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Everything posted by anosou

  1. You guys are wrong and mean. This remix is strong in both production and arrangement. The vocals doesn't sound forced and are well performed (remember to give the girl some credit too). I definitely don't think that the second section has enough issues to make this a no. The bass sounds a bit cheap but it's covered up reasonably well and works in the setting, the synths might not be the most sophisticated but they're definitely not so bad you can NO this based on them. I thought the vocals during this section were audible, while they could've been slightly louder I had no problem hearing them and they sat quite well in the mix. The first part, like you said, is incredibly strong. The arrangement melds the sources reasonably well and adds some great interpretation when it comes to vocals and beats. The different "styles" really work with the parts of the story told by the vocals. Heck, the vocal delivery was definitely a notch above what we usually get. Gave me an old-school Gorillaz vibe. Had to double check to see that it wasn't too liberal but it checks out. The intro seems unconnected but there's enough source to go around in the rest of the track. Really, I can't NO this based on the second part. It wasn't fantastic but it sure as hell wasn't BAD. I think it worked well, the vocals certainly kicked it up a notch and the remix as a package is well crafted and just straight up good. Screw you guys, I'm going yes. YES
  2. I love the Future Tactics soundtrack SO MUCH. The entire soundtrack is just fantastic. Anyway, good adaption for a semi-orchestral setting. Samples were good and used well for the most part. The arrangement really made sure to keep the hooks intact but on the other hand there's not much altering going on here. Even the "rock" part is just the second part of common battle, a source that might not have been mentioned. The only real changes are some variations in harmony now and then and some minor stuff with the bells. Production was overall good but the hi-hat and guitar both sounded a bit flimsy. Guitar especially sounded very digital when it first entered and muffled when it became part of the backing. The mix felt a bit empty at time when all the instruments had short attacks, playing the same motif. Nothing really brings the mix down though, even though it could be improved slightly. To be fair, this arrangement leaves a lot to be desired. If this was a remix of a Final Fantasy theme you knew by heart you'd most certainly react on it not being interpretive enough. It's definitely a great start but you have to be more interpretive with the source. Make the melody go places, add an original section, add some more variation to the harmony and the way the melody is played. This is really close but I can't comfortably pass it just yet. NO(resubmit)
  3. Yes. Same goes for being an ass with picks/backdooring or in the case of some of the better players; completely bulldozing beginners.
  4. Don't ban, lrn2play. Also, picking Arachna will probably still be frowned upon and I'm cool with that.
  5. Happy birthday Sam! Hope you're well.
  6. A million times this. Also, maxing Inhuman and not putting points in Withering Presence makes me cry.
  7. The happiest of birthdays is the one that's Tenseis bithday. *gives Tensei free sex*
  8. No permabans. Jeraziah if anyone but do it per game if we have a lot of new people and don't want some certain heroes for the game in question. I'd like to request no scout backdooring in friendly in-house games though. It's a viable strategy but it's too much of a dick move to BOTH use scout AND backdoor.
  9. SHOW THAT NOOB WHO'S BOSS! Regarding the track, I didn't think it was horrible and I'm on my mixing headphones and my ProTools soundcard.. However it was crowded, very compressed and could be cleaned up. The sequencing was a bit mechanical, especially the low strings. Try not to hard-quantize everything. But overall though, make it rumble less I thought the arrangement was pretty wicked though except the borrowing. If you sort out the issues this is a really good track. Keep it up and resub this! NO(resubmit)
  10. Shit happens, I still think the teams were balanced from what I heard. I mean, all other times the team with you have bulldozed the other team..
  11. Then what are you complaining about
  12. Just want to plug my revamped item Kindred Spirit, got some great help from Tensei and the #hondev guys. Any comments and yes votes would be appreciated: http://forums.heroesofnewerth.com/showthread.php?t=29400
  13. Actually you can have an NN-XT, record something in the sequencer and change the instrument to whatever without changes. Just open a new patch and choose "all instruments" instead of just for example ".nxt" or whatever it would be. Saves a lot of time and let's you listen to the sequence while browsing through instrument. I use it a lot.
  14. Talked to Fishy a while back about this mix not being a shoe-in, I just haven't voted since then so I'm glad Larry stepped in. The source is great and the arrangement expanded on it decently enough with some ncie harmonizing, variation and breaks. However I think the production is lacking. There's no real bass frequencies to speak of and the mix overall sounds like it's played inside a tin can at times. Where's the reverb and balance? The drums lacked humanizing and sounded stiff most of the time even though the programming of rhythms were otherwise excellent. Even though the playing was great in my opinion the guitar tone was a bit flat and the leads were slightly out of tune compared to eachother. Other than that we've got an unintentional and slightly ugly noise at 00:33 and 00:35.5. The clean chorused guitar solo is entirely in the back during the "break" section because the backing guitars eat up the space. ~1:30 section is very crowded because of the backing guitars taking up so much space and the bassdrum+snare sounds weak, especially compared to the gutsy cymbals. Couple the production issues with the slightly short arrangement (that break is long, could use more source) I just can't go YES on this. Look back at the decisions for some of our other rock votes and you'll see that most issues we point out are also present here. This just needs some more polish to pass so I'm hoping that Joey will go the extra mile and deliver that because it's a good track overall but until then, I just can't sign off to this. NO(borderline/resubmit)
  15. Palpable basically summed it up. The instruments lack depth and at times sound mechanical, strings and piano especially. Some odd notes here and there but mainly the arrangement lacked direction. Production-wise it was crowded and the instruments clashed, many lower frequencies a bit sparse higher up. The mood was good and I could see the concept working well but the execution was lacking. Try checking out some basic tutorials on music production and work some more on your writing. The Workspace forum is a decent place to start! NO
  16. Compression is fun but couple it with the less-than-balanced instruments it made the track sound unfocused and strangely distant at times. The backing track is, like Larry said, extremely barebones and while the vocal delivery is cool and all it hurts the arrangement overall. The higher synth sounds strangely roomy and the main beat is a bit overshadowed by the bass at times. Arrangement was too sparse, no real developement or modification of the source tune. The source is pretty simple too and using only the bass isn't a really strong connection IMO. I think you see where I'm going with this, I liked the concept but at the moment it needs more work to get some front page action going. Keep it up though! NO
  17. Use the colors for clips and name them so you know what clip contains what (assuming you use Reason 4). When you do a certain section (drums or similar) have all devices close to eachother in the rack so you have it organized. If you make long fx chains (delay>filter>distortion or similar) group them in a combinator to reduce screen clutter. If you have many external refills it doesn't hurt to make a "favorites" folder in the Reason file navigator with some of your favorite patches for each track, helps you found what you need fast. When it comes to song writing, I personally tend to start with the main melodic hook but that's uncommon. Most people star twith drums/bass to make sure they work together as a foundation.
  18. I agree and Celly would agree if he was still in clan
  19. TAKE THAT BACK >:C Necrolyte's a beast.
  20. Armadon's the tits. Soul Reaper's ALL body parts of a fully figured woman.
  21. Vinnie Prabhu, this fantastic piece of human, hit the nail on the head. Arrangement really needs to be varied a lot more, you can't get away with just adding/removing elements. Change in the patterns, harmony, new melodic lines, counter melodies.. all are things that should be considered. Otherwise the sax sounds pretty hot and the production, although vanilla, was balanced and clean. You really have to kick this up another notch though, sorry man. NO
  22. Like previous judges already stated, the main issue lies in the production. Drums are really loud, almost clipping or at least a bit distorted. The piano sounds fake and a bit plinky, could definitely work if it sounded more realistic though. Guitars sounded quite good sound-wise but they all fought for the same freqency range, where the drums also reside. Arrangement was pretty cool with some good additions and slight variation in the playing. The playing was actually really good too, you just need to focus on making the mix clean and balanced. Keep it up! NO(resubmit)
  23. Read up on spines, it's not laughable. It stacks and his slow -armor. Also, spines when you kite and tank means more spine stacks. He can rack up some pretty fat damage when he's farmed Mock. He was a potent jungler in DotA I heard, never tried it but that might definitely help him rape more. but yeah, I don't have much to say because I don't have the experience.
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