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Everything posted by halc

  1. I'm not gonna add much as the other judges have hit the problem points. I'm glad you mixed this source, very good choice. despite some of the synths being a little vanilla, this had a great sound to it, and the arrangement was really dynamic and flowing, good stuff. give the mixing and articulations another coat of polish, and some attention to the low end. this one will be a keeper. NO(resub)
  2. I would be content with this if it had more low end. the bass and the kick are both totally hollow. there's a ton of really creative processing and LFO's on the lead. I loved the soundscape of this overall, and wasn't bothered by all the fx. the arrangement was pretty conservative with the melody, but the backing was pretty dynamic. loved this mix and will be keeping it on hand, but it needs some low end to get my vote. give it to me. NO(more bass)
  3. the muffled sound is definitely problematic, and brings down the whole mix. try cutting out some more unused frequencies from each of your instruments and give them their own space. definitely agree that it's lacking in the high end. synths are a bit vanilla, but otherwise I'm liking the sound of this. no qualms with the arrangement, it's personalized and well-expanded on. the mixing just needs some more work. NO(resub)
  4. ahhhhhh i can't wait. few games get me this excited these days. >.>
  5. pretty sure it's an ad for a japanese massage parlor
  6. http://halc.bandcamp.com/album/trending-topic-ep I'm happy to present my third EP, Trending Topic! Roughly 20 minutes of me turning virtual knobbies and writing as little music as possible. Yes, it's dubstep. With a chiptune flair, of course. ;D The album features 5 tracks, including a collaboration with Mr. Skrypnyk, a rocking synth solo by WillRock, and amazing artwork by Emunator. <3 As usual, the album is available for the excellent price of free or pay-what-you-want. All purchases go towards expensive music shit. And sometimes food. Oh yeah, and that engagement ring I just bought. For those of you who hate dubstep, don't worry. I have another jazzy little 9-bit treat up my sleeve. *coughpilotwingsalbumcough* Please enjoy, spread the word, "like!", and let me know what you think! click here to view hi-res version of album cover
  7. silly me, you're right. hey 'chthonic' zerothemaster is about to fuck you up ;D
  8. http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR02239/ /shameless
  9. yeah, the weird timing and reverb are definitely big concerns. however I felt the soundscape in terms of instrumentation was pretty hollow and the lead presence was really underwhelming. some of the harmonic changes and additions weren't exactly pleasant sounding either. sorry to drop a lot of negatives on this; it's not intrinsically bad, but I have to agree that it has a ways to go. do consider hitting up the workshop forum for additional thoughts and advice. NO(resub)
  10. yeah, the soundscape here is really beautiful. I definitely have to agree with Deia about the delay on the piano, it has a really nice effect on the mood of the track. nothing holding this back from a YES
  11. this is probably the most polished mix I've heard from you in terms of samples and sequencing. coupled with (as always) a strong arrangement, I think this one is passable on both fronts. the mixing does get a bit muddy at times but I really enjoy the overall product a lot. nice work. YES
  12. yeah, I'm pretty much right alongside OA on this one. the arrangement is really fun and well-varied, but the overall soundscape was just kinda hollow and lacking in energy, and the sequencing and velocities were really stiff. combined with the samples, which weren't bad, but weren't amazing either, I gotta say this is just below the bar for me. It wouldn't surprise to see this pass in it's current state, so best of luck with the rest of the vote, but I gotta go with a NO here. a little more attention to detail in the sequencing would probably score my vote. NO(resub)
  13. yeah, the arrangement and performance were so emotive and heartfelt, I loved it. no qualms here, this is a beautiful piece. YES
  14. yeah. pretty legit remix you have here, but unfortunately it's not quite a 'ReMix'. your additions are all pretty solid (love the pitch-bender ), perhaps you could recreate and interpret the backing track yourself? a little sampling is okay, but unfortunately this is too much for our standards. NO(resub)
  15. this one doesn't quite feel as distinctive and personal as some of your other mixes, however it's still plenty solid, the two sources are integrated very nicely, and the production, though not as pristine as some of your prior subs mio, is above the bar. what's not to like? YES
  16. so many good comments in here already, I'm not sure what to add. overall, I feel like the song clicks, enough to warrant a YES. definitely liking the arrangement. I didn't think the leads were too buried, the oboe was actually a pretty nice touch. I agree that there is some general mixing/balance weirdness that would be worth looking at if Darangen is willing, but overall I was rockin' to this. YES
  17. agreed. this is real nice, a huge departure from the source, but you could definitely expand on this some more. our submission standards generally call for at least 2 minutes of meaningful arrangement; aside from that, this is definitely above the bar. I hope to hear a resubmission with a little more meat. NO(resub)
  18. gonna agree with the general minor concerns with sounds and sequencing, but overall this was pretty well constructed. the percussion was particularly nice. that trance/saw lead (at :47) you use in all your mixes always sounds out of place imo, but I can't say I've ever been a fan of that particular waveform. anyway, nice job with this. you seem to have good luck with DKR. YES
  19. really nice arrangement, definitely an improvement over the source tune. overall I was really digging this, but I'll agree that the bells need to be turned down just a bit. that's my only big concern, really. I enjoyed this quite a bit, nice work. YES(conditional on volume tweak)
  20. this mix is right up my alley. I love it, such creative sound design/manipulation. continue being awesome.
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