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Everything posted by Nec5

  1. That's why I am nowhere close to buying one of them.
  2. I've got something like 6-7 of your songs from here and vgmix2.0. Keep up the good work. Fun song.
  3. No responses, eh? The beginning is simple enough. The bass and main melody is catchy. 1:02'= Problems begin here with this very annoying and weak cymbal clash. Ditch it for something, anything, else. It's either that or get a new sample. 1:42'= This new synth isn't very smooth or captivating. It's a bit jarring to the ears. I'm thinking some light strings along with a somber chorus backing would be the way to go here. Overall: Well, it is a WIP. Assuming you ever get a chance to work on this, try to add some original sections to vary things up. Compositionally, this is repetitive, so you're going to need some breaks in here. Hope this helps and good luck with the hard drive from hell.
  4. I'll wait for the 100GB model. Then I'll wait for it to drop in price for the newer 120GB model.
  5. I don't think it was disgust as much as it was disappointment that the game was not a traditional mario-style endeavor. Add in the fact that it was the debut gamecube game, and it was underwhelming. I enjoyed it because I bought it a year or two later. Fun ghostbusters ripoff. It reminded me of the C64 and Atari versions of Ghostbusters.
  6. When I play it, I get the following message: The input media format is invalid.
  7. I have a question about the show. Did Captain Bakula ever meet Ziggy? Did Al make a guest appearance?
  8. Ultima: Exodus on the NES. After some frustration, you get to fight nothing at the end except some invisible tile monsters. Then you put some cards on the altar and run. Lame "boss" to a rather tedious and time consuming game.
  9. First of all, you don't get to the cool crystal interpretations until late. Then they aren't all that distinguishable. I have some suggestions for each of the crystal parts. It's a bit hard to gauge where each segment begins and ends. :28' = Brilliant acoustic guitar work. For some reason, saying "brilliant" makes me think of those Harry Potter movies. :55-1:36'= A bit blase. It's probably best if you cut this and quickly begin moving into the crystal themes. For the green crystal: Why not try a wind flute and some jungle-esque drums. The one around 1:50' isn't quite there. See djpretzel's "The Koan of Drums" from Tales of Phantasia (listen to around 1:43' for the flute thing). The more tropical the better. For the red crystal: Come on. Bang out a sitar with any other arabic goodness you can think of. If you can find a vocal indian sample, go for it. 2:31'= I like the chorus. Maybe just leaving it in there as a transition between crystals would be best. 2:59'= These drums are a bit weak. For the purple crystal: The sleigh bells are neat. They feel out of place unless you can come up with some more Ice-flavored tunes. Maybe someone else has an idea here? A cold wind in the background could help a bit. Then again, maybe not. Blue Crystal: Asian flavor is needed here. 3:15'= I'm like the hard tones that echo the main melody. Good work. They add some variety and could serve as a smooth transition. 3:41'= That drum rhythm is weak again. Ditch it. Yellow: The only thing I can come up with here is a heavy electronic techno sound. Don't be afraid to go out on an electric slide limb a bit here. Silver: 4:07' is the silver section yes? Excellent work. The only problem is the length. Try to elongate each section and make it distinct. If you want to end it on this silver note, then the other sections will need to be a bit longer. Keep at this one. Loads of potential and your mixing ability is excellent. I hope some of this helps, gives you an idea, or cements your decisions. Good luck.
  10. goolancer did one
  11. Yeah. I never assume this is an early Midi or so. The deep material you have around 1:30' sounds like a rather neat take on the song.1:49'= A bit jarring. De-emphasize the string effect there.
  12. This is rather sparse. The melody is on target, but there just isn't enough material here.
  13. I didn't know what RHCP stood for. For some reason, I was thinking about Chips Ahoy.
  14. I have no idea if this is what you mean, but you can try Skies of Arcadia (Yafutoma's theme and a couple of others).
  15. No more rolling german suplexes.
  16. I'm always more negative than positive on WIPs. I don't know why. 0-1:04'= Nice string work. Smooth beginning. 1:05-1:32'= I like the slightly upbeat temple here. Very cool. 1:32-2:01'= Two issues here. The good news is the chorus is superb. Nice addition. The bad news is that both the flute from 1:32' and the string plucking around 1:48' is distracting and weak. The flute especially doesn't fit in with the rest of the instruments and effects in the piece. It's too faint and there's something wrong with the sample(almost too high pitched). Instead of the string plucking, try a light acoustic guitar maybe? 2:02- end= The piano sounds a bit stale(particularly on the deep note around 2:02'). Don't leave it out there by itself. I recommend you build into it for one final energetic "hurrah" combining the strings, chorus, and piano before fading the song away with a 5-10 second closing sequence.
  17. Yeah.I must admit that it's a fitting title for the album. Neat. Good luck on it.
  18. It's smooth sailing. Nothing much happening except the occasional trade agreement drop and then having to look for another replacement. Those new national wonders are absurdly expensive. Then again, I'm doing the 15% tax plan, so my people get what they pay for.
  19. We all live lives of quiet desperation. Video games allow us to achieve some sense of victory... Or we just like blowing shit up.
  20. Well, it's been a short trial period now, and I'm very much disappointed in the new mods. They have failed to instigate drama and unreasonable or even reasonable hatred. Very disappointing indeed.
  21. I wouldn't classify Mr. "Tighten your belts" as one of the big three anything.
  22. Well, I already posted on vgmix. However, I forgot to mention that I actually liked your song. My WIP comments always slant towards the negative side. The "Hair of My Judgment" and all that.
  23. you spelled "come" wrong. I want a Box toy from Logan's Run for Christmas. Fish, Plankton, Sea Greens, and
  24. I'm sorry to say that "this is a man's world" is no more.
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