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Everything posted by Gollgagh

  1. I listen to remixes because they're music and they're there to listen to.
  2. hi sup you guys are good at reading the graphics are already there you just can't get them out of the box
  3. no what the hell dude, this looks fucking awesome hype isn't necessarily a bad thing I was also hella pumped for MGS3 and watched the trailer daily for like a month hence my comparison
  4. get hype this is like watching the trailers for MGS3 all over again
  5. well if it's possible at all, why shouldn't we be able to use a higher resolution
  6. I'm on a hella SMT kick right now I beat Devil Survivor a couple months ago and I'm working on Strange Journey (also I'm playing P4 on PS2 and P3P and P1 on PSP but this is the DS thread)
  7. six months later, but I forgot to post this when you first posted this bullshit there's no way this thing can be any more "fully legal" than any other flash cart if it's still playing roms
  8. if it's hardware, I would fully expect it to play damned near every game
  9. That's a pretty bad example since 95% of the Nier thread, before Darke cleaned it out, was people complaining about how low content the OP was. Also I may be mixing up Remod's response to Reach with OCR. Most of us were pretty pumped up for it. Checking our thread, we have 177 posts in it, but it was started in February. But then again, people around here are pretty bad at sticking everything in the same thread. (of course I think this is a stylistic difference between us and people here prefer everything subdivided into every conceivable division per thread)
  10. lol wut I've never heard of anything like that anyway, I only got a 360 in the last couple weeks so I'm still working through the earlier games. thus I haven't gotten to it yet dang though if there are still preorder copies skulking around, I'll have to check my local places
  11. gollgagh #1 result, somewhat embarrassingly, is my devart account with a whole 1 picture on it
  12. everything is advertised too much what's your point
  13. the secret to getting internet people's names right in your head is breaking them up into discrete syllables and remembering those thus it should be easier to remember Mo Krom rather than Mo Rkom because that doesn't make sense I can always tell who has or hasn't done this for me since I get called Goll agh instead of Goll gagh also who's Dj Mokram
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