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Level 99

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Posts posted by Level 99

  1. The obsidian island was my doing. It was a philosophical message that this temporary server be as stable as the obsidian upon which you spawn, and that it be only an island as the continent proper of OCADia is fixed and returned to normal. Indeed, embrace this one as if the other was gone forever, but keep up the hope that the giant bridge and whatnot shall return.

    As to what happened, I've seen issues where illegalstance instances cause things to break, but never embeded into the java files. The server executable itself can generate new worlds and run them just fine, even using previous files (such as the properties and list files). The issue is coming from how the world files (.MCR) are being read and processed by the app. Something got bugged in the world layout, and I think that figuring out a way to edit, or at the very least roll-back, some of the world data could fix the issue.

    I am going to take the broken bundle and email notch + crew, plus probably make a post on their forums, so the people who already might have some knowledge of the issue can go take a look. If anyone else is interested in the broken server files and wants to take a look, let me know and I'll upload it and post it for people to get.

  2. So, the minecraft server had an issue last night that basically caused it to completely break for now. New server is up and running at the same address, same general config, but none of the world is the same. I will be debugging the java.lang.nullPointerException myself hopefully soon and figuring out how to unbrick it all, because the world is still there but trying to run it results in a crash.

    Feel free to play the new server in the meantime, and many apologies about the inconvenience.

  3. Meltdowns don't create fallout. The ultimate consequence of a total meltdown is the molten radioactive slag hitting the underground water table. Chernobyl isn't an exception to the rule either - Chernobyl was in fact a partial meltdown (as was TMI), but its graphite core was exposed to the outside air and ignited. Something similar would have to happen here for the above map to have some semblance of relevance.

    Darkesword, a former instrument and controls technician at a nuclear power station, says qft

  4. You see, I'm torn about checking this out, simply because I like to leave any knowledge I have to use for my work-work AT work-work. Hearing talks about finite-state machines makes me immediately think this is some edugame trying to farm my brain!

    But no, seriously, any game that demands more brainpower and makes that extra exertion enjoyable is a game doing something right. Will probably check out the demo.

  5. Yeeeeaaaaah, that's the fault of the game's sky ceiling.

    It's actually because its in the process of emerging from the mountain. Now we build...downwards. MORE GOLD.


    Kinda strange to have an OCR server and OCAD server

    OCR and OCAD aren't the same entity, though. Besides, why sully their server with our smut when we can wallow in it without disturbing them? It's WIN WIN! Do both: build the Taj Mahal on the regular server, construct flying phallus rocket on OCAD.

  6. glad to see that super-short, yet awesome mixes like this (that manage to get the 'point' across in such a short timespan) can still make the cut. you definitely got a knack for that.

    Quoted for absolute truth. *mashes the repeat button*. While I personally prefer your more upbeat chippy-only works to your jazz works, your jazz stuff is still sublime. I would have liked to had it be a bit longer but, then again, great songs bear repeating. Keep up the good work!

  7. NiGHTS

    "...have you ever thought about flying?"


    Article by: Level 99

    Pictured from: Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity

    Created by: Sega

    First appearance: 1996


    NiGHTS is a resident of the dream world, where he spends time playfully flying through the air, performing acrobatics, and playing an invisible flute. He is an androgynous being whose appearance and abilities can change depending on a given situation, such as morphing into a bobsled in a snow area and a dolphin when underwater. While usually kind and chivalrous, he is also a bit of a prankster, playing jokes and startling people. He is a 1st Level Nightmaren: a creature created by the ruler of the realm of Nightmare, Wizeman.

    NiGHTS rebelled against his creator after Wizeman tried to take over Nightopia, the Utopian dreamscape that exists as a paradise for people while they are asleep. After dissent, he was imprisoned inside the Ideya Palace, a cage with a barrier that can only be passed by someone who holds Ideya (colorful orbs representing aspects of human personality).

    It is at this point that, in the town of Twins Seeds, two children start to have nightmares. Claris and Elliot fall asleep and imagine their worst fears before happening upon the realm of Nightopia. Both of the dreamers find NiGHTS imprisoned, and since they have their Ideya, help him escape. The dreamers "dualize" (become one) with NiGHTS, and with the power of flight at their command, take on Wizeman snd his henchmen for the fate of Nightopia.

    NiGHTS has a complicated relationship with the other 1st Level Nightmaren, Reala, whose abilities are nearly identical to his own. While NiGHTS is curious and playful, Reala is cold and obedient, never questioning Wizeman's orders to imprison his equal and capture Nightopia. Reala is second in command underneath Wizeman, and proves to be one of the most difficult challenges to overcome.

    With the design of NiGHTS, Sonic Team deliberately made the character androgynous. According to Takashi Izuka: "He is a mirror of the child's personality, so when the children dream, they become him. So from a boy's point of view, NiGHTS will be a boy, from a girl's point of view, NiGHTS will be a girl". Assignment of gender, such as in this bio, is merely reflective of the assignments people have put on the character themselves.

    Selected game appearances

    === Saturn ===

    NiGHTS Into Dreams... (1996)

    Christmas NiGHTS into Dreams... (1996)

    === Wii ===

    NiGHTS Journey of Dreams... (2007)


    Wikipedia - "Nights (character)"

    Wikipedia - "Nights into Dreams..."

    Wikipedia - "Nights: Journey of Dreams"

    NiGHTS: Into Dreams instruction manual

    NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams instruction manual

    NiGHTSintoDreams.com - "Bio: NiGHTS"

  8. There is no such thing as a perfect release, no matter how close things come to it. First, let me point you in this direction: http://ocremix.org/info/Album_Project_Guidelines

    Those are the general guidelines for OCR albums. As you can see, there is a quality bar, and there are required items for release. These requirements are updated from time-to-time, so anyone running a project is expected to keep up-to-date with what is going on.

    As Pokemon was an extremely long running project, there were some issues that cropped up. FLACs are considered a courtesy, generally, though there is a high preference for it. With this album, some FLACs just did not exist. Album projects are evaluated before posting to make sure that they reach the required quality bar as well. As for the incorrect files, that was a mistake somewhere down the line, not something due to the ball being dropped, since the FLAC included was of the correct version. It was quickly caught after release and it's been heavily posted pretty much anywhere people can look if they want the artist's preferred version. Protodome is right in that the two versions were super-close and it is very easy to get some of these things confused. I've not personally seen or heard any of the corruption or corrupted files people are talking about.

    That should have answered pretty much all of your questions and concerns.

  9. For some reason, this sounds like a dark and terrifying place, full of ...crab mobs?

    Also, congrats on surviving so many episodes guys! :)

    It's official: some OCADfag needs to make a Minecraft texture pack replacing all the animals with cohosts and all the badguys with crabs. I, for one, welcome our new anthropomorphic on-fire arrow-shooting crab overlords.

    And thanks, none of us is still technically alive after all this time :P

    You should TOTALLY admin me. Minecraft is my new addiction, as well, so I'm playing tons (and I've got a pretty good grasp on it so far).

    Be sure to check out Chez Beatdrop when you login.

    You and me both, pal. I bought it two weeks ago and was like "meh, this ain't really interesting." Then I spent another half an hour with it. And then three hours. And then I looked at my hands, and thought "my god, what have I done?".

    I will indeed check out Chez Beatdrop, and soon I will have to construct Casa de Level 99. I'm thinking of making a 20-floor hotel! With Blackjack! AND HOOKERS!

  10. Yes, quite. Whoever did the initial carving of the stairs leading down to the bedrock did a pretty crappy job with the torches :P I looked outside my front door (which is in the mentioned stairwell) while waiting on some smelting and noticed a creeper standing out there. :shock:

    I tried to fix them a bit, so hopefully no more mobs will spawn in there. (Hopefully.)

    I spent, like, 30 minutes testing the server before unleashing it unto the world. I'm going to be very interested in seeing what all is going to exist next time I log in. Also, let me know who needs admin-ing.

  11. In light of recent events, I feel compelled to quote the following:

    As a note to other artists, please do not release your songs ahead of time without my express permission.

    Some damage has already been done, but I am hoping that no further is.

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