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Everything posted by anosou

  1. So, I've sold my soul to Microsoft. I guess I didn't want to miss Oblivion and Orange Box and whatnot. Now I ask you, what's your opinion on the following games (games I'm considering to buy): Project Sylpheed - I've heard both good and bad. Too advanced and hard? Lost Odyssey - I've mostly heard bad stuff actually. Huge-ass loading times, bad characters except the lead, boring story and well no fun. Still I think most people are just being asses. What do YOU think? TimeShift - this game intrigues me. Is it as fun as it sounds to mess around with time and shoot stuff? Enchanted Arms - a release title for PS3 that got ported to 360 and still looks like a mediocre RPG? yesplz. Am I forgetting something? Feel free to give me tips about budget titles for 360 that are still really fun. Every title I mentioned except Lost Odyssey is pretty cheap where I live anyway..
  2. Definitely an anthem! While the sound of the drums is too "big" and reverbed for my taste, I like the overall mixing. The guitar playing is sweet and the arrangement is good. I love when the acoustic guitar enters. I must say though, I'm not a fan of the synth, the way it sounds is a bit too cheesy. The ending on the other hand is tops, I especially dig the small bass break. Overall good song. Go get it if you want som solid rawk!
  3. Actually we can never remix again if it isn't exclusively for R:TS! life's good when you're Rama
  4. I think everyone that makes a remix they think is OCR quality will probably submit it. It's not against the rules or anything as far as I know. I bet many will submit to R:TS too, especially when Rama's pulling the threads.
  5. But you compared them to eachother from the "it's also a song with explicit and comedy lyrics" standpoint. And I explained why I thought that was wrong ;P
  6. no, it fixed it for YOU you silly boy you.
  7. You do realize that ilp0's track uses the original lyrics from the source? This one does not :3
  8. absolutely, I'm all for that and I'm doing it myself. but playing it only with REAL instruments? :/
  9. Absolutely positively sexcellent! More of these kind of thigns please!
  10. Both using some kind of bitcrush distortion (be sure to play clean, loads of clean harmonics!) and triggering MIDI is possible. As Tensei said, when you're recording and making songs, functions such as Logic's "Convert audio to score" works very well, but it doesn't work live at all. Something I don't really understand though is why you're choosing guitar+bass when you want to start a straight-up chiptune band. It will always be near impossible (and if possible, lossy and inconvenient) to get the chiptune sound and I bet you have to invest a lot of money. Could you perhaps explain why a bit further?
  11. will you get flamed otherwise? I'll probably make it but still.. someone has to kick me in the butt once in a while
  12. True dat. I talk a LOT about myself too, hate me why don't you. :/ bluefox has never been annoying to me or when I've been around but as many has stated, if you can't take it /ignore him. Jibberish convos is a small price to pay and this shows that some are not ignoring him and talking to him so it can't be that bad ;P Also, it's not like people can't keep chatting when he's talking about himself? man zircon you make great points today. nice work
  13. top level link = yes please. I didn't mean that the WIP forums (and the links to it) are unnecessary in any way I just think personally, the torrents are more important for most visitors. While the WIP forum is one of the most important aspects of the site that simply does not get enough attention, I never said anything contradicting that. I just think that, if we had the choose between the two, the torrents are more important. It's easier and more accessible for most to download through torrents (especially with selective downloads) and with the recent attention drawn to OCR because of various events, many new eyes will stroll here looking for downloads. Many probably thinking "why do I have to download each mix one and one?". and THAT's why I made that statement
  14. I was there with AeroZ, it rawked. The CD is so-so because of sloppy performances by vocalists and orchestra though some pieces are truly amazing and weighs that up. Listen to the trumpet solo in Brass de Chocobo! That's just great playing (and a good guy too, he's a friend of my fathers ;P).
  15. Personally I think Torrents can take WIPs and Compos place anyday. After all this is OverClocked ReMix, it's mostly about OverClocked ReMixes. sure the forums need some people but that's not why most people are here. think outside the incest party that is the forums
  16. That, I can accept. I guess I did read it a bit too much then. Mods, feel happy to remove this post if you see fit.
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