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Everything posted by Brushfire

  1. I got the Bladder of Steel Award on Rock Band 2 Legit with no helpers.
  2. This game is bad and you should feel bad!
  3. Sony has embarrassingly huge money piles lying around.
  4. That money goes to the phenomenal uptime and security that the XBL service has. Granted there has been extended outages, the longest lasting for a paltry 13 days (nothing compared to the outage that shut down all of Sony's online services), but still, you get what you pay for in my opinion. XBL is more polished than the free PS3 service. When the 360s were red ringing, they offered a 100% replacement. The Yellow light on the other hand was not offered and instead loyal Sony customers were forced to have a 200 refurb, for the exact same thing that 360 owners had. But this has nothing to do with the forthcoming failure of the Ouya, which will be muscled and bullied out of the console race by the bigger kids on the block. Also, just buy a goddamn computer and install Steam.
  5. It offers great PR for Xbox. What with all it's security holes and how it shits on it's fanbase.
  6. Another 13 game eh? Does this fix all of the boring from the previous two?
  7. Cave Story is a terrible game anyway. Modern Warfare 3 was way better.
  8. They are by no means obligated by anything to follow through. That being said, they will probably produce something. However there are a lot of problems with what they want to do, and until those promises start being fulfilled, you shouldn't tout this as the second coming of Christ.
  9. http://www.youtubedoubler.com/?video1=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D9bZkp7q19f0%26feature%3Drelated&start1=&video2=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DaATyZ1gDUB0&start2=&authorName=meahwahwah Mute the second video. Replace that crappy ogg with this.
  10. Like how boring the game is, and how it is nothing but a ratwheel of a gear quest.
  11. Way to go, you just got placated by a bad game.
  12. I can finally ask him what he was thinking when he made the awful Streets of Rage 3 Soundtrack.
  13. The server is dead because someone let it flounder for 4 months instead acting immediately when PL was leaving it. Most, if not all of our regulars moved to various places around the net. Ichimonai seems to be the biggest congregation.
  14. Why does anyone still play this game?
  15. OCAD has submitted two panels this year. The OCAD proper panel and a Silly Show/OCAD crossover panel where we talk about anime porn.
  16. Continuation of Sonic and the Search for Love begins in 30. Steve swears it'll be better, but we all know better. www.8bitx.com
  17. You mean I posed for these shirts and they didnt even get posted up? Lame.
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