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Everything posted by anosou

  1. The drums did throw me off as well.. That snare sounds strange but it grows on you. Could do with a little less reverb and some more meat though. The piano handling the main melody could be a little louder, it's the instrument that is the most quiet of everything. Either that or pull back the drums/bass a bit. Quite sparse with pad+bass+piano+drums. Not a dealbreaker but it feels like some other chord instruments could've been used to great effect, maybe some rhythmic comping to supplement the grooving bass and drums. Like Larry said, the strings that enters for the chorus are very mechanical and the articulation could be improved. The second time around with the piano the source is handled better. Some other element wouldn't hurt but this time around it's not really nessecary. Still this is quite repetetive arrangement wise because of how static the groove and backing instruments are. Production wise this has some balance issues. The drums and bass are very loud compared to the rest of the instruments. Seems like there's quite a lot of reverb on some sounds too. Work with the levels and EQ to make everything really glued together. You have a good start here, try improving the flow and the way the instruments fit together. Now it sounds like the drums+bass is not really playing together with the rest. Some variation in the arrangement would also help, the groove could do much more. Some additional instruments and a varying backing section in general is also a good idea. Keep working with this one, it's a promising first sub! I hope we hear from you again. NO(resubmit)
  2. I say get Auto MP Recovery and some additional MP with skills. Do some side-bosses for the element absorb accessories (or do tolten's sidequest with the seals) and you'll be laughing at Enlightenment. I was around 40-45 when I did that (was 75 afterwards mind you).. Go look for skills'n'shizz!! be smart with rings and what you equip. THREAD HIJACK: LOST ODYSSEY KICKS ASS. that is all
  3. Mind you that Cooke has to be like lvl 40 to finish that sidequest, it's supah easy! Also, a tip, use Seth. You can't NOT use an immortal, if you compare the skills and abilities they'll learn you will kick yourself hard in the ass when you get to the Temple of Enlightenment. Also, Tolten's end-game gear is sick but any immortal can use it because of the Royal Equipment skill so.. yeah.. I finished the game a few days ago, my main party (Kaim, Seth, Ming, Sed and Sarah) averaging lvl 82. Haven't gotten that damn treasure trove achievement, missing a few seeds etc.. Need to do all the backyard battles too! Need the Skillmaster achievements for the immortals too.. some rare stuff needed there. Otherwise I kinda raped this game
  4. aah, it's cool. btw this remix totally needs another soundscape.
  5. Never said anything about the guitar playing or arrangement of the guitar, I was only critizing how buried/muddy it was compared to everything else (especially the lead synth). Didn't mention a specific section either, I think the guitar is buried pretty much all the way through. zyko said the same thing about the rhythm guitars needing that extra push.. Are we talking about the same thing Jimmy? So yeah, conditional on the additional EQ/volume push and if possible, some of the audible pops (during the intro for example). I was wrong about 3:06 being a glitch, still bugs me but I guess I can jive with it.
  6. Just chiming in to mention that this keyboard rocks ur socks. I have a Motif ES8 (the bigger brother) and it kicks even more ass. A solid workstation. Make Chipp happy!
  7. Shout out for Lost Odyssey which ate like 60+ hours of my life (I loved at least 55 of them!). Go buy it cheap because no one else wants it!
  8. Lovely little interview, I enjoyed the read. Hopefully Kirkhope will compose at BHG too :3
  9. the banner in the middle of my remixes makes me cry... otherwise, I like the darker tones. Easier to see the text and whatnot. Nice work.
  10. Like the addition of screenshots for remixes (I only saw it when checking a remixer profile but I like it nonetheless). Lovely.
  11. Instruments lacked depth and clashed somewhat. The lead bells seemed quiet compared to the strings, too bad because that was definitely a better sound than the strings. The samples weren't all that good in other words. I like the feel of the drums even though they sound quite muddy. Nothing wrong with the timing and drum programming imo. They do lack direction but I don't think that's the issue with the arrangement. With a stronger melodic arrangement this would work. Sadly this doesn't feel ready yet but keep working. I think some of your other remixes are stronger, try comparing this to both your other stuff and what's getting posted to get a general idea what we want. Good luck with your next sub! NO
  12. Just to make it clear, I'm not giving this a NO only because of the clipping. I thought in general the production and sequencing could be better and coupled with the borderline-above-the-bar arrangement I feel a NO (resub) is relevant. It's a close call but that's my decision. Just clarifying
  13. I didn't think you did but still, avoid doing so in the future. Just remix will probably be fine. Last.fm also isn't a good way to host your WIPs because the mix will be quite compressed for streaming. Anyway, no harm done, just sayin'
  14. might be a bad idea to file it under "OC Remix" before it has been accepted. Just a thought.
  15. SOURCE: http://soundscape.escariot.net/2-24%20-%20ZEN%20(Aeropolis).mp3
  16. One of my favorite soundtracks around. I like the preset-techno feel and the character themes are fabulous. But then again, who cares about what I think I really like the opening with the bells, I'm a sucker for bells. Solid build-up, you effectively faded elements from the source in and out without it feeling repetitive. Although I was pretty damn sure something would happen at aroud 1:10. Kinda drags with a build-up this long. Oh! Damn! Now I realized it wasn't a build-up. Bummer! Ambient, but bummer Some of the new chords and melodic variations (1:30-2:00) were interesting but did sound a bit out of place and disjointed. No dealbreaker though. Pretty much everything else felt in place. The arrangement is very much like the worst kind of woman. Incredibly hot and constantly whispering dirty stuff in your ear, then she suddenly stops after 4 minutes and nothing really happened. No offense man but I was like on the edge of the chair so many times waiting for the beat to enter You handled the source in a clever way even though I can't say it felt dominant. It WAS dominant, it just didn't feel dominant. Can't blame you though, the source is very minimal and you effectively placed most elements in your arrangement. The arrangement (although lacking some proper beats!) was dynamic and I never got bored. Some more interpretation wouldn't have hurt but it would've been pretty hard to pull off. All the elements clicked and production-wise this was just ace, nice work there. I don't really see any good reason to NO this. I feel it could've gone places and been something more but then it wouldn't be this remix. This remix, as it sounds right now, is good and above the bar. Nice work YES
  17. Heh, I thought the idea of the orchestra tuning was quite fun. Needs to be handled better though, it seems like just a small part of the orchestra actually did tune and just fyi, you always tune after the Oboe! Anyway, as it gets going the arrangement is quite pretty. As Larry said, good adaption for orchestra. The samples ain't nothing to write home about but they're definitely not bad. The first violin sounded a bit awkward though with some strange low rumbling at that high pitch. The ending was quite abrupt, no real resolution like Larry mentioned. If you go back to the root chord you'd be in much better shape even though it's boring Other than that the arrangement could use some more interpretation to really shine, even though you've got a good start. A good first submission and practice makes perfect so, keep improving and I hope to hear from you again. NO
  18. I need to echo Larry here because he said it all. Some bad distortion/clicks, check your levels when recording! Still quite a cool soundscape. Doesn't have very much to do with Spirit Temple though. An enjoyable and interesting piece but not OCR material, sorry. Go take a good look at them there Submission Standards & Instructions and get back to me NO
  19. Interesting sound choices, very minimal. I think the kick takes up a bit too much space with that reverb, practically all of the low-end gets drowned and everything is pumping. Sidechain compression is all good but many elements (the belltype pad for example) are pumping in a very unpleasant way. With such a sparse arrangement some more focus on melodic elements (like at least the bass) would probably make this feel less repetitive. The mixing was quite awkward too, the instruments sounded quite cheap and everything was over-compressed. The beats are very simple and repetitive. Some changes here and there would really help. Hi-hats, precussion, changes in the static pattern, whatever! Even for a dancefloor this just takes too much time to evolve and when it does it's incredibly sparse and very close to the source. For a 7+ minute remix I was expecting something more than straight source and one or two backing instruments. All in all I think this needs a lot of work to pass. Get creative with the source and work hard with the production. Compare your remix with those getting posted on the site nowadays to see what we're looking for in an arrangement. Hopefully that will give you a general idea anyway. Good luck with your next submission! NO
  20. A lot of pops and crackle right from the beginning, you should find the cause of that. Otherwise the piano sounded nice albeit a bit muddy and rigid. Work hard with the velocities and equalizer to get that perfect sound. With a solo-piano piece the piano really has to sound good. Arrangement-wise this was fairly solid. Some of the ideas are simple but effective. When it evolves towards the end the different left hand movements doesn't seem very connected. Feels like blocks stacked next to eachother. Try to get all the transitions smooth, that will make this piece a bit more alive and less like a MIDI-sequence. When playing with polyrhythms like at 1:49, try to get it a little less quantized. The ending was alright but the transition into the serenade part could probably have been executed a little better so you really feel 'at home'. All in this shows a lot of promise. The first thing you need to do is getting the production right! Check out #ocrwip on irc.enterthegame.com and the WIP-boards for feedback about that. While you're at it you might be able to polish your arrangement a bit more to make it really shine (jot down some sheet music or buy the full version of FL already ;P). Good luck! NO
  21. Right off the bat everything sounds pretty thin compared to your earlier work. The samples this time around (at least for the first half) leaves a lot to be desired. While I can totally dig the try for a more "ethno" sound stuff like the strings at the left side at 0:44 just sounds very fake. The writing and arrangement is still very good, I don't think it's too close to the source either. As soon as you think so another element or counter melody enters to spice stuff up. 2:14 was fantastic, that's good writing right there. What bothers me is that during pretty much the whole first part most of the instruments sounds very dry and fake sounding. Some flutes and the harp are absolutely good enough but the strings and woodwinds have an unnatural attack/release and sounds very dry. Reverb and equalization could help but I don't know if it will be enough for something like the violin. The transition into the next part isn't really much of a transition. It seems sudden and it doesn't even sound like it's the same piece because of the difference in how the instruments sound. There is no room to connect the different instruments so to speak. This second part was however much stronger than the first one. Brass was pulled off nicely and some of strings sounded much fuller. Very energetic writing too although some of it is lost in the thin soundscape. So yeah, you should really take some time with the mixing and usage of instruments in this one. The arrangement is obviously over the bar but the mixing holds it back. Take some time to really listen to this and you'll probably hear what we hear. When the production hits the same level as the arrangement this will be a no-brainer of a yes, but for now: NO(resubmit)
  22. anosou

    Fable 2

    Finally! Now we can all sit down in our living room and ENJOY the game :3 anyway, I'm especially looking forward to the "invite a friend" thingy. looks kinda neat.
  23. anosou

    Fable 2

    I'd still bother, I like shallow games from time to time. Hopefully it will kick ass though.. because I also pre-ordered it ;P
  24. Swede-approved! Fantastic work as always, you know I loved this before and I still do! Moar plz.
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