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Everything posted by anosou

  1. This sounds great. The piano is beautiful, except the 1:04 issue. The percussion entering at 2:00 is both interesting in sound and programming, great groove together with the bass. While this is on the sparse side it certainly has a good flow and it's nothing that keeps the remix from being enjoyable. The switch at 3:36 to 4-on-the-floor rhythm is actually something I really enjoyed. I do not think the kick is too weak since I don't think you were going for a specific genre (where this MIGHT have mattered) and it sounds very pleasing as is. The original material in this section might not fit incredibly well with the source, but I see taking a step in another direction a good thing. Change is good, especially since you relied heavily on the opening riff from the original and repeating that riff through the whole song would've made the whole thing sound a bit repetitive. The switch back to piano could've been better but it's a minor complaint. I don't think a track changing style is enough reason reject it and I think it was quite well done in this case. The production is good although the soundscape is on the sparse side. The arrangement is interesting enough. Just fix the volume (and the piano cutoff at 1:04 if you can) and it's good to go. YES(Conditional on volume/1:04 fix)
  2. Much love people, much love. Enjoy your new awesome life, or whatever they call it!
  3. Like Vig, I don't think the brass is a major problem but it could be better. Some programmed vibrato on the long notes, especially the solo saxophone would help the brass a lot. The drums are something I definitely think you could improve though. Both in terms of sample quality and sequencing. For jazz genres like this the drums usually play a central role in setting the groove and your sequencing is a bit stiff and simplified. (btw, if you have a way of converting Halion 2 format samples, check out http://www.geocities.com/duro7878/cw_dk_buy-now1.html , free, great and very flexible drum samples). The xylophone at 0:19-0:35 is nice and something I wish you would keep using throughout the arrangement. I also like the off-beat brass chords and how well the sources translated to swing. The writing at 1:12 is sweet in my opinion but, as zircon pointed out, it's really brass-heavy. This part would have translated good into piano, an instrument you aren't really using to its fullest potential. At 2:01 Kefka's theme fits very well with the battle theme, clever writing there. Overall, the arrangement is good but can use some changes (and even additions) in instrumentation. The production is not bad but some instruments (drums/brass) could benefit from some better samples. I am digging this a lot though so I'm really hoping for a resub Daniel, don't keep us waiting too long! NO (Resubmit Please)
  4. As Larry pointed out, this one is very quiet to begin with. Knowing this is an orchestral piece it's not a big deal since using a large dynamic range is, most of the time, part of the writing. This shows at 0:55 as Larry said. Great writing at 1:29-1:40. The harmonic changes at reminds me of the overworld theme from Final Fantasy VII and works really well. Natural use of 5/4 from 1:40-2:11, doesn't sound forced as some odd time signatures easily can. Even the 7/4 that follows fits like a glove. Great support-writing throughout and good instrument choices. Some of the stringsounds have an awkward attack, shows especially at 3:09-3:14. I would've prefered a legato here, the small pauses dirupt the movement you have throughout the rest of the piece and really shows that these are programmed strings. I also agree with larry with the fake-sounding brass at 3:55-3:57, although it's really hard to make brass sound real so it's a minor complaint. Overall this is a terrific arrangement with great writing, good use of the dynamic curve although a bit on the quieter side and the sounds does hold a high quality for the most part. Nice work. YES
  5. Zircon really did put his finger on the issue here. I also did a source breakdown and got almost exactly the same results as the other judges. And since you ARE (and I can't stress this enough) a musical genius you should be able to put some more focus on the connections to the source with relative ease. The production is great although a tiny bit cluttered at times, the creative effects are mindblowing (you really do know how to use Scream 4 just right) and the Cello is beautiful. The musical skill shown in this song is just amazing. This is really one of my favorite remixes ever. It's too bad you say won't resubmit this, and I will nag you everytime we talk, but right now it's just too liberal in terms of our standards. Sorry mate, I'm looking forward to your next masterpiece! ;* NO (JUST RESUBMIT ANYWAY!!!) (PLEASE!?)
  6. I think the acoustic guitar is a really nice element when coupled with more electronic sounds. As Larry said I think you could've used something else for the lead or at least switch it up occassionally since it is very much like the original both in terms of sound and melody and you're relying quite heavily on it throughout the whole song. It's actually really hard to tell if it's a rip or not, regardless of what you say. The drumwriting is pretty cool and I for one do not think they sound out of place. Though both the drums and main lead could be more in front in the mix, especially the lead that's REALLY buried. The drums could also use some panning to keep them from being buried in the middle of the mix. What you've added to the original melody is interesting though, both arrangement and production wise. The guitar has a lo-fi quality to it but I believe that is a stylistic choice and it does actually work well with the rather large stereo image and warmth of the sound. The song is mixed rather quietly and could use some compression and/or normalizing but the creative effects (stutter gating, vinyl effects and glitchy elements) are all nice touches and very well done too. The instrument entering at 1:23 is almost a bit too detuned in my opinion but it's not something that's going to affect my vote. I'm not a fan of the woodwinds either, they sound a bit too fake and wobbly, it's a bit too much when the guitar and.. well most sounds does sound lo-fi. The problem as it is now though is that the arrangement, even though very creative in style and mood, relies to heavily at the original melody with a pretty much identical sound as the original. The production is full of interesting quirks and effects but the volume needs to be fixed and I'd personally prefer if you gave the drums some more space. I just don't think the rest of the arrangement/production makes up for the lead and I'm hoping for a more expanded version for resubmission. I really do like your style and I'd love to hear this song with an original lead. NO (Resubmit please)
  7. My thoughts exactly. No really, exactly!
  8. Project Sylpheed is hardcore love. Good choice.
  9. Some good psybient albums for ya: Shpongle - Nothing Lasts Entheogenic - Golden Cap Taruna - World Fusion 3 (or 1, or 2) And for people who like electro, the minimal kind I highly recommend Monolake - Cinemascope and Boeoes Kaelstigen. Get their livesets from their myspace and website, highly worth your 0 dollars.
  10. I'd like this game now please. Regardless of the end result. Thank you.
  11. You sound an aweful lot like Conker good video. and not only because of the conker thing.
  12. AGAIN, just started AGAIN two days and I'm a decently equipped lvl 75 Necromancer (Poison/Summon MFer for those who care). I've been playing D2 to and from since it came out
  13. I'll start having freetime sometime next week. I hope you won't kick me off the project 'til then. ..on the other hand I just started playing Diablo2 :/
  14. One of my favorite remixes from VotL. Great production, superb mood and nice use of synths. All in all, a keeper.
  15. I still think the track I made with GSlicer is awesome.
  16. It ain't a joke. It was fun. You didn't need another objectiv than getting more pieces to build something ugly. That's enough for me.
  17. Couldn't care less about the original games, 3D-platforming ain't my thing, but something that gets me going is the building. I mean, gummi ships in kingdom hearts (1 AND 2!) was like the best thing that ever happened to me so the more energy they put on making the building/collecting part good the more I'd wanna get this game.
  18. Amazing performance by both Sam and Dustin. I loved this when Sam showed it to me before and I love it (if at all possible) even more now. Moar plz.
  19. Ikaruga and Rez is what makes XBLA worth it. Other good games that you get in some fancy box (you know, not downloadable) are Oblivion, Eternal sonata, skate, Virtua Fighter 5 (!!!) and Bioshock. Bioshock is an FPS but it's so good you just don't care. now go spend
  20. Well then I completely understand you and thank you for your input. And yeah, I did not take this very seriously as an arrangement and it was more of a "Haha, let's do something wacky" so it's alright. I was probably thrown off-guard becaus the only thing you said was that it was utterly ridiculous and sounded like a joke and that seemed more like trolling to me. Now that you've explained I can sleep at night. Now if you'll excuse me I'll stop going off-topic in the review thread
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