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Everything posted by halc

  1. i'm no expert with a guitar, and i don't feel i can give an accurate guess at what exactly the judges will think, but I thought this was a very enjoyable track. personally I would have liked it EQ'd slightly higher (i love my high frequencies), the mid and lows seemed to have good presence. the actual performance may have had some minor flaws but overall, seemed like a pretty clean take. as for the source, maybe it's me but I'm having a hard time hearing the connections. there are a few details I think I'm recognizing but even those I can't really place my finger on. seems like a pretty liberal arrangement, a source breakdown would be helpful. as long as 50% or more of the mix has a overt connection to the source, you're in the clear. enjoyed the mix, best of luck!
  2. i love this smiley, it really cuts to the core and makes you feel bad for not turning in your wips on time
  3. http://tindeck.com/listen/tjxr (FF4) i guess this would have been on the album if I had finished it, but obviously that didn't happen. then bLiNd ended up doing it instead
  4. http://www.vgmix.ocrmirror.org/vg2/Usa/
  5. what a shame. I could browse his channel for hours; discovered lots of great VGM there
  6. that's right ladies, teh crazy busssss! ah yeah...
  7. ooOOooh! i thought this had been long since subbed. I could have REMINDED you to unpload it! err... finish it!! ..okay, maybe I'm not as clever as I think. this is an awesome mix, bro. I noticed it starts to fade back in at the very end and then cuts off? kinda weird Great Job! A++
  8. cool terra mix, liz. I've been thinking about doing this same source in a somewhat similar style.
  9. hey, I've seen chthonic live! both of 'em!!
  10. Nutri's pretty much nailed it, imo. the bass presence is definitely there but I agree that the low-mid's could use a boost. i don't like that distant phaser-y effect on the guitar that opens the piece but as soon as the rhythms come in it's no longer an issue. i feel like some of the lead guitars and synths are a little buried under the rhythm guitars, but overall it's pretty well balanced and as Nut mentioned, everything sits pretty well in the soundscape. arrangement checks out. keeps the foundation close to the source while taking the expansive route with the melodies/soloing. nice job expanding on such a short piece! also, agreed on the ending. it's weak. this is pretty good though overall! put a few more crits to work and this should be sounding pretty solid.
  11. wow, this is brilliant. this is in it's infant stages? if that's the case, I can't imagine how amazing the finished version is gonna be
  12. great treatment of the source, this has come a long way since the first version you posted. it could be the stream (or just me) but i feel that the overall volume level is just a bit low. with emu on the kick, it definitely needs some more beef. the whole acoustic kit sounds a little dry actually and it's sequencing a bit mechanical during the more straightforward sections. the tympani which takes over later is very nice though. overall, pretty solid work, man. i think this has a good chance, but i'd recommend giving the acoustic drums a bit more presence first and maybe boosting the master volume, if you have the headroom for it anyway. nice job!
  13. hmm? every track in each of the previews will be on the final album. there are no bonus songs. (also, there's no spring yard mix in the second preview.. although there is in the first!)
  14. alright, since I haven't made (or finished, at least) any FF remixes since my besaid mix, I'm gonna jump around and continue to tackle some of the more chill themes in the series. the recent FF5 album gave me a little burst of inspiration so I decided to start there. here's the source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nvECfse9yR4 and my remix: http://halc9bit.com/remixes/Final%20Fantasy%20V%20-%20Sinking%20Deeper.mp3 enjoy! i'll be subbing this quite soon but comments are still appreciated.
  15. i ate your babies.

  16. so awesome. ilp0 has more than solidified himself as one of my favorite remixers. great work, man
  17. game pics for Twilight Princess and Wolfenstein 3D are missing.
  18. thanks, baha! I'm gonna be kicking this project into gear once sonic is off my mind.
  19. how's it goin? :)

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