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Everything posted by Nec5

  1. Back so soon? I though you were going to be on vacation for two or three days? time warp
  2. You're just afraid of my 30 soldiers(two of which I deployed doing God knows what).
  3. I know that there's a percentage chance (I think it's 10%) that you loot some of their technology and land.
  4. Except there's the problems of "location doesn't matter" and "you can only attack within your own rank." He just wants a cigar monopoly.
  5. Unless I'm missing something, this game is designed for those interested in a long haul. Unlike Starcraft and Age of Empires, you won't have a functioning city within thirty minutes or an hour. Land and infrastructure are definitely expensive. It says you need 1000 citizens for an improvement building. I have a whopping 121. It's going to be a while.
  6. I don't see an actual interface button or anything. If you check out the forums, there's an entire section with stickies about Alliances. I can't really decipher all of it, but it seems that everything is done offsite. After enough time, the mods/admins somehow "sanction" certain alliances. That forum seems to be the only soucre of info. I'm still reading.
  7. I guess a forum. I almost never ever use IRC for anything.
  8. In all the hustle and bustle of building a nation, I forgot to thank you for starting this thread and giving us a heads up. Thanks.
  9. I'm just beginning to play around. For easy access, you can look up each of our teams and add them to your "saved nations" list(it's one of the options on the left side). Here's my complete info: Ruler: Necn5 Nation: Darkwind Trade: Aluminum and Fish
  10. Should we compile a list of all OCR nations somewhere in this thread?
  11. Well, I just asked you anyway.
  12. Yeah. I just joined up and picked a nice, comfy spot in Antarctica. Nation name: Darkwind.
  13. I do believe your user number is 46921. I assume that is it because it is the number that displays in the address bar after clicking on your profile page.Edit: If you don't know what I'm talking about, put your cursor over the little icon at the bottom left of this post(the one with the little guy holding that white/blue piece of paper. You will see a long address line after putting you cursor on it or clicking it. For example, my ID is 31933.
  14. Yes. It also sounds like some of the music from science fiction/animated films during the 80s. Neat.
  15. Hey man, regardless I still like the damn song. Indeed, it was the only song I really liked.
  16. The one song that I found particularly interesting was Aetherius' "Blood on the Asphalt". It captured all the emotion and power of the original. I remember hearing that theme in the first SF II, and it was quite a moving piece. The voice in the song could be a little cleaner(as could the production), but it succeeds in taking the original to a new and appropriate level. Nicely done.
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