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Everything posted by Gollgagh

  1. not much other than that you like source games
  2. think palm pilot web browsing and you've got it it's not even worth using
  3. Another one of the appeals is that you're shaping a world that is no one's into your own. You're not starting out with a flat, grass map with nothing on it. You're not starting out with a map that someone else made, presumably (unless you're playing with Strangelet Wave's custom world or the Skylands map).
  4. I'd have to say yeah. At least in the past, I really did not like Frustration Raptor until he got rid of the italian spiderman gif in his sig (despite liking the italian spiderman) __________________
  5. Internet: you win when you don't get the reference
  6. did it really need a comparison I mean it's kinda more obvious than a lot of remixes here :\
  7. that would be funny except for the fact that you actually do punch wood
  8. are you kidding you can say that about just about every single item/creature in the game if notch was like that, we wouldn't even have creepers in the game
  9. Order of Ecclesia it has class out the ass, difficulty that takes skill and not necessarily grinding, and you play as a girl that doesn't have a complex about being a kid the downside to this is that it makes Dawn of Sorrow feel very dry and Portrait of Ruin feel very anime-y, so you might want to play those first if you want to play them at all
  10. Dude, I don't even... fucking what? I love both games but they're not even remotely similar. What the hell is this comparison about? One is a semi-SRPG (isometric) with heavy SMT style (monster allies, etc.), the other is a freaking ARPG in which you use equipped bottlecap-pins to attack. I guess maybe you're likening the plots? But that comparison is as tenuous as comparing the plots of Duke 3D and Commander Keen because they both have aliens. There are hundreds of games with doomsday plots, why would you link these two as if they were siamese twins? Next thing, you'll be telling me that Star Craft II is Quake IV done right.
  11. this game is awesomeeeeeeeeeeeee also it's 1200 DSi points if anybody's curious, but I'd say it's well worth the $20 it takes to get 2000 points the only thing that's bothering me is the fact that her sprite is wearing a vest, when clearly none of her artwork does
  12. you need need need need need need to get Shantae: Risky's Revenge off of the DSiWare effing fantastic game
  13. nobody does that's why people stick it up there for that much unless you exude money or something stupid like that
  14. okay so I found a rom of the original Shantae after reading this thread and beat it in two sittings I am now super-pumped up for the sequel tomorrow It's gonna be so good also I move to make this the official game thread for S:RR
  15. didn't even occur to me seeing as I don't even play tf2 with you guys
  16. aw yeah now that's what I'm talking about
  17. thread over everyone go home this isn't meant to be minimodding don't ban me plz
  18. if you want specifics, pad any fire with at least two blocks of non-flammable blocks such as stone, brick, or even dirt if that's your thing
  19. single player games are locally stored
  20. if you don't set fire to your house, it won't go burning but you do have to pad fireplaces with stone or this happens:
  21. I don't know about you, but I would fully expect the body of an artist's work to sound somewhat similar especially if
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