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Everything posted by Gollgagh

  1. If you're willing to get a used/hacked/hackable PSP, any PS1 game on this list (link) is playable.
  2. 1. uhhh 2. don't know 3. Pretty sure every PS3 can play PS1 games, PS2 games are done by emulation and I'm not sure about the newer ones. 4. There are some PS1 games available via PSN, yes. Yes, all PS1 games available on PSN are playable on both PS3 and PSP. 4b. What the hell is an MSG game? If you're asking about the Metal Gear Solid games, no Metal Gear games are available for download as far as I know.
  3. same except my order was Attack Draw GF Magic
  4. tell me if you find any of Gollgagh's music anywhere
  5. the funny thing about this statement is that an english version of every single main-series FF has now been released in the US.
  6. Man, that part should have only taken you 5-10 minutes at worst.
  7. I've actually been getting some good deals on really old PS2 games from Gamestop at about 5 bucks a game, as well. I mean, I got the entire Jak series for about $16 they all even had the manuals and original inserts
  8. well "lone behold" could technically be grammatically correct in certain contexts, but the phrase you are looking for is "Lo and behold."
  9. I don't really see enjoying any given game as shameful. I see it as the person having a higher tolerance for stuff than I do.
  10. Yeah, the employee turnover rate for our local gamestop is probably actually faster than how often I actually go
  11. why the NES was hardly the first game console and it's far from the last
  12. I don't think I've ever seen a still-sealed game inside a gamestop before.
  13. thanks for designating yourself the representative of every gamer ever
  14. oh yeah, that's right I never did like heretic as much as doom maybe it was the lack of awesome music and maybe the lack of enemies (seriously go from final doom to heretic and tell me there isn't a serious lack of enemies in heretic)
  15. Descent II it took away all your energy and shields I think also iddqd in Heretic took away your weapons entirely so you were totally screwed
  16. iddqd iddt idbehold - i,v,b,r,a,l idchopper (what a useless cheat, I mean you almost always have the damned thing by the first or second level) idclip (Doom II) idspispopd (Doom I) idclev## idkfa idfa did I miss any idmus I guess
  17. Y'know, I just realized the last time I took a number rating seriously on any game was when my PSM subscription ended five years ago. I've been totally relying on the opinions of people I know personally, since.
  18. dammit, I didn't get to go 'cause I was at a KoC third degree all day
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