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Everything posted by anosou

  1. While "utterly ridiculous" might not be what I was going for it wasn't meant to be the most serious instrument combination. Instead I tried a blend of instrument that appealed to me and my playing. Since I'm interested in analog synths but also in Jazz I felt it would be fun to blend the two into something I enjoy. Every instrument is also keyboard-based (the xylo does have a piano-like layout) so I could play everything without having to think about the limitations of, say a string instrument. Since I play everything on my keyboard when I record it, it's important to me. The only exception is the drums which I play on my Korg padKontrol. Hope it makes more sense to you now. I also hope you would refrain from expressing yourself so bluntly in the future since it obviously rubs quite a few people the wrong way.
  2. hahaha that's so full of fail it makes me happy I'd buy that
  3. You're welcome here anytime, just gotta ask my parents lololololol and whatnot
  4. QFE and for the lulz. Just play Final Fight or something sucky yourself OP, and stop hating on our gaming
  5. Joke's on YOU, I live in Sweden the land of expensive.
  6. I picked up The Orange Box for $30 today, new. It felt good. Now I have yet another reason to ignore the GTAIV-hype You guys have to realize it's cheaper being really slow :3
  7. I've never played any GTA and I'm not planning to either! I'm too busy with Virtua Fighter 5 >
  8. Hey, I played the shit outta that this does however make me want to finish my games instead of just having them in a shelf so I guess it's a good thing EDIT: how the f*** do you add friends? :3
  9. *bump* watch how much suck: http://backloggery.com/main.php?user=anso !
  10. Yeah.. it's bizarre how a twelve year old can play guitar :/
  11. Y'all know I'm sexy! No need to be fit if you've got a beard! also, nice initative, good luck with this guys. I'm just too lazy
  12. It's like some pixelated fish came down from above and raped me, and it was gooood! moarplz.
  13. Hells yeah! Preferably with the sexy sexy logo only. Yum. OCR'd make me drink more.
  14. I was wondering where this one went, I remember liking it in #ocrwip. Though some of the synths are a bit too plain for me in terms of style and sound the rest is absolutely to my liking. The surf guitar part is probably the coolest part of the remix, it's just such a nice touch. The piece has some energy to boot and the guitar playing is sweet, overall good remix guys
  15. Here we go, $50. Because you're worth it. then I'm off to Budapest!
  16. Great job, I'm a crazy last.fm user and I appreciate how neat and tidy it all is now much love
  17. It has not always been like this but I don't think they were the norm. I still think the ammount of "regular" games were in majority, it's just that the thing that was "regular" then was also a bit kooky. Like applying a story only in the manual, making characters look a bit goofy (especially because it wasn't possible to make realistic characters). My point being, he's just being nostalgic and I don't really agree with him because of that.
  18. hehehehe :3 I agree. It feels like he's not really looking through the massive ammount of games for the odd gems. Lemme name some games that, according to me, has some creative design even though they might sometimes lack a main character or.. well characters at all. Frequency/Amplitude, Flipnic (best take on flipper ever), Graffiti Kingdom, Gregory Horror Show, ICO, Shadow of the Colossus, Mad Maestro, Okami, Psychonauts, Steambot Chronicles (just because of the crazy mix of stuff), Katamari Damacy, Mercury (really, and a lot of other creative puzzlers). And this is just PS2 games that I personally own! But still, the NES rant is not my kinda thing. He's loving all upon the most uninspired stories ever made. Honestly I think the Castlevania and Bionic Commando stories are horrible and probably something they slapped on the game to appeal to the kids these days, I mean it WAS the 80's. It's the same reason developers today are making shooters with beefy main characters and war-games. Give it to the large, general audience. The difference is, the large general audience now isn't as short-sighted as this guy and we're many, many more. If he complains about the huge-ass mainstream games btw, why buy them? Why not rummage around the intarweb and the stores to find something different? it's not like they aren't out there, as Coop pointed out. AND, OH OOH! Fun, he complains about bomberman's chain with the phrase "is this 1992?" when he obviously wants it to be 1992 because of the AWESOME CHARACTER DESIGN Okay, one more thing before I push "Save". I think he's partially right, it WOULD probably be more fun for us nerds if there were some goofy games released at current-gen systems but 1. they would not sell much and therefore not be profitable for a company, 2. the games we get today are still fucking amazing games, 3. there ARE tons of games that ain't FPSes or macho-man games and finally 4. Super Smash Bros. Brawl? How unique is that now? that is all
  19. Beautiful arrangement, I love the focus on melody as well as the rather spastic ethno percussion. The off-beat part is really groovy too. Also, fantastic production. Not much else to say, this is an instant classic. Welcome back McVaffe!
  20. Welcome back McVaffe, finally oh, and thank you for appreciating my arrangements! "The Darkness and the Light" inspired my Jade Cocoon remixes a lot. Now stay here for a while, y'hear?
  21. VotL wasn't released two weeks ago :3 Also, who are you to stop me from donating? you're not really helping this thread, just talking back to me. What I want to donate, I donate because I want to.
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