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Everything posted by halc

  1. definitely felt a little cluttered/overcompressed to me. the drums didn't have a whole lot of punch either, but I gotta agree that there are some groove synth sounds and processing. very weird approach to the arrangement; like OA, I'm sorta at a loss as to how to break it down. I'm hearing the melodies pop up, but the backing seems to be pretty heavily modified. I gotta go with a NO for the production complaints alone, but if you decide to resubmit, a breakdown would certainly be helpful for all of us. NO(resub)
  2. not a lot to add here.. a lot of the backing seems to be sampled from the original (particularly in the intro), or at least replicated with similar instruments. might be a point of concern if this one sees a passing resubmission sometime. I think the whole drumstep-ish approach is a very interesting one, and I am digging the arrangement ideas, but I gotta agree that while the instruments themselves sound fine, they're not blending very cohesively. NO(resub)
  3. gonna third my fellow j's, those drums are definitely bringing the mix down, they don't have a lot of punch at all. the synths ranged from pretty nice (liked the main portamento) to pretty vanilla (that gated synth sounded particularly generic), and the mixing seems a little muddy and crowded in the lower mids. arrangement was pretty ambitious, with some more liberal transgressions, but overall it was definitely clicking. the production however does need quite a bit of polish. keep at it. NO(resub)
  4. really nice arrangement here! digging the soundscape too; the sounds are farily simple, but you do a good job of playing off their nuances. I gotta agree with djp; that volume jump is a little awkward, and a more pronounced buildup would've been more effective imo, but the song overall is pretty enjoyable. YES
  5. agreed with my fellow j's. i like the arrangement, there is some cool reharmonization and those bass slides are a nice touch. the instruments however are vanilla (I could name the sytrus presets in this track ), and the mixing gets a little unbalanced and muddy at times, and the drums are flimsy sounding. definitely shows promise in the arrangement. keep working at it. NO(resub)
  6. this source tune sounds like a mid-90's Joshua Morse. very cool, I'll have to check out some others from this game. as for your mix, I thought it was pretty fantastic.. conservative, yes, particularly with the melody, but with the modified rhythm and syncopations in the backing parts, really effective builds and texture drops, great drum writing and creative processing, I thought this was highly personalized. I do have two small faults with this; first being that I feel the lead is not quite loud enough (personal gripe), and second is the ending. it's good up until the point that it suddenly stops. you could drop a nice jazzy chord there at the end or something. anyway those are small issues that I'm going to overlook in terms of yes'ing this, but I'd at least request that something be done with the ending. YES
  7. yeah. cool track, the soundscape is beautiful, but the song is pretty much the same excepting a bit of noodling. would love to hear a more interpretive resubmission. NO(resub)
  8. pretty peaceful tune here. could go for a deeper level of interpretation in the melody, but the arrangement itself was fairly personalized. definitely agreed that the samples are the weak link here. the articulation and sustains are also pretty static, especially on the strings. not a bad start however; I'd recommend hitting up the workshop for some more thoughts on this one. NO(resub)
  9. ah yeah, I remember noticing the similarity when I heard this song in game, but I loved the subtle variations in the progression. black and white really had some fantastic tunes. anyway, gotta agree that the arrangement is pretty nice, although I felt there were a few weird notes in some of the chords and faster melodic parts but for the most part I was digging it. the production however does have some issues, the overall sound is pretty thin and hollow. your square lead and some of the background strings are really the only thing cutting through. the drums didn't have any punch. the sequencing I also agree was pretty static, especially that bit of breakdown with the piano playing all those fast lines, and the lead could definitely use some filter automations or something to give it a little more life. keep working on this one. the arrangement has the potential to make it onto the site. NO(resub)
  10. blade man chill man shade man sheep man air man
  11. interesting treatment of the source, using the last 2 measures of the source as a repeating hook. seemed like there were some weird notes or resonance in those background swirls at times, but overall, there were a lot of cool ideas. however I agree that the sounds are a problem point, some of them pretty much sound like sytrus presets. there are a few smoother sounds, but the overall soundscape could be a lot more cohesive. NO(resub)
  12. definitely has a really wide, flat sound to it that I can't quite explain in better terms. the synth was really hollow sounding. the sounds themselves were fine imo, the mixing is just holding them back. also, there's the arrangement, which of course you said was intentionally conservative, but I thought it was too much so, for OCR anyway, ballin' solo or not. feel free to disect the source material some more; it's perfectly respectful. NO(resub)
  13. sorry, I gotta agree with my fellow judges. I love what you have going here, but it's not compositionally interpretive enough for OCR. the added arpeggios are nice, and the soundscape is definitely personalized, but the rest of the song is pretty much cover territory. great piece, but if you can expand on the arrangement some more, I'd love to put my yes on it. NO(resub)
  14. we get so many subs from PMD, it's crazy. however, the source material is pretty much always great. I'm just surprised there hasn't been a project or likewise. ;P anyway, not much to add on the mix itself, I agree that a good portion of the beginning is a bit too conservative, and although the arrangement spreads its wings as it progresses, the sequencing and articulations are pretty stiff and the mixing sounds kinda hollow, for lack of a better term. NO(resub)
  15. agreed. the arrangement was well constructed, however the drums and bassline are pretty much on autopilot, and the overall soundscape just isn't feeling very cohesive. I don't think the problem is instrumentation so much as inconsistent mixing and balance, but I agree with OA that that detuned synth isn't too pleasant. the arrangement is promising though, so I do hope you take another look at this one. NO(resub)
  16. sounds good man. :)

  17. did you ever submit Caos?

  18. .. had any luck with any.. stuff?

  19. okay, I'm game with that breakdown. will flip my vote to a YES
  20. gonna flip my vote on account of the production/balance issues brought up. I'm still cool with the arrangement, but like the others are saying, the mix excepting the guitars needs to be beefed up. NO(resub)
  21. those main string stabs were really mechanical, playing that same rhythm and articulation over and over. elsewise, a lot of stuff still sounded kinda mechanical, but the soundscape had a nice cohesion and flow to it. nothing mind-blowing, but the mix overall was pretty well presented. YES
  22. wow, who's the remixer for this one? sounds like melody? regardless, this is a really great arrangement. the highs on the flute were pretty piercing, would ask for a quick fix on that personally, but overall this was very well crafted. YES(flute EQ fix if possible?)
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