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Everything posted by Crabsmasher

  1. At first I thought Gray was the judge that did alot of F-Zero mixes and I was going to say something about that. Then I looked him up and I realized I had mixed him up with JJT. Shows how much I know him(or the judge panel in general). But still he has 23 remixes on the site, thats a whole lot. Nice Work. Best of luck.
  2. Sonic Rush was okay. It had really cool music and some cool graphics, but I didn't feel like I was doing anything. The game fails at interactivity. So Megaman ZX came out. Who has it and how is it?
  3. If they would have released that 10 or 12 years ago it might have been popular. Actually... no.Edit: Fixed.
  4. Holy! That Pokemon video was awesome! So awesome it's time to speculate! I noticed there was a section with snow and I wonder if that weather will have an effect on the battles in that area. For example accuracy could automatically be lowered because of the heavy weather. Certain attacks like fly could also be harder to use and/or less effective. That could get pretty crazy. Although I doubt it, that snow could mean that every area could be randomly effected by weather depending on it's climate. It would be an interesting feature, but I doubt something like that is being put into place. Perhaps they will have a season system similar to Animal Crossing. When it's fall in your area it's fall in the game. That could be interesting too. Most likely though it will just be that area that's snowy and none of this will ever happen. The video demonstrated the voice chat. I wonder how they are going to solve language barriers. Maybe they will disable voice chat when playing with someone in another region. I haven't personally played it, but a friend told me it plays alot like internet games like Zuma and Luxor. GAF has a scan from Famitsu. I didn't like Tales of Symphonia so I don't think I will be getting Tales of the Tempest. Still it's nice to see the DS get some RPG support.
  5. Yup. IGN just a few videos a couple days ago too.IGN also had something pretty cool to say about Lumnious Arc:
  6. I am not sure that this new Rune Factory game is mean to replace the farming games that so many people like. I think it's more of a spin-off that will branch into it's own series. But I could be wrong.
  7. I was playing Super Smash Bros Melee at my buddies house a few days ago and I forgot how much fun that game is. I don't have it so I hardly ever get to play it. I also discovered I am quite good with Ness. Speaking of Ness, what would his super move be?
  8. Sounds to me like a game similar to Pokemon.
  9. I haven't really been looking forward to that Mario Hoops game so if it sucks I don't really care. Will this game have weird RPG elements like Mario Power Tennis?
  10. Pokemon Online is ending up alot more extensive than I ever expected. This is awesome! NWFC is slowly getting better and better. So with this whole underground thing does that mean that they are getting rid of friend codes for this game?
  11. Pokemon Diamond/Pearl will also have chat features.
  12. I'm digging the site. Nick Work!
  13. It's for item management, issuing attack commands during a battle, and what appears to some form of decoration or item use on your pokemon. There isn't any info on that last part. I would expect there to be some more info later this month. Thats really what I was talking about, I knew about the other stuff. I should have been more specific. I just wanted to know if there was any info... but there isn't any.
  14. What was that whole touch screen thing about? Are you going to be able to play dress up with your Pokemon?
  15. I could hear monotony, but it really didn't bug me. The music was just so calming that I really didn't care. In my opinion the monotny really isn't that bad.Of course variation wouldn't hurt either.
  16. After listening to this mix I want to get hold of the SotC soundtrack and listen to the whole thing. I loved it! I found this song to be very calming and it's the perfect music to go to sleep too. I like that. Nice work Sephire.
  17. A very cool mix! A bit long for me, but still fun to listen to.
  18. http://pokemonelite2000.com/ Check out the Coro Coro Reveals More on Pokemon Diamond and Pokemon Pearl! -07/12/06- update and look at all the new D/P details. I was particularly happy about this:
  19. At first I was scared to listen to this ReMix simply because I read that it had vocals, but I am glad I decided to listen to it. This is probably one of the best vocal jobs done in a ReMix I have ever heard. Nice Work Taucer and Pretzel! I have listened to this song over and over again and now that I think about it, it kind of sounds like Don Mclean. That's pretty cool.
  20. Doesn't that just make it so you can't go backwards in a level like the original SMB?Doesn't sound to great, but I guess it's another excuse to play through the game.
  21. Nothing spectaclular, but it's something. My hype for that game is growing and growing.
  22. I went to see how much they are on Lik-Sang and I was surprised. Most of them are $200. Fork that.
  23. All of the games I want this year on the DS are coming out on August and September. Stuff lik Star Fox, Contact, FFIII, Megaman ZX and Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Blue Rescue Team. After that their's nothing that I want.
  24. Huge sale at Circuit City. http://www.dsfanboy.com/2006/06/27/huge-summer-circuit-city-sale/ If you don't have Meteos or Advance Wars I recommend you go get them! I am going to go get Advance Wars...
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