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Everything posted by Gollgagh

  1. what kind of verb is ahe like seriously I can't figure out what word you wanted to put there
  2. if you follow the "edit sigs" link, there should be a something near the top that looks like this http://signavatar.com/5223_s.gif (that's my randomizer)

  3. I'm going to recommend you http://signavatar.com as a sig randomizer because I think using two sigs at once looks silly (especially very similar ones like you do now) and also they come with a personal recommendation from me for solid service.

  4. you guys should have seen the pixel perfect Missingno. that one of the streamers made
  5. ...dude you need to check your spelling sometime and are you sure that's the blog you wanted to link? Although regardless of silliness this is pretty fun to listen to
  6. DSi games can but no one wants to make DSi games
  7. olol you almost might have to make a sticky with that title since no one reads the rules thread I mean obviously it's their own fault for not reading the rules thread (and ignoring the innumerable times you've moved threads) but still
  8. is there an easy way to get to the tag cloud for the remixes the only way I've ever been able to find it is if someone links it so there must be a way I... just can't find it by myself
  9. http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR00922/ fucking classic
  10. haha this really is the best outlook
  11. I was gonna ask if you're jesusthedarklord but I guess it's pretty obvious you're not
  12. hey, I'm just saying I think it's fine like I've said elsewhere, if this game doesn't get me to finally buy a wii, nothing will
  13. I predict an undub within a fortnight
  14. maplestory is a sidescrolling mmo iirc
  15. yeah I came off as waay more caustic than I meant to whoops
  16. A. that's not yours and B. I am 98% certain that was made in an external editor and not in minecraft itself I want your shit, not the stuff you found on 4chan. Still I guess it is pretty sweet looking.
  17. what I don't know when the last time was that you looked at the generator but there are some fantastic looking formations here's a video of a fairly recent version of the generator in a straight-line fly-over
  18. you build shit in a randomly generated world it's been compared to the likes of dwarf fortress and other rougelikes
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