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Everything posted by Gollgagh

  1. 120 cobblestone will get you a small hut at best this thing was huge
  2. giant dungeons what kind of crazy ass mods do we have installed also I thought I saw this thing before we reinstalled mods
  3. Quite honestly, it would be difficult to see a building of proportions exceeding 40x40x4 blocks built purely out of mossy cobblestone and not come to that conclusion.
  4. painterly is already updated since we're posting packs now, here's mine http://www.mediafire.com/?47igiqh1drdwwla Changes: GUI is edited Doku, Items are straight painterly, block textures are various sources, 16x16 sized so water and lava and fire are animated properly, watch uses high contrast dial, mobs are various not sure what else
  5. so that was you I saw the end result of that that same thing killed the first version of the unmod server This was the end of our world:
  6. switches, buttons, pressure plates, and iron doors work properly now he even made it so you can't accidentally put a block on top of stairblocks and kill them redstone works well enough to do a 5-clock it's the little things
  7. also double clicking your own thread titles from the forum can let you edit it from there
  8. no he thinks that the way bleck and I post should be confined to offtop
  9. uh I'll take White Knight Chronicles, beardmeister beardcolossus beardpocalypse bearddha
  10. when the shoulder buttons go out on your seventh nintendo handheld seriously why the fuck haven't they fixed these damned things yet it's a good thing I'm still 3 months under warranty but that just means that when they go out again later I'll be SOL
  11. I am well aware of that quote. If I am unfinished before such a thing happens, I will have only myself to blame.
  12. I started my thing before any talk about save incompatibility appeared and I'll be damned before I let my project slip away and not get finished before then. I'm going to trust that Notch will make sure that saves are compatible, but I am going to finish before we even see if they won't be.
  13. well that makes sense since kinda is a slurred abbreviation of "kind of" I've just been wondering for a while now
  14. happy birthday why do you always abbreviate people as ppl it's the only quirk in your otherwise flawless posts that makes me cringe
  15. Maybe because it is and maybe because it did? Maybe? The comparison between SotN and Metroid is made plain with even the most cursory glance at how SotN is lain out, map-wise. What with all of the vertical movement and backtracking that was not present in earlier Castlevania games. Even the map system itself is damned similar with rooms being divided up into square map units that are automatically filled up as you explore. Secondly, I don't know how you can even argue against the idea that SotN changed the series utterly. How many Castlevania games released after SotN have returned to the classic, clunky whipy-whip belmont-feels-like-a-brick style gameplay? (don't get me wrong I fucking love that style) The only one I know of is The Dracula X Chronicles and that is basically a remake of Rondo of Blood. (Granted, the only 3D Castlevania I've ever played is Lords of Shadow, but I can't even imagine how those would begin to work in the same style.) I don't see how "blaming" SotN can be seen as a complaining factor since both proponents and opponents of the "metroidvania" style of gameplay can agree that SotN did, in fact, steer the series in a completely different direction. I don't see how it's sad if someone's stating the obvious. [/tangent] anyway can we just hurry up and agree that neither non-sonic-fans nor sonic-fans are qualified to make quality statements regarding sonic games since they are obviously above reproach
  16. most map renderers do this it probably has something to do with how notch designed the coordinate system
  17. is that an ingame map how do you get it
  18. you've forced my hand this, my motherfuckers, is a building built on the unmod private SMP server, 100% legit, no TNT, all blocks smelted manually 57 blocks high from base to rooftop, 81 blocks wide on the front, 121 blocks deep to the back, 25 5x5 solid columns, 5 block thick 47x86 pure smoothstone walls, damned close to a hundred thousand smoothstone used so far none of you guys cheating asses' diamond encrusted shit I still have to fill it up with bookshelves, but it's 85% done
  19. good man anyway I am getting really close with my library project I should have pics of it within the week
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