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Everything posted by halc

  1. mmm, some quality ambient work here, as with your last album. thoroughly enjoyed, and added to my bandcamp recommendations. I particularly loved tracks 1 and 3. very reminiscent of Trifonic (if you haven't heard of them, CHECK THEM OUT). glitchy goodness.
  2. the arrangement, though a bit straightforward, was strong enough, but I can't say the mix of synths and guitar here is entirely cohesive, and the mixing seemed kinda hollow. the drums lacked punch, the guitars weren't as crunchy as even some of your old school mixes, and the lead synth was just kinda dull. not trying to discourage you with this track, as I think the arrangement has a lot of potential, but the mixing definitely needs some work. props for (as far as I know) expanding your repertoire a bit with the synth elements and as always, a nice arrangement. hope to hear this one again, and I'm happy to see you subbing lately. NO(resub)
  3. some good stuff here. I thought the arrangement was fine, overall, but the production could still use some work. a lot of the elements just feel vanilla, and I have to agree that the overall soundscape gets boring after a while; there's not much variation in texture throughout the piece. experiment more with internal parameters and FX to make your sounds more.. you. this one's just a bit too unrefined at the moment. NO(resub)
  4. well, I almost joojsplooj'd reading the OP. kid chameleon, which I LOVED as a kid (chameleon), plus sir jordanius? what could possibly go wrong? well, I admit, the mix is a little weirder than I thought, but utterly... creative. can't say I enjoyed it nearly as much as your guitaroo man mix, but it's a pass. nice work, again. can't wait to hear more crazy shit from you. YES
  5. never heard of this game, but these are some quality sources, and a nice arrangement to boot. gotta say the mixing feels pretty tinny to me. it doesn't quite have the depth and punch to it that I'd expect of most accepted mixes. I'm gonna give this on the benefit of the doubt however, since the other judges were generally digging it, and the arrangement and performances were solid. congrats - overall, there's some nice stuff here. I'm sure we'll be seeing some more subs from you, so I'm looking forward to seeing how you improve you production techniques. YES(borderline)
  6. this is HERESY. just fyi. great arrangement here. didn't know what to think at first, but when that piano melody came in, it all clicked. theres some really great reharmonizations going on here. the mix pushes the boundaries as far as being too liberal, but quite enjoyed this overall. hope to hear some more subs from you in the future! YES
  7. definitely some weird part-writing going in the intro, not necessarily incorrect, but not exactly pleasing to my ears. string stabs felt a bit dry as well. the body of the song felt kinda sparese too, all things considered; not the wall of sound you usually give us. not perfect, but there's no dealbreakers in here for me. otherwise this was pretty nicely produced, with a well varied arrangement that keeps the fundamental pieces of the source in tact. YES
  8. good stuff here, definitely glad to see golden sun get some more love. also gotta agree about that piano, which sounds excellent. the main portion of the mix could have been just slightly brighter in the highs imo, and that synth could've used a little filter automations or something to give it a little more personality, but otherwise this was pretty damn solid. nice guitar performances. keep up the good work! YES
  9. not much to add to what the others have said; this is a really solid piece of work here. fantastic sequencing. continue being awesome. YES
  10. and here i was expecting another piano solo! overall volume is really low, but I gotta agree that the samples and arrangement are just great. really nice work here, and glad to see you expanding your repertoire of styles. YES
  11. yeah, the other j's have hit a lot of the big issues with this. having the piano solo at the beginning really exposes the fakeness of the sound and sequencing right from the start, and the soundscape remains pretty sparse throughout. the arrangement, while a little slow-moving (probably a side-effect of the dull soundscape), was pretty creative, with the writing being fairly conservative yet blending the themes in and out of each other. neat stuff. anyway, i'm also gonna recommend posting this on the WIP board for additional feedback. there's a lot you can do with this, and it's a popular theme, so opening it up to the workshop might yield some helpful suggestions. NO
  12. two great sources here, one of which i'm not so familiar with. will be interesting to see how you've blended them. turns out this is mostly a battletoads joint, which got a little repetitive with the main melody, but the integration of mining melancholy at the end was a nice touch, and change of pace. the production up-played the synths (and the drums), which were pretty generic. loved some of the effects and LFO's though. felt a little condensed to the low-mids, so some boosting the highs on your hats/snare and leads a bit would make this feel a lot brighter. some polish in both aspects wouldn't hurt, but the production is whats holding this back at the moment. take this feedback, polish it up, and send it back! NO(resub)
  13. great source tune. these games have got some great in-series arrangements and motifs. such a nice intro. I gotta agree that it feels a little underdeveloped, some percussion or a more driving force or climactic section would really set this arrangement off. production wise, a lot of your sounds sound great, really dreamy, but the EQ and articulations on the backing, particularly the strings as OA mentioned, could use a little more work. pretty close to the bar here, but it needs some more polish. I hope to hear a resubmission in the future. NO(resub)
  14. digging some of the sounds here, but i have to agree that the soundscape just feels really hollow, and the lead guitar is kinda nasal-y for lack of a better word. seconding OA's request for more BASS too, because this seems completely devoid of it. however I think the arrangement and meter changes are really creative. hopefully you can push through with another resub, because this has potential, but it's still not quite there yet. NO(resub)
  15. ahh i can't believe people are still uppercasing the first letter of my name just sayin also this project is going to be fucking awesome
  16. halc

    ah, I'm not sure, I should ask djp. I'm think we got them a while ago, but no one ever told me if we did. I've never even seen a picture of one. :z

  17. just giving this a bump. thanks for the comments, everyone.
  18. also agreed. I've been thinking about doing a track or two from this game for a while.
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