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Everything posted by Maco70

  1. Largest one ever? I don't recall the size, but in the final level of the first Katamari, I rolled up everything there was to roll up. I don't believe this is uncommon, but I still like the thought of running out of things to roll up. XD
  2. It's a pretty common anime convention. It's been discussed forever before, so I will just express my dislike for this topic. PS: Hey OCR, where was I? @_@
  3. Maco70


    I saw it opening night, and I liked it a lot. Very close to the graphic novel. That includes the story. I thought the movie was very visually pleasing, and cool to watch, but the story was a little thin for a film that length.
  4. The worst that could happen? They place viral advertisements in Boston.
  5. I'm retarded. =D
  6. Different kind of avatar. I mentioned before, I am looking to expand to other forums.
  7. That's what she said. =D PS: Any avatars being made?
  8. Done. fill fill fill fill
  9. Uploaded. And futhermore. Sweet.
  10. that post reminded me of the episode of harvey birdman, with the guitars. hahaha.
  11. Not from OCR, but ANYTHING by the beach boys. Possibly the Beatles.
  12. Woah, I forgot about those games. People hated them, but I thought they were tons of fun. Especially co-op in "Air Attack".
  13. I always liked the first halo. Halo 2 was crappy.
  14. Consider it posted.
  15. It was decent, but the game gave me a headache. I dunno, I just really didn't like the game.
  16. S&K was prolly the best, imo. But Sonic CD wasn't too bad. Basically Sonic started to suck once he went 3d.
  17. Uploaded. And I do like the fact that they are a bit larger. Keep it up. =D
  18. Quoted for Emphasis. O_O
  19. http://www.cnn.com/2007/SHOWBIZ/TV/02/07/prince.superbowl.ap/index.html Are people ultra sensitive these days, or is it just me? Oh, and snickers' Superbowl ad is being called "Homo-Phobic". =|
  20. Dolores. Nice to find another fan of dead like me though. =D
  21. Allright, news time. I just joined two new forums. http://www.theghz.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=1&sid=030ea95fbdf8f518411790b93e2b9e27 http://forumv2.unmod.org/index.php Both of which support avatars. In the hopes of both expanding interest, and spreading the shoppe. I am opening it up to Avatars. Make sure they are 100x100 pixels or less. After thinking it over, I would like to keep the avatars a little distanced from the sigs. By that I mean, I will lump them together on the front page, outside the specific artist headings. Anyone wishing to send em in, feel free. As always anything is welcome, and feel free to make suggestions as well. Just a couple because I know of OCR's new picture per post limit, and I don't want to do that many posts (I uploaded 24). http://s15.photobucket.com/albums/a365/Sig_shoppe/ Thank you.
  22. Mmmm.... Linux...
  23. http://www.cnn.com/2007/TECH/science/02/02/climate.change.report/index.html?eref=rss_topstories ... DUH!
  24. http://search.ebay.com/mooninite-boston_W0QQfkrZ1QQfromZR8QQsubmitsearchZSearch I love you ebay.
  25. Wow, people are really determined to be pissed off. Instead of making night of the situation as the guy are trying to in that video. "Ad Hoax Suspects make mockery of situation". Massholes...
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