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Level 99

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Posts posted by Level 99

  1. Merging Requests and Recruit would create more confusion than clarity, IMHO. They have two distinct functions:

    Request is asking someone else to do something, not for you as part of a collective but because its something you want to hear. You don't necessarily want to have a hand in it, or exert any kind of effort whatsoever. It's just like "hey, there's this song, someone should remix it". Recruit means you're actually trying to lead something, more than just potentially a single mix, and organize a collaboration of people for a common goal of some sort. I can see what you're getting at, but it really is best to leave these two separated.

    What needs to happen is to have people stop trying to make new ones left and right and to understand that restraint is necessary when it comes to these things. Too much of a good thing drains the remixer talent pool and distills what makes projects stand out. I guess what I'm saying is that the word "project" should NOT be synonymous with "compilation". There really should be something more to a project.

    Jimmy hit the nail on the head with this:

    "Not all projects are bad, and I'm not sure I'd go so far to call most of them a waste of time, but I will say they certainly have grown to congest the traditional function of OCR, and in some cases detract from individuals pursuing their natural interests by default."

  2. Ahh... I did not realize there was a Kirby album in the works. Cool.

    Yeah, after the song was completed, halc contacted me and requested that the track be on MilkyWay Wishes. I didn't think it would be fair to people who had waited for us to finish and submit it as a regular remix, plus some people wanted a version without the swear words. MWW gets the dirty version, clean version was the one subbed and accepted by OCR, and is not (or should not) be treated as a project mix.

    It's going to be a while probably before it is posted. There's a lot of other tracks that go waaaaay back that are still waiting to be posted, so it's no biggie. Every track deserves its time in the limelight, so just be patient because it will be worth the wait.

    In other Plaid Muffins news, we wrapped our track for the Mega Man X series project, Maverick Rising, last month. It's an even rocky-er style than Ska Buffet, still incorporating brass though, of Armored Armadillo. It's called Tuck N' Roll, and the vocals for that track are done by PrototypeRaptor and myself.

    Additionally, we're about to wrap our track for the Seiken Densetsu 3 project, Songs of Light and Darkness. It's a more reggae-ska style track, based on the source track Splash Hop, and has me trying to do my best/worst singing style similar to The Specials. That track is just about done, only needing some mixing work.

    There will be other stuff coming up for sure, but I believe we're going to be taking a break from project mixes to focus on other tracks and not having to constrain to project timelines (projects are all well and good, but the coordination involved for all the members in this group is super-difficult at times).

  3. Just watched the MAG9 panel and i have to say that Stevo, you are just as sexy as I'd thought you'd be. But Joe Cam, he...


    Oh god, I need a towel *stumbles out*

    On a serious note though. Great panel you guys

    I am glad to know he and myself belong in at least one person's "most erotic fantasies" category.

    Also, I had planned to get episode 49 out last night BUT my prior duties went on longer than expected. I will try to get it out by the end of tonight, with episode 50 coming out tomorrow, and potentially a fanfic reading coming out on Saturday.

    And for those who are asking about episode 47, the holiday crossover with Nerdy Show counted as episode 47: http://lemonsinseries.com/ocad/Episodes/ See? I DO KNOW HOW TO COUNT!

  4. Your video is broken. And look for me in the video. I'm wearing the Star Trek garb (I was supposed to bring a sign that says "am I at the right convention?", but I left it at home).

    EDIT: It works, but it takes twenty minutes to load...

    AHA! So YOU were the one asking me about mixing tips after the panel was over! Good to re-meet ya, dude. Also, yeah, the video is about 700 megs iirc, definitely something best to download and NOT run via quicktime in a browser window ;)

  5. Revised, here's hoping it "flies". :tomatoface:


    "...have you ever thought about flying?"


    Article by: Level 99

    Pictured from: Sonic Riders: Zero Gravity

    Created by: Sega

    First appearance: 1996


    Anything is possible in dreams.

    NiGHTS is a resident of the dream world Nightopia, where he spends time playfully flying through the air, performing acrobatics, and playing an invisible flute. He is a androgynous being whose appearance and abilities can change depending on a given situation, such as morphing into a bobsled in a snow area and a dolphin when underwater. While usually kind and chivalrous, he is also a bit of a prankster, playing jokes and startling people. He is also a 1st Level Nightmaren; a creature created by the ruler of the realm of Nightmare, Wizeman.

    NiGHTS rebelled against his creator after Wizeman tried to take over Nightopia, the uptopian dreamscape that exists as a paradise for people while they are asleep. After dissent, he was imprisoned inside the Ideya Palace, a cage who's barrier can only be passed by someone who holds Ideya (colorful orbs representing aspects of human personality).

    It is at this point that, in the town of Twins Seeds, two children start to have nightmares. Claris and Elliot fall alseep and imagine their worst fears before happening upon the realm of Nightopia. Both of the dreamers find NiGHTS imprisoned, and since they have retained their Ideya, can help him escape. The dreamers "dualize"( become one) with NiGHTS, regain the power of flight, and take on Wizeman and his henchman for the fate of Nightopia.

    NiGHTS has a complicated relationship with the other 1st Level Nightmaren, Reala, whose abilities are nearly identical to his own. While NiGHTS is curious and playful, Reala is cold and obedient, never questioning Wizeman's orders to imprison his equal and capture Nightopia. Reala is second in command underneath Wizeman, and proves to be one of the most difficult challenges to overcome.

    With the design of NiGHTS, Sonic Team deliberately made the character androgynous. According to Takashi Izuka: "He is a mirror of the child's personality, so when the children dream, they become him. So from a boy's point of view, NiGHTS will be a boy, from a girl's point of view, NiGHTS will be a girl". Assignment of gender, such as this bio, are merely reflective of the assignments a person has put on the character themselves.

    Selected game appearances

    === Saturn ===

    NiGHTS Into Dreams... (1996)

    Christmas NiGHTS into Dreams... (1996)

    === Wii ===

    NiGHTS Journey of Dreams... (2007)


    Wikipedia - "Nights (character)"

    Wikipedia - "Nights into Dreams..."

    Wikipedia - "Nights: Journey of Dreams"

    NiGHTS: Into Dreams instruction manual

    NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams instruction manual

    NiGHTSintoDreams.com - "Bio: NiGHTS"

  6. I don't believe I can claim copyright infringement. The remixers themselves have to do that.

    Meh, you can get around that by posting on his other videos about the stuff he's uploading not belonging to him. Frankly, I'm surprised the AVGN stuff didn't get taken down because that is KNOWN to belong to James Rolfe and anyone else uploading it doesn't have the right to.

  7. I was considering the possibility of him using the word remix as pertaining to the video, not the music.

    So he didn't do the vid, he didn't do the music... and his logo/intro is a bit... awesome in that 3-yearold "im a *dinosaur lion" kind of font mashup... way. His channel profile says he's 21, German with poor English skills, brooding (judging from his color scheme), and teenager enough to not admit defeat despite being dumb enough to rip off not just ocr but also SSBB.

    Should we provide the kid with lots of friendly advice from older and wiser denizens of the internet... publicly? Or should we confuse him with Sixto and everybody else he's been ripping off... repeatedly and publicly?

    *) my mom's daycare kids apparently thought being a dinosaur or a lion wasn't badass enough.

    Break out the youtube commenter brigade. Let's go to work!

  8. No, no. Don't listen to Brandon. The donations are just for those who want to have a physical CD copy to remember the project by, complete with all the custom artwork in printed form. The digital album will still be free to everyone.

    Exactly. Don't let the money-thingy fool you. Some project directors like to celebrate a project's release by ordering a limited run of physical distributions out of their own pocket. Especially with something like this, where there's a lot of art involved. Think of them as mementos for people who hold this game, the music, or the remixes very close to heart.

    The music IS being released on July 5th for free to everyone over the internet, via torrent and a website with download links. The website will distribute mp3s while the torrent includes mp3s plus FLAC. The artwork will also be available online through the torrent and the website. The donation is open to anyone who wants to give, and there's that minimum amount if they wanted to get one of the physical copies as a bonus. The donations are strictly to fund the physical printing, no more no less. Nobody is getting paid for this project: not me, not the musicians, not the artists, not the website designers, nobody.

    No offense taken, and I hope that clarifies things for you.

    Edit: In other news, we're now almost at $200 of donations! Off to a really good start, but we still got a long ways to go!

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