Discuss Please, I am insanely curious.
  13. I know I heard it somewhere. I think it was in "Tips and Tricks". I'll search around, but not hard. Because it was likely just a rumor.
  14. Since when has and Cartoon character aged? Hey, I didn't write it. It's just what the peoples at square write.
  15. Could take place in the future, that could be sora and Kariri's Son. Maybe? Kinda like Zell from FF8 being Cloud and Tifa's son, or however it worked.
  16. Uploaded. PS: w00t!
  17. I don't know if this was brought up here, but the kid that gets frozen solid looks a lot like Roxas.
  18. It doesn't make any sense until we play KH3. ><;; As for final mix. Japan got the final mix of KH1. KH2 FM is supposed to come out here eventually. Could just be a rumor tho.
  19. I agree. KH1 had a sweet story, but the mechanics were a little shaky at times. And KH2 had a sucky story (for the most part) but was a blast to play. I'd get into KH3, if the PS3 didn't cost so much. Not to mention first run, Sony, ANYTHING comes with a guarantee to shit the bed.
  20. It's AVI. Get DivX or the WMP patch. Alternatively, it's all over youtube too now. EDIT:
  21. I posted it because someone mentioned it earlier. I know it was a prank kthnx.
  22. I knew I could count on you coop. =D
  23. Someone want to badge this?
  24. Ah, that explains it.
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