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Everything posted by halc

  1. didn't listen to the original sub, but I thought this was a very nice arrangement, and the performance and recording quality sound great. nice work. YES
  2. what a pleasant surprise. sonic CD (both versions) always needs more love. in terms of production, this is pretty smooth and funky, but it feels like your pushing the master/compression pretty hard. it's not causing any terrible pumping or distortion, but it definitely feels pretty smushed at relatively modest volumes. arrangement is pretty conservative (style and sound-wise), but there's a ton of personality in the melodies and keyboard parts that pushed this one over the line for me. drums were on auto-pilot, but it didn't kill the mix by any means. the compression is problematic to me personally, and for that I may change my vote to a conditional, but I'd like to see what a few other judges think. YES(borderline)
  3. interesting variations on the main piano motif. this has a great old school feel to it, but the overall soundscape is pretty sparse, especially after 1:30. as Deia mentioned, everything after that point felt pretty aimless, like the song had already reached it's climax. definitely needs some work in that regard. I'm cool with the sounds/mixing. I didn't mind the individual drum sounds, but I agree that the patterns were on auto-pilot. very promising. the arrangement/soundscape need to be fleshed out more to get on OCR, it's just a bit to minimal at the moment. hope to hear this again. NO(resub)
  4. everything is so distorted. intentional? if so, my first piece of advice is to not do that. if all of the fuzz was gone, this wouldn't sound half as bad, even if it is texturally thin. aside from that, a lot of your instruments (including percussion) sounds like it has some pretty wide stereo spreading going on, which works for some elements, but when you stretch out the whole mix like that, it just ends up sounding empty and thin. try widening background elements, pads and such, and then use some basic L/R panning to fill the space with the rest of your instruments. some of the delays and reverbs are also a tad bit obnoxious at times and cause some bleeding between sounds. lastly, echoing Larry's concern about the EQ; lack of a high end, the low end is there (the kick) but it sounds muffly, and other than that there's not really a very strong bass presence. anyway, hope this didn't come off as harsh, I just wanted to provide plenty of critique. the arrangement definitely shows potential, and I look forward to hearing where you go from here. NO
  5. heh, I can hear skrillex influence all over this. I wish your yah-yah bass was a little 'sharper', for lack of a better term. it kinda has this wideness that makes it feel stretched thin to me, but I'm nitpicking, overall pretty solid as per your usual. arrangement didn't do anything too crazy, but it was well-personalized and thoroughly dubstepped. nice work. YES
  6. okay, well I LOVED the transition into 4/4 when the bass entered at :20. the plunky articulation on every note on the piano was a little bothersome but overall very nicely written parts. sound design was pretty neat, and the minimalist percussion didn't bother me too much in the context of the mix, but I agree that it was on auto-pilot. however, like the others my main issue is with the lack of melodic focus in the first half of the track, it needs that drive. the lead at 2:17 was totally ballin' though. that whole section was great. this is a very close call for me. overall I'm feeling good about the sounds and mixing, one more pass at the arrangement would steal my vote. NO(resub)
  7. Deia hit this one pretty well. the opening definitely sounds weird, not sure exactly how to explain it, but it's awkward. there's some wonky notes in the emerald hill theme that comes in at 1:34 too. production-wise, I agree that it needs more low-end, and overall the mixing felt compressed and muddy. you can probably clear out a lot of unused frequencies in your EQ's and get a lot more clarity from your sounds, which aren't bad. pretty cool overall, and promising, but those weird off-key notes (perhaps a theory J can provide more insight into those) and the mixing needs to be addressed to make it on OCR. hope to hear from you again. NO(resub)
  8. whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat

  9. http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=38336 should tickle your chilled-out fancy.
  10. http://soundcloud.com/halc/skrillex-the-devils-den-1 not entirely finished with this one yet actually, but it's close enough. enjoy! :]
  11. glad you're digging the album man, track 7 is probably my personal favorite as well. :P keep spreading the word, brother.

  12. this one sorta had a wideness to the mixing that makes it feel sparse to me, but as usual your sounds are well chosen, well mixed, and cohesive. I thought the breakdown and long buildup was tight, but man 2:57; TOTAL letdown. was expecting a huge drop or something. gonna agree with OA and Emu's criticism's about the arrangement losing steam in the second half, but overall I do feel it is above the bar as is. perhaps we should contact TGH either way and see if he'd wanna give one more pass at the arrangement. like Emu said, even adding one of your token crazy solos/melodic lines would give the second half some more personality. YES
  13. ah yes, I remember you sending me this one. pretty sure I probably told you to submit it. fantastic arrangement, not so bothered by the combination of sounds here as the NO's. I thought it had a nice cohesion, with the orchestra being the main event and the chiptunes more the twinkly icing on top. kickass job here, and props on a seriously killer arrangement. good luck with the rest of the vote. YES
  14. yeah, intentional or not, there's a little KH reference ( ) at 1:30. good job. moar squarewave plox YES
  15. I always have a problem with the leads/melodies never being loud enough in metal remixes, maybe that's just how metal is. I unno. anyway, overall I'm really digging this, gotta agree with OA about the ending there, but it's not worth going conditional over as the song is above the bar. but I do agree that incorporating some source in that section would 'seal the deal' so to speak. nice work. YES
  16. hrm, gotta agree with Wes, I'm not really agreeing with how the leads were treated here; might not even necessarily be too loud, subtle is okay, but they are too wet. that awesome melody at 2:30 is just bleeding completely into that big washy pad. none of the leads really cut through the arrangement. as far as the rest of the track, I'm digging it; great soundscape, creative modulations, and like the others I think I'm alright with this breakdown of the sources. pretty liberal in nature, but the arrangement ideas were very intelligent and creative. however, the mixing on the leads is problematic for me, I feel this song needs a sharper melodic focus. YES(cond. on leads; less wet, more prominent)
  17. really clean production on this one, definitely your most polished sounding song yet. theres a little muddyness in the low-end during the sections when you have layered basses, and this track still suffers from some generic sounds (the exposed lead around 2:50 wasn't doing any favors).. but again, this time it was well-produced. on the arrangement end of things, I agree that it was a bit sparse at times but ultimately I agree with OA; it was pretty awesome. definitely a step forward man, keep it up! YES
  18. voted YES on this before, and this version definitely shows some worthwhile improvement. still a killer arrangement, nice work here. YES
  19. thanks everyone, I'm very humbled by the response so far. keep spreading the word. you guys rock.
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