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Everything posted by anosou

  1. Quoted fror truth! Yeah, Raiden IV looks pretty damn sweet from what I've seen.. Probably an easy converting process too!
  2. Haha, I can't believe I didn't see this when I posted. This thread is going to die a horrible death because of serious genre-mixups
  3. Good enough for me, gotta hunt it down on SwedeBay In other news Omega Five for XBLA is a great horizontal. Try it out! Quite easy on the normal setting but on the harder (1 shot, 1 kill and so on) high-score hunts can be insanely addictive. The soundtrack rocks socks too!
  4. Is Raiden III any good? Saw that 505 Games released that one also for the PS2 but it seems harder to get than the other releases..
  5. Shmups. They kick ass and makes your palms sweat. What's not to love? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shoot_%27em_up - I mean pretty much everything here but run'n'gun, but I guess that's okay too. Am I really the only one into this lovely little genre? Anyone wanna share high-scores or replays, perhaps even give some suggestions on fantastacular shmups do it here, because this.. is.. The OCR shmup-thread! Personally I've been enjoying a lot of PS2 conversions 505 Games brought to europe without any pressrelease or marketing whatsoever. All Psikyo's titles (Gunbird, Sengoku Ace, Dragon Blaze) are amazing and I can't wait to try the not-so-classic verticals like Homura and XII Stag. In other news, play R-Type Final or go to hell. Now.. Discussion.. GO!
  6. I'm glad she died, I'm using her sub-machine gun like there's no tomorrow and I didn't have to lose karma!
  7. I'll mention that to Oscar, maybe he can patch it! now for great news, THE SOUNDTRACK IS RELEASED! visit www.okgamescompany.com for more information No arrangements atm but they might pop up If a moderator can add FREE SOUNDTRACK in the title (or something fancier, can't really think atm) that would be tops.
  8. I doubt it, this is for Community Games which is NOT the same as Xbox Live Arcade. It's unique because any developer can develop a game and then, after getting voted on by other users, it's released on Xbox Live for a price of your choice (200, 400 or 800 MSPoints). The developer gets a fairly large cut and m$ gets a significantly smaller cut. So, no PSN/WiiWare, this is indie. Pretty much.
  9. same with sweden I'm pretty sure you have to 1. wait until launch or 2. get an american/uk xbox live gold account and fill it with MS points from that region (points are region locked) glad to see you're interested though in other news: the original soundtrack (without remixes) should be up tonight or tomorrow for your listening pleasure!
  10. <3 u, keep spreading the word! Although I'm certainly looking forward to hearing some of your original stuff in a game. VGMdb, here we come!
  11. Very nice take on this theme. I'm sad we didn't hear more of that strange intro textures though! I think the arrangement here is fantastic, just let me get that out of the system. Nice use of triplets and overall great melodic intepretation. You threw in some chord-changes, interesting rhythms and great dynamic variation! The ending was quite good too. The orchestra is a bit empty, it's not a full symphony if you get what I mean, and could use some additional instruments or doubling to sound full though. I didn't think the brass at 0:51 was bad, however the "harder" brass articulations sounded so-so but passable. Most instruments sound okay, the strings could've sounded better at times but for the most part it was good. Pizzicato sound at 2:03 was "slappy" compared to the overall sound of the strings, better at 2:10. Overall, I think the arrangement is just good enough to outweigh the slight production issues I had. Take the criticism to heart though, even if this passes, and improve in the sound department for your next submission! Because damn, there should be more submissions from you. Great first sub! YES(borderline)
  12. DAMNIT, you got the iPhone gig? They didn't want me because I wanted to get payed even if the project failed to see release
  13. Thanks for the translation! I'm glad it wasn't something stupid like "dude, tifa's hot!"..
  14. As Jimmy mentioned earlier it's YES or NO on this one since the FL demo doesn't allow saving. Sucks, doesn't it? :/
  15. The game.. I really have no idea I can direct Oscar to this thread so he can answer any game-related question for you! The soundtrack took about a week of hard work (6 tracks), the deadline for Dream. Build. Play. was approaching quickly when Oscar contacted me about music so I didn't have much time. Still, I'm very happy with the result, both game and music. There IS a demo (also directly from your X360); http://marketplace.xbox.com/en-GB/games/media/66acd000-77fe-1000-9115-d80258550111/ Thanks for the comments everyone and do check it out and give your opinions here! <3 Also, I updated the frontpage with some links to various gaming sites and their impressions of Artoon!
  16. I totally recommend this game to everyone: http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=19534 You know you want it!
  17. Artoon - 400MSPoints (that's $5, you can afford it!) - with original soundtrack by Another Soundscape! Soundtrack now avaliable for FREE from www.okgamesfactory.com , get it while it's hot and make your friends envy you! (friend's envy is not guaranteed or endorsed by this company and/or person. The soundtrack may kick so much ass you will love it, soundtrack/composer does not accept marriage proposals) XNA Community games recently launched and with it my first commercial game release as a composer! Artoon is a platformer that follows the adventures of Art as he bounces his way through a variety of visual artworks. It was developed by OK Games Company, a talented and very cool guy named Oscar Kozlowski. The game's best described as a psychedelic high-score hunt and placed top 15 in the Dream Build Play-competition. You can check it out at the developer's website OKGamesCompany.com. There is a demo avaliable on Xbox Live Marketplace, both directly from your 360 and via a PC. Reviews and Impressions!: IGN.com - "This is one of the coolest looking games I've seen on Xbox Live. And that includes XBLA games." 360evolved.com - "Overall Artoon is incredibly fun, addicting, frustrating and beautiful all at the same time. Do yourself a favor and spend the $5.00 to pick this one up." Destructoid - "(...) the best retro-throwback tunes I’ve heard in a while." Jaxon Gluck (happy customer) - "...after stumbling upon the demo I knew right away that it would be a purchase for me. The music by Mr. Gerdt really drew me in to the experience, and the changing visual styles really caught my attention." The SOUNDTRACK is avaliable for free from www.okgamescompany.com! Download it if you feel like it! Remix it if you feel like it! Dazzle at the VGMdb-entry if you feel like it but most of all, enjoy (well.. if you feel like it)! All tracks were made entirely in Reason 4. Each track sent out to capture the unique design of each world while making your heart race a little faster. So, dear OCReMix, if I've sparked your interest. Try it out! Might be your cup of tea!
  18. Lucky it doesn't really take much to get a new lvl 20 char, and I bet you you'll find new stuff all the time
  19. Beautiful minimalist piece this one. The concept is great for sure. The extreme reverb setting works quite well here. Still, I think there are some issues. The playing are at times a bit too loose. The final notes in the left hand for example. Also it cuts off rather abruptly because of the reverb tail. The arrangement had, as I said, a great concept but you need to develop it more. It's quite short and slow so I feel there could be much more to it. Adding some additional quirks and sequences in the arrangement while tightening up the playing a bit. No need to stop being expressive, just don't let it sound sloppy. This is, as we've said MANY times now, a great concept and would be a good addition to OCR so please take your time to develop this and resubmit it! Good luck! NO(resubmit)
  20. Really interesting intro but I wish there was a better build-up to the main part. The production has some issues. It's very muddy in general, like most instruments (especially the rhodes) are lacking high frequencies. The bass is also incredibly muffled. Some better separation or at least more careful equalization would help here. Arrangement has some unique perks. You're obviously a fan of odd timesigs and all the crazy stuff that comes with that. I'm loving most of this stuff, harmonies on the jenova theme right in the middle, the new chords, the suttering processing. I didn't have a problem with the drums really, if you fixed the production so they'd blend in better with the rest of the arrangement I'd love them. The piano soloing is quite cool too, the stuttering here sounds a bit odd when it's so fragmentet but it's an okay twist. A big issue here is transitions and making the arrangement sound more cohesive. It should sound like one song, not one song with strange stuff shoved in between sections. My main issue is close to larry's though. You've got a bunch of great ideas and tricks up your sleeve but you have to make this more cohesive. The production needs to click on every level and sound less muffled. The arrangement could use some better transitions overall and perhaps some more interpretive source usage, but that's not my main issue here. I'd love to see a resub adressing my issues here, this is a very creative piece overall, it just needs to go the extra mile! NO(resubmit)
  21. there are perks to improve stealthdetection and all that jazz. It's a viable strategy (most are) but stock up on stimpacks and get ready to pause the game a lot
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