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Everything posted by Brushfire

  1. So when are we watching both of those episodes mentioned by Arrow? Also Links Plz!!??
  2. Do I need to hold another press conference every episode apoligizing and retiring from VGDJ, because of the mistakes made therein?
  3. Integrated into a real family's home with chores, daily counseling sessions and weekly therapy, eh? So basically for 24,000 bux, you ground yourself. HHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAH
  4. IMO, I like the Zeon suits better than the EFSF suits. One they look cooler. Two, there actually rated better than the EFSF's suits. Three, I mean c'mon whips and shit!!
  5. I hope everyone will join me in my annual end of the year tradition: Buying one of everything from Taco Bell, and sharing it with friends.
  6. It is funny you should say that, cause I do sports commentary on the OCR Team Fortress 2 Server nearly every night.
  7. You have to have it bestowed upon you by Level 99. Also I am on every now and then.
  8. Nah, I know that deep down, they aren't real. Also I don think I have any love Hina stuff. I could do an inventory but you'll have to point at which one is in Question.
  9. I wanna play with some folks. Add me to your Xbox Live friends as David Hubbard
  10. Darksword said they usually come out once a week. I think.
  11. Brushfire is definitely not pro. Zircon and Pixietricks are the real heroes here. There life is on the line every other week, making sure that we have quality work for you, the listener. Also Day 3 of Surgery Recovery: Misery abounds as I come down with a head cold. My only choice is to blame Kinslayer, for cursing me with such good looks! RAR!!
  12. I would love to do some reviews for you. Granted my "standards" are a tad higher than most, but I would love to do some professional reviews as opposed to the normal reivews that I do.
  13. I did, I can host him earlier than the dates, however days after is another story. I simply wont have the days of leave for it.
  14. Happy birthday you inspirations of the goodness of humanity.
  15. We have a caravan of like, 4 cars that are going, and you can go home with any of them you want. My friend Rob is prolly gonna be the guy to stay at the con over nights.
  16. Isn't Gundam the Japanese word for Crap? I dunno. Still Gundam is better than Candidate for Goddess. Also has anyone seen the trailers for the new Marvel Animes? Iron Man look straight but Wolverine looks like shit.
  17. I dunno, I'd have to buy Monkey Island seeing as I have never played it. Growing up I was more a console man than a PC.
  18. There is a place called the Brushfire Bed n' Magfest, that costs free dollars. If you and Bonzai are interested. No Sex in my house though.
  19. Ok, so I did some research and the cheapest I could find is about 35 dollars per flag. They would be 3 x 5 and have a flag pole sock sewn onto every one. So if this fits your budget, lemme know and I will put a tally up, and place the order on the 15th of October. This is to ensure that everyone gets their fkags by MaGFest. You have to furnish your one flagpoles though.
  20. With my teeth surgery pain, my sportscasting way are gonna be gone for a few days. But I will be back eventually. Also miyako is an awesome Demoman.
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