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Everything posted by halc

  1. thank you all for the comments and suggestions! most of my stuff is done in FLStudio- this track uses VOPM, Alchemy, zebra2 and a few soundfonts.
  2. http://halc9bit.com/private/Frozen%20Megadrive.mp3 feedback appreciated!
  3. should be a few finished tracks on the way soon we also have a few available tracks, PM me if you're interested in joining!
  4. thanks for the comments, everyone FFX was def. a top tier game for me, and the music is probably my favorite of any FF. so yeah, I enjoy it. it's also the ONLY FF I've remixed so far i've worked on the track a bit more and added a little more build time going into the melody, though I'm on vacation right now. I'll be updating with a new version once I get back home.
  5. ..sorry, no beard jokes here happy birthday anyway!
  6. thanks for the comments! here is a small update, pretty much the same length, but I've expanded on the part-writing a bit. expect more soon http://halc9bit.com/private/ffx_3.5.mp3
  7. don't sweat the details, kid.

  8. been a while since I've posted something on here, so here ya go! comments appreciated wip: http://halc9bit.com/private/ffx_3.5.mp3 source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EInRqOrdLmI
  9. awesome video. the intro to the second song was hilarious.
  10. hilarious vocals, glad as well to finally hear a better-than-youtube quality version of the mix. oh, and props to djp for mentioning excel saga in the write-up
  11. ps2 emunator!!?!?

  12. omg, that is going to be so smexyz

  13. !!!! ......!

  14. i can't believe it's not techno! so yeah, this is a pretty interesting take on the source here in terms of style, albeit still rather conservative. some of the part-writing actually seems a little 'overhumanized' to me, and there are a few sour notes in the arrangement. the soundscape is pretty thin as well, there's definitely room for some lush background chords or something. the sampled wind instruments are all over the map in terms of quality, but the one problem the all share is mechanical attack/release. try tweaking (or even automating ) the ASDR values on your samples and see if you can't get a more fluid sound. i really like the idea and style of this mix, but it has a bit of a ways to go in terms of production, and the arrangement needs to go more places. there are some good variations, but there's not a lot of momentum or build to keep the listener interested. you have some great creative ideas, so keep at it!
  15. agreed with pretty much everyone else- the arrangement and part-writing is pretty strong, but the synths/sound design is too vanilla. you've gotten a lot of good feedback out of this thread, so keep putting it all to good use!
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