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Everything posted by halc

  1. shhhh, don't tell everyone!!! (although I must admit there was a point to it all :P)

  2. here kid, have a visitor message

  3. oh ho ho, I think you might change your mind once The Sound of Speed drops thanks for the comments, i'm glad you love it!
  4. #1 google result for 'FF7 sound effects'
  5. to what? nobody is going to leave any feedback if you continue making personal attacks and dismissing everyone's critique as crap. if you can't handle civilized feedback, don't post on our workshop forums. some of you also need to use your eyes; these are clearly stated as covers and the artist has not mentioned a word about submitting any of them to OCR. this forum is the place for any VGM-related works, be it ReMixes, covers, or mash-ups. critique accordingly.
  6. i love this. it and Nicole/co's 'A New Place' really stuck out to me as two of the most memorable remixes on the album. the vocal treatment in VGM always has an interesting (and risky) choice, but this is a very charming take on the original. awesome work, both of you
  7. i'm worried about your chords... they're weak. it's called full-extend, and I'm just not seeing it. as your friend and personal trainer, i hate to come across like this, but in a roundabout way, it's kinda my job. still friends? :3
  8. well yeah. posted mixes- that's what I meant by 'standard' conventions, and is the way I intend to have it done for the album (as far as artist tags are concerned).
  9. ^this i've switched it around in the first post, but yeah. the final album will be tagged with collaborators in alphabetical order and seperated by commas, ie OCR's standard tagging conventions.
  10. that's some shite news about your gear man :/ I hope everything is okay!

  11. i've submitted my application. I'd love to do a remix for this
  12. source breakdown is pretty much what I expected it to be. personally, I love all the liberties you've taken with the melodies. the connections are pretty loose, but I think I would be okay passing this if I were a judge. best of luck with the real panel i say keep the mix name! you've already set that trend with your DKR mix anyway
  13. enjoyed your recent post, and i'm liking this as well. cool mix of synths and organic sounds. the piano and sitar-ish instrument (whatever that is) aren't the best samples, but they fit decently well with the rest of the instrumentation. the piano just sounds kinda dry imo. great use of hand percussion. it could shine a bit more with some better samples, but production overall is pretty solid. arrangement on the other hand is (while awesome) a bit on the liberal side. i might just be sleepy, but the section that first plays at 1:12 is the only part that's overtly recognizable to me. i can hear some of the progression during other parts but there's a lot of original writing on top. i've been looping this and the source and I'm still having some trouble identifying the direct connections, so perhaps a source breakdown could clear up any misconception anyway, there's some real good stuff here. I look forward to seeing more of your music on the frontpage in the future, nice work
  14. re: stereo imager, try messing around with Fruity Stereo Shaper. the 'Stereoize 2' preset has a particularly nice effect, but I'd recommend using it as needed and tweaking for individual FX channels as opposed to the master track
  15. glad to help! i'll get around to your other thread soon as well
  16. this song needs a little more love, so I will dedicate my 1000th post to it<3 gotta mention the (in GaMeBoX's own words) notoriously loud drums- although these in no way detract from the very creative arrangement and soundscape. Steve's style is exactly the type of music i enjoy the most
  17. best of luck. hope to see this on the frontpage someday!
  18. just an fyi, the idea is to go through the mod review process before you submit; the whole point of workshop moderators is to catch problems that can be addressed upfront and provide feedback that will give you a better chance of getting past the judges- as opposed to submitting, spending a matter of several months (or more) for them to get around to it, just to be rejected. the mixing all-around is pretty flat and muffled. lot's of action in the mids, not so much in the low/high's. a lot of samples used, such as the strings, choir and piano have a very 'fake' quality to them. the orchestral hits sounded super-cheesy, and weren't mixed too well either. edit: i thought the guitar was sequenced for the first few listens, my apologies for thinking so if that's not the case, but the tone and mixing there didn't sit too well with me /edit one of your high-hats is panned pretty hard left, and is coincidentally also the loudest piece of percussion in your set- the rest of the drums were pretty drowned out for the most part imo, and could probably use a boost to get things more balanced. sections with the choir/piano were also pretty unbalanced, with the guitar and choir being the dominant forces. a lot of this seems like cover material, moreso than an arrangement. i could break it down a little better if i knew beforehand where each source was taking place in your mix, but from what I've gathered over a few listens, it seems like it could use a bit more interpretation and original writing to vary things up and make it your own. i don't mean to discourage, but this is quite a ways from making it to OCR and I think you may have jumped the gun with a submission (although the judges will be able to provide you with some helpful feedback when they get around to it).. on the other hand, i'd focus on new material anyway to help expand and sharpen your skills. the musical chops are here, but the production (and probably to a lesser degree, arrangement) needs some practice. good to see that you are active and enjoying the workshop forums, and i hope my feedback is of use! best of luck
  19. you make awesome music! :D

  20. didn't see this album coming, but it has already spawned some awesome remixes great work on this one, josh, and congrats to abadoss on the OST!
  21. pretty surprised that this is our first DKR mix, actually. very creative arrangement- looking forward to more!
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