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Everything posted by halc

  1. not often, until now.. my computer is on life support, slowly slipping away into the darkness.
  2. this here's easliy my favorite willrock mix :3 some parts of this still remind me of beej's 'Fragments of Gold', which is of course, a very good thing. excellent work, dude
  3. .. just quoting this.. well, yknow.. just because...
  4. i'd imagine OCR would catch up with the queue of projects at some point and there would be another lull, as we've experienced before. it really depends on how fast we can wrap up post-production on each project and schedule a release. it'd definately be great to reach a point where we're releasing albums at a nice steady pace, without too much wait, though. of course, this is all just mindless speculation
  5. there's not much basis to assume when any project is going to come out... I'm pretty sure DS's FF5 schedule slated WATER for early 2011. I'm assuming this will have to wait until 2011 as well, as TA, zelda and missingno are seemingly finished and on the way. i'm gonna do the best i can on my end to keep the wait from being unbearably long.. i'll keep you guys updated on the status of the project. anyway, look forward to the eventual release! everyone really brought their A-game to this project, and I think you guys will be very impressed with the quality
  6. kickass. ristar has some great music. i remember hearing this mix on the workshop forums a while back, and it's just as awesome now.
  7. really liking this. neat willrock-esque lead in there . i really liked the sections with those subtle glitchy drums underneath but I thought they could have been brought forward a bit and provided more of a backbone to the mix. overall though, this is a great arrangement with pretty slick production, and it has definitely come a long way since the earlier versions.
  8. nice use of glitches and sidechaining . some of the synths are a little generic sounding but they're well-mixed and effected. pretty solid on arrangement and production- i see you've already subbed this, so best of luck on the panel!
  9. nice! the live performance is great. solid piano arrangement, well played and well recorded. no complaints from me
  10. about 99.5% done here. some amazing things going on these last few days..
  11. happy birthday! when are we gonna get a new palp-mix?
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