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Everything posted by anosou

  1. I agree with Vinnie here. Won't do a long vote but it was a quiet mix, rather vanilla sounding, conservative arrangement that's copy+pasted. Good mood but you need to take your remixes much further. NO
  2. The difference being that "hay guys i write metalz can i be on your orchestrated project" is rude and stupid and his question was not.
  3. That might be true but I'M DENSE AND WON'T UNDERSTAND THAT
  4. In atmuh's threads many people write in lower case. It's his chi I tell you, his chi. In other news, I'd play.
  5. Don't be an ass, he was asking a question
  6. Jokes aside, this is a solid remix. The production is mostly clean and crisp. It gets a bit crowded at times with many instruments fighting for the same (often higher) frequencies. The instruments all sound good most of the time. The guitar can be a bit on the noisy side imo and there was a synth early on that was a little too detuned but nothing that brings it down. Arrangement is sweet. Like Vinnie said, would've been DP if there was a bit more melody and a little bit less reliance on the chords but I'm a believer, this is sweet. Great stuff as usual mate! I really like your MIDI-chops style sequencing :3 Anyway, overall reall solid mix. I salute you fellow shtyjdgfgt. YES
  7. I still think you could've varied stuff up more, especially when it comes to support writing and harmonies. At the moment the riffs are great but that's all there is. Well well, guess there's no harm in that. Production's solid but sometimes feels a bit empty when all instruments share the same role. Everything's crisp and clean though, good balance overall. Arrangement has enough source and does arrange it well enough. It's a tasty, tasty track. Good energy. Nice to see some MOAR FISHY around here YES
  8. Recording definitely has a certain character, but I think it's a good quality. Performance is ace, arrangement is good and just above the bar source-wise and it's very groovy in general. The recording probably could've been beefed up somehow in post-production but this is definitely good enough. Keep being awesome. YES
  9. No it was actually my own argument against Zircon saying Plague Rider is bannable because of his ulti...
  10. I'll have to echo my fellow judges here. The piece just gets very repetitive throughout, it lacks variation in both texture, melody and harmony. It's a short source so it will be hard to squeeze a lot out of it but this isn't varied or interpretive enough right now. Production's good but a little cluttered with all the sweeping, spacious sounds. You could afford to introduce some new sounds that are a bit "cleaner" both for variation's sake and to switch focus to something less airy. This shows promise but needs more variation to really shine. Right now it drags a bit too much. You'll get there though! Good first sub, NO(resubmit)
  11. Like previous posters I really liked some of the ideas. The broken beat, the deliberate pacing and strange blend of sounds. On the downside though the mix was unbalanced with some really loud/treble heavy elements (bells, synth lead). The dissonance was sometimes a bit too much, try to scale down on that in favor of more obvious source usage. Arrangement had the rhythm going for it but not much else. More overt usage of the melody, preferably slightly arranged, together with one or two counter melodies would definitely kick the arrangement up a notch. Right now, it's a bit lacking when it comes to source and interpretation. Overall, you show some promise but the track is very rough around the edges. Keep improving, check the WIP boards, #ocrwip and other music forums for help on doing that and I'll see you again here soon! NO
  12. I'll be short so we can go ahead and close this one out. The instruments left a lot to the imagination, very simple synth sounds used often without finesse. The arrangement is basically repeating the same parts over and over with minor changes in instrumentation and pace. The drums are flimsy and the mix is thin. Work hard on gluing everything together, getting a "full" sound, and make the arrangement both more varied and interpretive. NO
  13. From where do I remember this argument?
  14. Incorrect, in All Pick you can only pick from both sides when the "All Heroes" option is turned on.
  15. Basically this. Was good being around the channel then
  16. You should investigate Armadon more Especially his farming abilities, support abilities, initiator role and post-runed axe danger.
  17. But that's the PREFERABLY way, right? Also, I hate playing with you guys and your fascist random rules. I demand AP and I demand Armadon.
  18. Mental block or something, it's just a bitch to get ideas out.
  19. Me and Palpable will have to drop our track. Palp's busy with work and I'm busy with whatever the hell I do, also I can't write music anymore D: I'm really sorry, but at least that's good news for those who missed out. Good luck!
  20. The joke is that he wanted to call it "as time goes on" in all lower-case letters.
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