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Everything posted by anosou

  1. You're a good and very attractive man!
  2. So, me and AeroZ are planning on exactly how long to stay. We could arrive a few days before MAG and travel out a few days after BUT we need places to stay. Who's up for housing two awesome Swedes one or more days around MAGFest and in that general area? We're PROBABLY flying in/out from Dulles sooo cute people with cars and a lot of kindness are obviously something we're looking for. WHO WANTS TO HOUSE THE SWEDISH INVASION?
  3. Mixing major/minor is basically how I do music Never hurts to shoot in some chords built on modal scales too. Variation is key for ultimate funnies :3
  4. Fruitcake? Low blow :3 But yeah, since it's not 100% I'd rather get a phat package .
  5. You better package it like it was a crystal swan of some kind, mailing to Europe means a long trip and CD cases are.. well, fragile. Also, LIMITED EDITION SO RARE~ ^^;
  6. Ohshi~ so many choices! Awesome! Now I just gotta talk to AeroZ. We probably need a ride for two from Dulles then.
  7. Would be awesome! Will research
  8. I don't know what exists in retail buuuut... Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsu (The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya) - quirkiest and best series ever. Really. NHK ni Youkoso! (Welcome to the N.H.K.) - Humoristic and charming slice of life about a guy living in his room by his computer, afraid of people (!!!) Genshiken - An anime about geeks. Really. FLCL - Pure high-octane awesome. Funny awesome. With stuff coming out of a guy's forehead. Yeah. Dead Leaves (feature length DVD) - The most crazy movie I've seen for a while, fantastic but an acquired taste. Tekkonkinkreet (feature length DVD) - Anime masterpiece based on the Black & White manga. Best soundtrack ever too. Paprika (feature length DVD) - Very well done and slightly trippy movie about people going crazy :3 Taimanin Asagi - Brutal but fantastic Hentai. Yeah, I went there.
  9. It would? AeroZ flew to Dulles so I just assumed. Will have to compare prices..
  10. Wouldn't mind being able to fly in on the 30th or something to join the LAN party for one night and then go on to the hotel on the 31st. Again, I need some solid confirmations before I can order tickets but still.. Definitely need to be picked up/left at Dulles seeing as I'm lazy and socially incompetent
  11. Would need a ride from Dulles on the 30th/31th and TO Dulles whenever after mag.. who's up for it? Also love to share a room at the hotel, preferably with someone I know and/or someone hot
  12. An actual winner in the 1990 Nintendo World Championships! Not even kidding. Best. Judge. Ever.
  13. "Everyone knows Unreal, if not then please dont be the judge." Harsh man, just harsh I think the sounds chosen, all detuned, is making this track mighty unfocused. While I think they are interesting they can't carry the track alone like this. The core beat sounded a bit flimsy, the quality of the drum sounds questionable. Sound choices overall was certainly a bit strange but above that they sounded thin and the soundscape came off as empty. Arrangement wasn't bad but I was missing variation. The beat+bass is quite repetitive and since there are not many other elements it ends up carrying the track and making it repetitive. Vary it up! Overall you had a lot of elements from the source straight up, you could definitely afford to write some additional melodic content to them. Original counter melodies or similar is always great and makes the arrangement WAY more interpretive. Overall the track sounds barren both in terms of production and arrangement. Some additional production polish and variation/interpretation in the arrangement and this would be in better shape. Overall a good track though, shows promise, keep it up! NO(resubmit)
  14. The production is still the main killer here. Everything sounds distant and muffled, also strangely low encoded or something. Honestly I can't give you specific advice on how to fix this because I have no idea what you use and how you use it but this definitely needs to sound cleaner. Piano sounded a bit fake and the winds Larry pointed out more than just a bit. Arrangement had some good stuff going with a clever counter melody and some melodic variation. Core beat was still a bit flimsy but worked overall. Some additional changes in dynamics would be nice imo but what you've got here is quite solid. Overall the production is still dragging this down. Arrangement's almost there though so if you get some solid production going this could definitely pass. Good luck! NO(resubmit)
  15. Very cool track. Arrangement's fairly conservative in terms of both style and shape but there's a lot of clever personalization, both melodic and in the backing. Production's cool but I thought the instruments could've afford to be a little bit more sophisticated, especially since they're very similar to the source's instrumentation. However the drum processing and better quality in general definitely made this sound like something more than a high-quality genesis track. Overall, a clever track that doesn't take many risks, arrangement or production-wise, but a solid track nonetheless. I dig it Will. YES
  16. Larry basically nailed it. Really cool track with some hot processing (although I'd ease up on the filtering a bit, gets a bit grating). The beat is solid and it makes my head bob. However you're using a very small part of the source and the arrangement and dynamics ultimately become repetitive. I say go for some more variation both in source tune usage and dynamics and you've got a solid winner here. NO(resubmit)
  17. I hate to shoot down a fellow judge but I must say I agree with the previous voters. This is a positively rocking track sprinkled with some fantastic ideas and performance. However the production is a bit unfocused, monophonic and the sounds are often bleeding into each other. The strings are a weak link articulation-wise, especially during faster passages like Larry pointed out. I also think the snare sounded very dry and lifeless. Arrangement is a keeper but could definitely stand some more overt source usage. You're a great arranger so I'm pretty sure you could sprinkle the track with some more pieces of source, even in the background. Overall the track IS awesome but I know you can do better than this. Fix up the stuff holding it back and post it on the panel yourself to get it over with Still love you though mayne. NO(resubmit)
  18. Can't add much at this point but I thought I'd help close it out. Intelligent arrangement even though the melody is kept intact for the most part. A little more variation wouldn't have hurt but it isn't a dealbreaker. Great soundscape and atmosphere. Production was solid but I felt the modulation on the lead was a bit over the top at times and the soundscape felt a little bit on the sparse and flat side. Overall this is good, I think it could've been much better but.. yeah, I'm cool with this. YES(borderline)
  19. The main issue here is that the arrangement downplays the source, burying it as a simple backing pattern. While you have a great grasp on expansion the source tune must be, and I quote, "identifiable and dominant". The track is very nice and the production is close and warm. Sadly, that doesn't keep it from ultimately being too liberal. Sorry man! NO
  20. Not much to say after Vinnie and Larry. All their points are valid. Arrangement is decent but execution is weighing it down. Instruments need to sound a bit fuller, sequenced guitar and flute sounds unrealistic and cluttered mixing. Overall this still needs more work, especially in the production area. Good start though! NO(resubmit)
  21. The 6MB might be a bit low for long arrangements but you repeated a lot of ideas here. You could've fitted all your arrangement ideas in a 4 minute track for sure Arrangement had some decent personalization going on but the main meat of the track was basically straight source with new bass+drum combo. This is what we shoot down coverish rock arrangements for and this is no difference. The real killer is that there's no melodic interpretation. I'm cool with using the same chords and similar backing but then you must at least do something with the melody. The final section had some decent original counter melodies I enjoyed but they were hard to make out with the melody. Production also downplayed the melody, it's practically inaudible for big parts of the track. Maybe using something else than piano, something that fits better and is a little sharper. Overall the mixing is a bit unbalanced and many synths sound a bit flat and dull. Still, I thought the happy hardcore feel was captured and it does sound like something you could hear on a compilation CD or whatever. Overall though, this needs more TLC before it can pass. The arrangement's dragging out and there's minimal personalization of the source. Production needs some additional clarity and above all, balance. NO
  22. The whole three note pattern going through the entire track starting at 0:37 sounds like the castle theme from A Link to the Past if I'm not mistaken. If it is we have a LOT of source sprinkled. Also there's the main Zelda theme at 0:34-0:39. I think there's a lot from the opening animation.. or at least something I recognize at 2:20-> I say we e-mail the guy asking him. Maybe he missunderstood what OCR was about and made it mostly original? Might save us a lot of headache.
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