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Everything posted by Gollgagh

  1. uh? did we install some mods or something
  2. chest locking? do you mean like putting a block on top or what?
  3. no there's really no point at this point since there are no working monsters
  4. hold down Alt when you click on a download link either that or right click on the link and choose "save link" OR from the player page, go to your file menu and choose "save page"
  5. well sure, but if we're talking about infinitely farmable obsidian, it can't be done without hacks
  6. you guys realize that lava doesn't replicate like water right
  7. please please please do not use the word "kool" in any serious fashion ಠ_ಠ btw you guys are going to have to be explicit if you want me to change project info since I'm participating in several servers at once
  8. go for it I'll probably post a zip of my stuff as well
  9. yeah that's another kind of lag your chunks just aren't loading completely
  10. or you could just barter stuff since gold is next to useless in minecraft
  11. most likely the way they would check in single player is having redundant data and/or hash checks on what kinds of resources you've collected and spent and how much you've done so, so if the check value doesn't match the actual value, that's a pretty good chance someone edited the resource value with a trainer or a memory editor multi would be even easier since trainers only work on local memory so if the data values on the client side didn't match up with the server values, you've either got lag or memory editing
  12. except we're talking about cheating in the single player campaign
  13. http://ocremix.org/forums/member.php?u=11119
  14. oh she looks better than the thumbnail indicated I think hoop skirts look funny but it's not bad
  15. Mutericator is The Mutericator what else is there to say? c'mon dude pay attention to your forummates
  16. added I'm going back through the thread right now to check for everyone edit: I think I got everyone but RD, I can't remember his game name. somethingdreamer
  17. oh ho I didn't realize there were built-in cheatcodes that's a plus for blizzard, I thought cheatcodes were an extinct species by now I rescind my previous post (I must admit I use cheatengine a lot for single player games that don't have cheatcodes when I'm screwing around)
  18. making a library, but styling it after ancient temples, yes It's hexastyle instead of the parthenon's octosytle. I'm not an architecture student though so the intercolumniation is less than one diameter on the sides. I'm also bullshitting the triglyphs and making them biglyphs. The front columns are close to pycnostyle though (5 diameter, 8 intercolumniation). It is properly peripteral though. I also have a double row of columns on the front side but I can't find the term for that.
  19. okay this is where achievement shit steps over the line I don't care for achievements in the first place since they always feel like artificial methods of adding meaning to games, but banning players to protect those achievements is asinine.
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