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Everything posted by anosou

  2. Thought it sounded a bit too loose at times, especially the ghost snare hits that doesn't sync up with the rest of the band. Overall though the playing was cool and the berimbau a very welcome element. Arrangement won't change the world but I thought it worked, especially considering the unique instrumentation and human performance. Production was cool. Could've been a bit cleaner but the closeness and warmth works very well and makes the track feel very intimate. YES
  3. Mixing definitely wasn't as strong as the Lost Odyssey track. Had no big beef with the drums but the heavily reverbed synths and strings took away a lot of focus and clarity from the track. Overall it was no dealbreaker just yet but that definitely could've been toned down. Arrangement is pretty cool. The sudden drop-off.. I didn't really enjoy. Otherwise there's enough personalization here and the subtle variation really helps this arrangement click with me. Overall, this is a strong track. Not as strong as the Lost Odyssey track but definitely strong enough. YES
  4. Damnit, stole my source D: Well well.. it IS an awesome source. Nice intepretive take on the source, lots of energy here. Good melodic variation in the guitar lead together with the massive pseudo-orchestral backing. Really good arrangement with an ALMOST seamless transition between themes. Production was ace too even though, like Larry pointed out, the drum tone was a little bit weak but that was really minor. Overall, this is great. Submit more. Stop stealing my sources though YES
  5. First and foremost, this track was composed by Junya Nakano, not Uematsu. Final Fantasy X had a bunch of awesome tracks and a ton of them were composed by Masashi Hamauzu and Junya Nakano. These guys need more creds! Anyway, on to the mix. Arrangement is pretty cool but I would prefer a little less repetition of ideas, even if they were cool ideas. Maybe some variations in the beat, bass groove or instrumentation? Maybe not use the same really low sweep for all transitions? Just some more dynamic changes, ideas and perhaps variations on the source. Production was the bigger problem area though. All sounds seem reverbed and distant, no need to overdo it even though Logic's got a hot reverb unit There's a lot of emphasis on the high-end and even the drums/bass are lacking body. I'd really like to see some fleshing out of the soundscape and balancing of the different elements. Overall this shows a lot of promise but needs that additional polish to really shine. Keep it up! NO(resubmit)
  6. Nothing wrong with analogue-sounding synths. I had no beef with the sound design here actually. My main issue is how you use said sounds. The track sounds empty and unfocused because of the mixing. For example after the build at 1:42 you expect something huge but instead we find an overpowered kick+hat combo, downplayed bass and two synths occupying the same sonic space. I'd like to see you try some other sounds that aren't as similar to eachother so you can really fill out the track. Right now, it sounds empty. Arrangement wasn't bad. Some nice personalization going on but you need to evolve your ideas ove the timeline. Copy+paste isn't a viable arrangement and overall your track doesn't sound cohesive, rather it sounds like a few cool parts based on the same track put together. Overall this needs to be developed further. You show some promise, more than many submitters, but fleshing out the track in both production and arrangement is essential for me to stamp this with the good 'ol yes vote. Keep it up though! NO
  7. I'm basically 100% with Larry here. Arrangement was conservative but had some decent support writing, some additional melodic interpretation would really help. Production had more issues than arrangements though. Weak and loud percussion samples, too much treble on the main guitars and all instruments occupying the same space in the mix. You show promise but need to tighten this up for me to comfortably pass it. Work on the mixing, compare it to other stuff we're posting nowadays, and perhaps flesh out the arrangement a bit more. NO(resubmit)
  8. Aw yeah, I dig this. Solid execution of a pretty damn cool arrangement. I personally could've used some more small hints to the source but this was overall interpretive and worked well. Core beats WERE a bit repetitive though Production was above the bar for sure but there are some things I'd just like to point out. The hard panned left piano+string pad lead feels unfocused because of the long release and the reverb. Overall quite a few elements seemed to be heavily reverbed and the mix didn't feel all that clear. On the other hand it felt clear enough and had a certain charm to it. Overall this is a solid remix. Creative arrangement, interesting take on the source for sure, and solid production with a few bells and whistles. Good work Will! YES
  9. Can't do much but side with Larry here. The sound itself is lacking in presence and realism. Some could've been redeemed in mixing but I think it comes down to the quality of the sound itself. At the same time your playing is a bit stiff. I would've loved some more dynamic variation in your playing before the ~3 minutes mark. Just the phrasing, a bit more melodic phrasing would help realism a lot and make it sound overall better musically. Also there seems to be a lot of pedal involved which makes chords clash at times (2:29 as a quick example), it was minor but worth noting. Arrangement was very interesting. The transition to minor was unexpected but worked, especially in contrast to the later section in major. Yeah, nothing wrong with the arrangement. Overall the execution is dragging this down. Playing is decent no doubt and if the production was up to par this would probably be a pass. As it is now this really needs to sound fuller, some additional polish, before I can comfortably pass it. When it comes to remixes for solo instruments everything really needs to click on the production level since it's carrying the whole track.. Sorry man. NO
  10. Production is lacking. The drums especially are clipping. The rest of the instruments sound flat and lifeless and fake. The drums are also very loud and together with the brass they basically take over the track. Work on using the samples, carefully balancing the volume of the different tracks and maybe look up some info on mastering/mixing in general. Arrangement did a good job with the new support writing but it was unrealistically written. For example the strings never ever played legato which sounds really strange in the faster sections. Also stuff like 1:43 in the strings sound sloppy. Arrangement still showed some promise but could stand to be longer, develop more and be sequenced more realistically. Overall this has some way to go but you have some potential so be sure to check out the Workshop forum, #ocrwip on irc.enterthegame.com and search around the net for music production tips. Good luck! NO
  11. Yeah this is quite the track. Makes me wanna shake some white and not very hot booty. Still, some issues are holding it back at the moment. The trebles are at times piercing and you could afford to tone them down just a teeny tiny bit. The rest of the production in all it's sidechained glory was cool. Crisp and clear. The arrangement could use some additional polish. Right now you've got a great concept down but there's not much evolution going on here. Like Larry said the gated synth chords lack variation and that goes for pretty much all of the meat in the track. There's practically no dynamic curve here. Just a bit more variation in the arrangement, be it beat, melody, rhythm or just a new break, would really help. Ultimately I'd like to ask you for some more of the melody line from the original. Just a little more interpretive use of the melody would kick this arrangement up a notch. I realize you're already using the melody but again it's repetitive and it wouldn't hurt to have another connection, maybe in a chill break or something? Overall this shows a LOT of promise. You're definitely on to something great here. Still, this needs to be a little more refined. Less high end, more dynamic arrangement, a bit more interpretive with the melody and we're game. NO(resubmit)
  12. Mixing felt really odd to me. The melodic fast attack synths were very strong, the bass lacked bottom, percussion felt distant and there were no meat in the lower mids for like half the track. The sounds themselves were ok and some of the modulation (for example 0:41->) was pretty cool. However the reverb and panning/stereo imaging of the main synth hook made it feel distant and unfocused. Arrangement felt a bit stiff using mainly the same parts for the entire track. Variation is key to making the arrangement work. Especially the melodic interpretation, like Larry said, could be fleshed out. Also the track as a whole lacks dynamic variation and feels like it's in one gear all the way to the sampled outro. Overall I feel this needs more work in both areas. It's not a bad track but it needs some more TLC to go all the way. NO(resubmit)
  13. Production was clean and crips but I thought it downplayed the melodies in favor of the quite bland beatwork. The synths are a bit thin but mostly from mixing I think, wouldn't hurt to have brought them more up front. Arrangement was still solid with a personal take on the source. Some decent expansion of the melody during the later part of the song but the new mood and backing kept it from feeling too conservative. Key change was a bit sudden for my taste though. Overall it's a solid track that could've been just a little more refined but nothing's really holding it back. Keep up the good work! YES
  14. Will take a look at it tomorrow or monday. EDIT (7/6): It is now tomorrow or monday and I still think this remix has issues. The piano sounds mechanical and slightly metallic (4:50->), the strings still feel stiff and out of place in the soundscape. I still found some really odd harmonic choices that I just can't seem to find the same as the source. For example: 1:35-38, 3:39, 3:49-3:53, 4:19 that ain't right. Regardless of how it resolves it sounds really odd. I also finds it kinda lacks bass in much of the track. Coupled with the glitchy drums and percussion it makes the track unfocused. This is close because the arrangement still has some great qualities to it much like the production and quirky modulated instruments. However I ultimately feel this remix is lacking a bit in both areas resulting in bringing it down a lot overall. Maybe cut back a bit on the sound mangling (even though I know you love it) and focus on ironing out the oddities for a more musical arrangement. Sorry Shaun, I'll have to stick with my old vote.
  15. Looks like a useful guide but Brad, and I mean no offense, I could never read the whole think if you're writing in all lower case.
  16. I feel too overwhelmed D: I'll probably buy something a bit more niche instead just to kick myself in the ass as a composer/producer
  17. That's also why both mine and Larry's vote was first about him getting someone else to do the production. Also, looking back at the GSO track I was quite borderline on that and I dunno if I did the right thing with that vote.. This is getting quite problematic for sure... I'll get back to you?
  18. Because it's quite hard to ask a live orchestra to re-record. With that in mind it was good enough. This is sequenced and produced by one artist, possibly in his own bedroom. I somehow feel you can't apply the same criteria to a live orchestra recording as you apply to a one-man-band production. I see a slight difference
  19. I'm probably getting it. Need to level up my list of software if I wanna get anywhere in the world anyway because people tend to judge you by what software you use ..or I can just get all the FabFilter plug-ins >:3
  20. 360 when it gets to Europe. Hopefully improved connection by then too.
  21. Andrew, if all you're asking for is lowering the guitar I suggest you go conditional. We have all gone that way before you and the remixer then has to take a stab at production again, since it's an easy fix a resubmission might not be the way to go but it's entirely up to you.
  22. The samples really are on the weak side imo.. But the more I listen to this the more it grows on me. The arrangement is clever and filled with both source and your own, quite awesome additions. With a source as advanced as this you really need to be clear with the melody and I thought that was really one of the strengths here. Overall, the arrangement outweighs the production so I can safely give this the big 'ol YES
  23. Probably, yes. However if it turns out it isn't in the game when that comes out we'd remove it.
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