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Level 99

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Status Updates posted by Level 99

  1. you already signed the agreement, sorry.

  2. yeah, well, at least I have a passion...and chicken.

    We better still be on track for you to visit next weekend, or I will be so sad I won't be able to make musics. Do you want that, Shaun? DO YOU?!

    Edit: Also, apparently my beard makes me look like Ailsean now. Scruff scruff!

    Edit Edit: Also, I see the Humans + Gears Director title is in your name now. Wait til everyone finds out every single song on the project is you just playing a kazoo while shaking a tambourine and stomping on the ground really really hard.

  3. I just got your voicemail from over the weekend. It was long, drawnout, and unoriginal. You followed the exact parameters let out for you, and didn't break out of the box at all. Your performance was pretty amateur. Blatant MIDIRIP.


  4. Happy birthday, you CAD!

  5. You, sir. I will refute your Failure to Launch > The Legend of Chun-Li later tonight, when I have access to Paint.NET. I will also look up the definition of the word "refute" in the mean-time.

  6. Thanks for joining us in OHC, buddy. Hope to see you around here doing good musix.

  7. Just heard about what happened over the weekend. I've donated what I can and will be trying to get some others to do the same. Let me know if you need ANYTHING. I will seriously drive stuff up to you.

  8. How am I a hero? AND SPELL MY NAME RIGHT!

  9. Seriously? You're a speedrunner? I love/hate you. I've been watching nothing but speedruns on my PSP as of late. Watching someone speedrun is the next best thing to a) actually being able to play the game and B) thinking one has actual skill at said game.

    Please let me know when you set that stream up because I want to watch! I WANT!

  10. Hi there. You are tall and awesome.

  11. Just letting you know that you are a cool, cool dude. You keep doing what you doing.

  12. Will do, also may need you on another track if you come through quickly on the other one.

  13. THEY WERE f-ING AWESOME! Seriously, it's up there in my top 5 ska bands now. Thank you so much for introducing them to me.

  14. Heh if you give it enough time, love, and patience, I'm sure you will. I've been here 4 1/2 years and, only now, am I just getting my first mix accepted. Will definitely see you around, and be sure to use the WIP boards and #ocrwip IRC channel to get feedback and constantly improve. OHC is a great way to force yourself to get to know your DAW too. Good luck!

  15. Never stop having such sexy sig images.

    Also, never stop running OHC. Ever.

  16. you smell weird and i don't like you. No, I lied, you smell fine and you're awesome. I just like spamming your wall sometimes.

  17. I did a shatterhand remix for you.

    And then deleted the project file out of spite.

  18. Tonight is party time? You gotta feel tha beat!

  19. You look like you need some wall-love.

    You wall has thusly been loved by the man of 99 levels.

  20. Just so you know, the first thing we're doing when we all arrive at the room on January 1st is going out to whole foods and getting you 'dem healthy foods and some good wine.

  21. Hey, just wanted to say how much I enjoy your remixes and DoD entries, man. Keep it up!

  22. I hope your crazy hectic weeks are going well, dude! The muffins eagerly await your return to freedom.

  23. Hope your Summer was good, mang!

  24. I see you. Looking at me.

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